Hall-D Software Task List

This page contains a list of Hall-D software tasks. Items with no names next to them are orphans so please volunteer! Some projects could use more than one person so if there is already a name, then contact that person to see if there is room to contribute on something that interests you.

It's been 636 weeks (384873241 seconds) since this page has been updated.

Geez! That's probably a good indication that this task list thing just ain't working. Take everything here with a grain of salt!

Project Description Contact E-mail Priority
HDFast (obsolete) HDFast is the Hall-D parametric simulation program based on MCFast. Paul Eugenio eugenio@fsu.edu 3
HDParSim HDParSim is a parametric simulation that can use either GEANT results or parametric resolution calculations to do quick Monte Carlo studies. A basic framework has been written, but the program still needs a bit of work (1-2 man months) to make it generally useful. 2
HDGeant HDGeant is a GEANT3 based ab initio simulation. Richard Jones richard.t.jones@uconn.edu 1
GEANT4 Geant4 based simulation 3
HDDM Hall-D Data Model. This provides I/O routines for saving and reading data from files. It is used by HDGeant to write data to file and by the Hall-D implementation of the JANA framework to read data in from the file. Richard Jones richard.t.jones@uconn.edu 2
HDDS Hall-D Geometry definition. This package is the definitive source for the GlueX geometry specification as used by HDGeant and HDFast. Geomteries are defined in XML files which the hdds tools then convert into compilable source code. Richard Jones richard.t.jones@uconn.edu 2
Geometry access in DANA This is the C++ class that will be integrated into the JANA framework so that factories may access the geometry information from C++ using a single source (i.e. connection to database, flat file directory, etc...) David Lawrence
Beni Zihlmann
Richard Jones
Web Portal Web portal including many web-based resources such as the document database and discussion forums. Zisis Papandreou zisis@uregina.ca 1
Wiki Master Maintain the Wiki. This includes maintaining a level of organization that may require frequently cleaning up or reorganizing the posts of others. Mark Ito
David Lawrence
Richard Jones
E-logbook Web-based, database driven electronic logbook for use with GlueX for various beam tests as well as production data. Elliott Wolin wolin@jlab.org 3
Make System Set of generic GNU Makefiles which can be used to build Hall-D libraries and executables. Stored in src/BMS. David Lawrence
Mark Ito
Package/Release management Produce and maintain software packages needed to run GlueX reconstruction/analysis software. This will include not only GlueX specific software, but any 3rd party packages one may need to have installed. Pawel Ambrozewicz pawel@jlab.org 3
Analysis Framework C++ analysis framework. This forms the basis on which GlueX reconstruction occurs. It provides a means to read in events from serveral different sources, dispatch communication between different reconstruction packages, and output to a single source. David Lawrence davidl@jlab.org 2
JLog and JException classes This will be the mechanism by which JANA factories communicate messages (informational, warning, and error). This will be used instead of cout and cerr directly so more sophisticated logging can be done later (e.g. filtering, notifying alarm servers, etc.). The JException class will be what is thrown when an error condition is detected. It will record as much info as possible about the point in the code where the error occurred. 2
JANA->Root Program to generate ROOT Histograms/Trees from Hall-D's implementation ofJANA. This will be a port of the Hall-A analyzer package so we could use their Output Definition file format. 2
Event Viewer Graphical Event Viewer 1
Global Tracking Global tracking. This will take clusters and segments from the various detector systems and use them to find and then fit tracks. It will require swimming through a detailed magnetic field map. David Lawrence
Simon Taylor
Mark Ito
Magnetic Field Map A C++ class to represent the magnetic field map of the solenoid. This will supply methods to calculate the interpolated (at various resolutions) magnetic field vector at a given point in space. A class will also be needed to help step a charged particle through the field. David Lawrence
Simon Taylor
EVIO I/O module I/O module for JANA to read and write EVIO(CODA) format. David Lawrence
Elliott Wolin
Test suite development Decide on a set of channels to simulate and produce a standard set of simulated data files. A set of histograms must be defined which can be used to test new reconstruction code. 2
Subsystem test suite development Develop sub-system specific test suites. 2
Generate standard histograms This is different from the Test Suite task. 1
Nightly builds Nightly checkout and building of GlueX software. This includes daily monitoring of the results and either fixing the code or notifying the correct individuals when something is broken. Mark Ito
David Lawrence
PWA/GRID Tools Tools for doing partial-wave analyses over a widely distributed network. Matt Shepherd
Curtis Meyer
Richard Jones
Calibration/Parameters Database Design a set of database tables and an API so all systems can store and access them in the same way. Dmitry Romanov romanov@jlab.org 2
Alignment/Geometry Corrections Develop a system for cataloging variations from ideal detector geometry. 3
Monte Carlo Simulations Database Manager Setup and maintain a database of physics simulations done for GlueX. This will be crucial for handling the large volume of simulations that will be needed for the PWA of GlueX data. One should look at Richard Jones' OpenShop framework. 3
BCAL Reconstruction Barrel Calorimeter Zisis Papandreou
Matt Shepherd
BCAL Simulation Barrel Calorimeter specific simulation studies Andrei Semenov
Blake Leverington
CDC Reconstruction Central Drift Chambers David Lawrence
Simon Taylor
Cherenkov Reconstruction Cherenkov Detector 2
FCAL Reconstruction Forward lead-glass calorimeter Mihajlo Kornicer
Matt Shepherd
Richard Jones
FDC Reconstruction Forward Drift Chambers Simon Taylor
David Lawrence
Tagger Simulation Photon Tagger Richard Jones
Alexander Somov
TOF Reconstruction Time of Flight Paul Eugenio eugenio@fsu.edu 2
Trigger Simulation Trigger system Alexander Somov somov@jlab.org 2
Start Counter Simulation Start Counter Werner Boeglin
Alexander Somov
Background Simulation in GlueX detector Do simuations to determine background rates (hadronic and electromagnetic throughout the GlueX detector as a function of position. Matt Shepherd
Richard Jones
Kinematic Fitting Matt Shepherd mashephe@indiana.edu 3
Particle identification Develop PID routines 2
genr8 hadronic event generator Paul Eugenio eugenio@fsu.edu 1

12 out of 41 tasks (or 29%) are orphans.

David Lawrence
Last Updated February 4 2012 11:09:48 PM