The GARFIELD program is used to understand the effects of different electrode structures and different magnetic field environments on the electric field and equipotential lines within the chamber volume.

No magnetic field and no field wires:
Includes only 1-cm apart sense wires at 2000 V potential and grounded cathode planes at y= -0.5,0.5 cm. No magnetic field.

No magnetic field, but field wires present
Includes grounded field wires placed 0.5 cm apart from the sense wires. No magnetic field.

2.24 T magnetic field, no field wires
Includes 2.24 T magnetic field in y-direction.

2.24 T magnetic field and field wires present
Includes grounded field wires and 2.24 T magnetic field in y-direction.

Last modified: January 7, 2005
Daniel S. Carman