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 Information on RSS HMS Monte Carlo 

1. To get Monte Carlo from CVS. Need to define the variables CVS_RSH and CVSROOT . This can be done with the commands: 
setenv CVS_RSH ssh 
setenv  CVSROOT /group/hallc/cvsroot 

You should add these definitions to your login script.
Then the command: cvs checkout pol_hms_single
This should create the directory pol_hms_single . Paul McKee updated the code so that it can use the g77 or Absoft compiler.

2. ChangeLog for pol_hms_single . History of updates.  Web version of CVS directory for pol_hms_single .

3.  Notes on changes to the radiative corrections code and how the code treats ep elastic and inelastic scattering. 

4. Notes on changes to elastic ep and en cross sections in qfs_new12_sub.f

5. Notes on addition of energy loss to the MC.

6. Updated code qfs_new12_sub.f to use factor "scalein" which is set in the input file and scales the A>2 inelastic cross section. Also fixed bug in code. The IF statement


Replacd by

if((a.eq.1.and.z.eq.1).and.(wsq/1d6.le.3.9d0).and.elflag .eq. 0.d0)

This bug meant that previously the code was always using QFS subroutines for the proton inelastic cross section. We wanted to call the new Hall C fit to F2 and R.

7. qfs_new12_sub.f updated to use "implicit none" and renamed qfs_new13_sub.f . Also updated hallc2h.f and hcf2r.f to use "implicit none" .  Update Makefile to use qfs_new13_sub.o and the compile flags

-Wimplicit -Wall -Wsurprising 

8.  Updated mc_hms_single. Added the following lines for take into account extra material for beam and scattered electron to radiate in.

c add rad len of beam exit, 5cm of air, OVC and LN2 shield to the before rad length
if ( th_b .eq. -90) then
tb = tb + (.015+.015)*2.54*1.85/64.19 + 5*.0013/36.66 + .0015*2.54*2.7/24.011
tb = tb + .015*2.54*1.85/64.19 + 5*.0013/36.66 + (.008+.0015)*2.54*2.7/24.011
ta = ta/cos_ev !'before' is along beam axis, 'after' at angle to it
mscat_len = ta
c add rad len of LN2 sheild, OVC, 10cm of air, HMS kevlar and mylar
if ( th_b .eq. -90) then
ta = ta + (.0015+.016)*2.54*2.7/24.011 + 10.*.0013/36.66 + .038*.74/55.2 + .0127*1.39/39.95
ta = ta + (.0015+.008)*2.54*2.7/24.011 + 10.*.0013/36.66 + .038*.74/55.2 + .0127*1.39/39.95

9.  Add code christy_rss.f which is a recent ( Nov 2004) parametrization by Eric Christy for proton inelastic F2 and R. Needs the file christy.dat which has the paramaters of the fit.  Modified Makefile to compile christy_rss.f . Modified qfs_new13_sub.f so one can select either previous Hall C fit of "liang" or more recent fit.

10. Added the option of using Eric's newer fits which use the files flparm.dat and f1parm.dat and the subroutines resmod.f and ressf.f . First installed version 050529. Then installed new flparm.dat and f1parm.dat and new resmod.f for version 050530.

11. Added code qfs_deut.f . This code calculates the dueteron quasi-free cross section from the y-scaling fit. Modified qfs_new13_sub.f so that it calls qfs_deut when the target A=2 Z=1 and determines sigqfza . Still use inelastic from the Hall C fit.