
DATE: October 20, 1997

TO: Distribution

FROM: Gordon Smith

Subject: Performance Assessment SEPTEMBER 1997; FEL UPGRADE

The project has a budget of $3.7M and a scheduled completion of September 1998. Four accounts with tasks or pegpoints have been set up to monitor and track the progress, both the performance and costs. The reporting is set up in the same format and procedures utilized for the IR FEL Demo project. The four accounts are Scaleable Optical Cavity $900k; Cryomodule for Upgrade $1100k; Commissioning Preparation $900k, and IR FEL Commissioning $800k. Each account will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

The project budget at completion is $3.7M, which has been spread over the project duration through task delineation and scheduling in the four accounts. The first month showing any scheduled work is September 1997, which has $480k of work scheduled to be performed. Performance reported for the project is $1,625k. The costs reported were $1,795k, producing a negative cost variance of $170k. Obligations for the month are $332k. The cost variance will be addressed in the individual accounts

221- Scaleable Optical Cavity

The conceptual design for the cavity was completed. The WBS has no schedule variance and a negative cost variance of $54k.

321 - Cryomodule for Upgrade

All the scheduled pegpoints to date have been accomplished, resulting in the task being on schedule and under cost by $109k. The key accomplishment this month was identification of cryomodule cavities.

421 - Commissioning Preparations

The account accrued $320k of performance this month with actual cost being $1,000k. This puts the account on schedule and overcost by $225k. $108k of the over cost is a FY 98 commissioning support contract (431) that was obligated early on the wrong cost code. Key accomplishments this month include completion of the procedures for testing dipole magnets; final design and testing of components for the Analog Monitoring System, and check-out of the additional RF power capability afforded by the 225 kW cathode power supply. This account is now closed.

431 - IR FEL Commissioning

No work is scheduled on this account until October. The account has accrued no costs.
150 150 204 0 -54 0.19 204.2
700 700 591 0 109 33.8 624.8
Commission Prep
775 775 1000 0 -225 298 1298
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 1625 1625 1795 0 -170 332 2127