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    Linac Optics for Energy Recovery Linac

    Several possible scenarios of Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) beam optics design are investigated to support the low emittance high current CW electron beam needed to drive a new ERL based X-ray Source. It is shown by numerical simulations that sufficiently high multipass beam break-up (BBU) threshold current can be achieved in a straightforward one-pass one-linac ERL scenario. A simple guideline for choosing optimal linac and recirculating transport line optics is suggested to realize best possible BBU thr eshold current.

    This work supported by U.S. DOE under contract DE-AC05-84ER40150.

    Authors: Ivan Bazarov (LNS/CHESS, Cornell University), Geoffrey Krafft and Lia Merminga (Jefferson Lab)

    Abstract submitted to PAC 2001, Chicago, IL, June 18-24, 2001

    Updated March 28, 2001

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