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    Development of Cryogenically Microwave Lossy Ceramics with Adjustable Properties

    At cryogenic temperatures (below 20 K), most of the existing lossy materials become non-lossy, requiring the development of a new materials effective in these conditions. Results of an effort to develop a cryogenically lossy materials based on the AlN matrix are presented in the paper. Hot pressing with a wide range of possible lossy second phases was tried, followed by complex permitivitty measurements. A promising second phase was selected, produced and evaluated under cryogenic conditions at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). The developed material system allows the dielectric permitivitty to be varied depending on the application requirements.

    This work was supported by US DOE Energy Grant #DE-FG03-99ER82759 and DOE contract DE-AC05-84ER40150. This work to be presented at CIMTEC 2002 (10th International Ceramics Congress and 3rd Forum on New Materials), Florence, Italy, July 14-18, 2002.

    Author(s): Biljana Mikijeli, Isidoro Campisi

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