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Analog Device

All analog devices are read into the computer using ADC channels located on one of two ADIO Industry Packs. Each ADIO has ADC inputs that may be differential (up to eight) or single-ended (up to sixteen) or a mixture. In the table below, ADIO channel #2.2+ refers to ADIO#2, channel 2+ (single-ended), while 1.3$\pm$ means ADIO#1, channel 3 (differential).

Device Description Eng. Units A/D Units Location ADIO
Liquid Helium Levels
LL91110 Mag. dewar,LN2 0-100% 1-0 V Mag. reservoir 2.1$\pm$
LL91111 Mag. dewar,LHe 0-100% 1-0 V Mag. reservoir 2.3$\pm$
Edwards Pressure Gauges
PI91104 500 L dewar 0-2000 mbar 0-10 V Gas Panel 1.1$+$
PI91125 Separator 0-2000 mbar 0-10 V Gas panel 1.1$-$
PI91135 Warm Return 0-2000 mbar 0-10 V Gas Panel 1.2$+$
PI91112 Magnet dewar 0-2000 mbar 0-10 V Gas panel 1.2$-$
PI91140 Refrigerator 0-1000 mbar 0-10 V Gas panel 1.3$+$
PI91145 Mech. Pump Inlet 0-1000 mbar 0-10 V Pump Cart 1.3$-$
Isolation vacuum
PI91131 Cold Cathode Gauge $2.10^{-9}$-$10^{-2}$ mbar 0-10 V IV port 1.7$-$
PI91132 Pirani vacuum gauge $1.10^{-4}$-1000 mbar 0-10 V IV port 1.5$-$
Hastings Flow Meters
FI91115 Magnet exhaust 0-100 slpm 0-5 V Gas panel 1.6$+$
FI91148 Refrigerator exhaust 0-100 slpm 0-5 V Gas panel 1.6$-$
FI91127 Separator 0-100 slpm 0-5 V Gas panel 1.7$+$
Automax Actuated Valves
EV9177 Warm return valve 0-100% 0.25-6.5 V Valve box 1.5$\pm$
Joule-Thompson Valve LVDTs
EV9180 5 K supply valve 0-100% 0-5 V Valve box 2.3$+$
EV9178 Cold return valve 0-100% 0-5 V Valve box 2.3$-$

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Christopher D. Keith 2001-08-23