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Administrative Manual - 208 Employee Performance and Conduct

208.13 Communications Systems


    JLab communications systems consist of the hardware, circuits, lines, software and equipment necessary to support voice, data, video and facsimile communications both on- and off-site. Equipment includes telephone sets and accessories, pagers, two-way radios, cellular telephones, fax machines, and video conferencing systems.

    1. The JLab communications systems shall be used for official business purposes only. Brief notification calls within the local commuting area, to inform family members or others of changes in work schedules or emergencies, are considered business calls.
    2. All staff members with an assigned JLab telephone are required to have and use authorization codes (PINs) to dial any calls beyond the local calling area. This ensures that all long-distance calls are correctly attributed to the actual caller, regardless of which JLab phone is used. PINs shall be treated the same as computer passwords and not shared with others.
    3. All employees are strongly encouraged to use personal calling cards for conducting non-business long distance (toll) calls.
    4. Employees are expected to reimburse JSA/JLab for the cost of any non-business toll calls recorded in the Laboratory's call accounting system. JSA subscribes to the principle that employees can and should be trusted to self-regulate their conduct.
    5. All staff members with JLab cell phones shall pay for any charges that appear on their monthly cell phone bill for personal calls exceeding their plan’s minute limit. They are also responsible for any roaming charges associated with personal calls.
    6. The Laboratory shall replace a lost or damaged pager or cell phone once per employee per year, unless the loss or damage is due to employee negligence. If the loss or damage is due to employee negligence, or exceeds the one per year replacement, the employee is responsible for the replacement cost. Employees are required to submit a lost property report to Property Management for any occurrence of a lost pager or cell phone prior to a replacement being issued.
    7. The purchase and operation of all radio frequency equipment shall be coordinated with and approved by the Telecommunications section. Users of radio frequency communications shall comply with all applicable federal laws, including those prohibiting inappropriate language.
    8. The telecommunications system usage is subject to periodic audit.
    1. The Telecommunications section of the Computer Center manages and operates the JLab communications system.
    2. Employees are responsible for using the communications systems properly, including assigned cell phones and pagers; reviewing their monthly long-distance telephone charges; reimbursing the Laboratory for the cost of non-business-related calls; and ensuring that personal calling activity is limited and does not interfere with overall performance.
    3. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring JLab cell phones and pagers are appropriately assigned, for selecting and monitoring cell phone minute plans and utilization, and sending monthly call accounting reports to their employees for review.
    1. Information on using the JLab telephone system is contained in the JLab Telephone Directory or on the web at
    2. To ensure compatibility with existing equipment and that valid justification exists, all requests for telecommunications services and equipment shall be directed to Telecommunications, using a Telecommunications Service or Equipment Request form available on the web at
    3. Call Accounting
      1. The Telecommunications section of the Computer Center maintains a computerized call tracking system for all Laboratory extensions. Reports related to usage and cost are distributed to management for information, review and distribution. Customized reports can be requested from the Telecommunications staff.
      2. Detailed cellular phone bills are distributed to the end user through management on a monthly basis. Jefferson Lab cellular phones are intended for business-related phone calls; personal use should be minimal.
      3. Jefferson Lab calling card charges are routinely monitored by the Telecommunications staff to detect unauthorized or fraudulent use resulting from compromised or stolen card numbers and security codes. Monthly billing statements are forwarded to the card holder and management for review and verification of charges when such activity is suspected. Jefferson Lab calling cards are provided for business-related phone calls and are not authorized for personal use.
      4. Division approval is required for the release of call accounting reports to anyone outside the supervisory chain responsible for the respective extension(s).
    4. Managers and supervisors are expected to review this policy and procedure with their employees.
    5. Reimbursement of non-business toll calls can be made by cash or check payable to JSA/JLab. Payment shall be made with accompanying documentation to the CEBAF Center Receptionist in Building 12 within thirty days of receiving the extension report charges or detailed cellular bill.
    6. Cellular Telephones
      1. Cellular telephones may be provided with approval of the respective Associate Director to individuals critical to decision-making in the following areas:
        1. Laboratory emergency management
        2. Accelerator operations
        3. Security
        4. Environment, safety and health
        5. Maintenance.
      2. Cellular telephones shall be used primarily to receive calls related to one or more of the above critical areas. Calls generally shall be originated from cellular telephones only when conventional telephone service is not reasonably available and when responding to an urgent beeper page or a situation requiring immediate action.
    7. Privacy
      1. Telephone and radio frequency conversations shall not be listened to or recorded without the specific consent of all participants. When using a speakerphone or initiating a conference call, the initiator shall inform the parties and identify all participants before engaging in conversation.
      2. Radio frequency communications are subject to unauthorized outside eavesdropping, and users are strongly advised to keep in mind that their conversations may not be private.

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