G0 Target Wiring Notes
Fall, 2005

Flyswatter knob: IN=CCW. OUT=CW.

At the Target (Service Module):

  1. 10 pin feedthrough at H2 I/O
  2. JT valve
  3. Missing feedthroughs near old FS knob location
  4. <>Four actuators: Each has a 4 pin Amp 206429-1, 1/2" diameter connector,
  5. <>with an ancillary 3-pin connector 1/2" long shaped like a stretched "D"

  6. Beam left side of Service Module: 10 pin milspec, 1" diameter connectors:
1: HPH
2: TS1, TS2, TCH
3: PM
4: TS5, TS6
5: TS3, TS4, LPH
6: TS7, TS8

At the G0 Racks in the hall:

  1. FDT1:  HPH
  2. FDT2:  TS1,2, Tach
  3. FDT3:  (double cable) Pump
  4. FDT4:  TS5,6
  5. FDT5:  TS3,4, LPH
  6. FDT6: TS7,8
  7. Four 4 pin motion actuator cables
  8. One grey multiconductor cable with a box at the SM end breaking out into four separate, color coded 3 pin D-connectors which carry the encoder readout signals
  9. FS cables
  10. JT cables
Motion Actuators

Nov. 15, 2005: Exercised the actuators.

Upstream X is the actuator which is physically upstream on the service module, sticking out to beam right. It actuates horizontally. Color code blue.
Upstream Y is the actuator physically upstream on the service module, at the top of the service module. Color code red I think.
Downstream Y is underneath the SM. Color code yellow I think.
Downstream X is to beam left. Color code blank.

Upstream X: pos=beam  left, encoder numbers decrease
                    neg=beam right, encoder numbers increase
Upstream Y: pos=beam    up, encoder numbers increase
                    neg=beam down, encoder numbers decrease
Downstream X: pos=beam  left, encoder numbers decrease
                    neg=beam right, encoder numbers increase
Downstream Y: pos=beam    up, encoder numbers increase
                    neg=beam down, encoder numbers decrease

Survey on the floor of Hall C prior to installation of the SMS (Nov 18, 2005):

out_of_beam 4033 2651 4548 1065
hydrogen 4033 7055 4563 2495
carbon 2527 3522 6729 2252
hole 3958 3524 4672 2252
aluminum 3597 4045 5188 1443
radiator with 2.4 mm dummy clarance
5124 3414 3001 2408
radiator with  5.1 mm dummy clearance

To get rid of the slop in the actuators always finish with moving XUP and YUP towards more positive encoder values and XDOWN and YDOWN towards more negative encoder values.

To achieve parallel movement:
1 mm beam right:
Delta_XUP = -126
Delta_XDOWN = +188
1 mm beam up:
Delta_YUP = -131
Delta_YDOWN = +195

Flyswatter & Extra thermometer feedthru, 10 pin, beam right port