Accelerator & Experimental Schedule

June 1995 to January 1996 (as published 6/1/95; actual run schedule may have been modified)

Activity Name Start Date Finish Date
Machine Studies - finalize set up of 4 GeV CW beam 5/30/95 7/14/95
Deliver 4 GeV, <25 microamp CW to Hall C development run E-89-008 (x>1) 6/15/95 6/30/95
Independence Day Holiday 7/1/95 7/4/95
Summer Shutdown - install Hall C cryotarget, not Lambertson 7/5/95 8/6/95
Set up 25 microamp CW beam in Injector, test polarized gun - access in South 7/31/95 8/6/95
Set up 4 GeV, 25 microamp CW to BSY 8/7/95 9/1/95
Labor Day Holiday 9/2/95 9/4/95
Mini-shutdown - install new gun control 9/5/95 9/6/95
Test gun, restore 4 GeV, <25 microamp CW to Hall C and test cryotarget 9/7/95 9/21/95
E-89-012 (R. Holt) 9/22/95 10/15/95
E-91-013 Part 1 (D. Geesaman)
Production Beam to Hall C
10/16/95 11/5/95
Install Lambertson and Hall A line polarized gun tests in the North 11/6/95 11/22/95
Thanksgiving Holiday 11/23/95 11/26/95
Restore 4 GeV Beam Test RF separator 11/27/95 11/28/95
E-91-013 Part 2 (D. Geesaman)
First beam to Hall A in last days
11/29/95 12/21/95
Christmas/New Year Holiday 12/22/95 1/1/96
Machine Downtime 1/2/96 2/1/96

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