Interaction between Residual Vacuum Gases and Cathodoluminescent Phosphors

Paul H. Holloway, Billie Abrams, Joe Thomes, Caroline Kondoleon, and Lizandra Williams
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-6400


Electron beam stimulated surface chemical reactions (ESSCRs) have been shown to lead to degradation of cathodoluminescent (CL) phosphors. We have studied in detail the effects of various gaseous partial pressures on the processes leading to degradation. We have demonstrated that either high partial pressures of H2 or H2O will cause degradation of ZnS P22 phosphors, but the ESSCR is very different. Degradation is much more severe and occurs at lower coulombic loadings when partial pressures of » 10-8 Torr of H2O are present. This partial pressure was controlled over a wide range by back filling the vacuum chamber from a stainless steel vessel containing H2O isolated from the vacuum by a leak valve. Hydrogen partial pressures of » 10-8 Torr were sufficient to result in degradation by an ESSCR in which H2S was speculated to be formed. The effects of CO, CO2 and CxHy will be discussed. The implications of ESSCRs for FEDs will be discussed.