Jefferson Lab
Conferences and Workshops
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    About the Workshop

    Date and Place

      Date: Thursday, March 30 - Saturday, April 1, 2000
      Place: Tuttleman Learning Center, Room 101,
                Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

    Physics Topics

      i) Spin independent structure functions
      ii) Spin dependent structure functions
      iii) Parity violating experiments
      iv) Higher twist effects
      v) Semi-inclusive reactions
      vi) Instrumentation


    There will be five half-day sessions devoted to the above physics topics. The sessions will consist of invited presentations, together with selected contribution talks. Ample time for discussion is planned. A technical/summary session will follow at the end of the workshop.

    Contributed Papers

    Short contributions on the above mentioned topics are welcome.


    The workshop proceedings will include all invited talks and selected contributed papers.


    To register for this workshop, you can fill out the registration form on the HiX2000 web page (preferred method), or e-mail your name and affiliation to

    Web Page

    Information, circulars and updates will be posted on the workshop homepage

    Conference Fee

    A conference fee of USD 100 will have to be paid at registration at Temple University. The registration covers the lunches, coffee breaks, and a Concert by the Philadelphia Harmonic Orchestra. Checks are accepted but no foreign currency can be accepted.

    International Advisory Committee

    S. Brodsky (SLAC)
    L. Cardman (JLab)
    F. Close (CERN and Rutherford)
    K. de Jager (JLab)
    N. Isgur (JLab)
    R. Jaffe (MIT)
    A. Mueller (Columbia)
    A. Thomas (Adelaide)

    Organizing committee

    Z. E. Meziani (co-chair, Temple)
    J. P. Chen (co-chair, JLab)
    K. Kumar (U. Mass)
    W. Melnitchouk (Adelaide and JLab)
    G. Petratos (Kent State)
    P. Souder (Syracuse)

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