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2000-2002 Physics Seminars

Speaker Title Date
Alexandre Deur
University of Virginia
Experimental Studies and Perspectives on Nucleon Spin Structure December 3, 2002
Evgeni Epelbaum
Institut de Physique Nuclaire, France and Institut fur Theoretische Physik II, Germany
Testing the Chiral Forces in Few-Nucleon Systems November 19, 2002
Matthias Burkardt
New Mexico State University
Hadron Tomography November 15, 2002
Feng Yuan
U. Maryland
Quark Orbital Angular Momentum of Nucleon and Single Spin Asymmetry November 8, 2002
Haiyan Gao
Duke University and MIT
Charged Pion Photoproduction from Hydrogen and Deuterium October 25, 2002
Nikolai Pivnyuk
ITEP, Moscow
Deuteron Formation in Electron Scattering Off He3 at High Momentum Transfer April 1, 2002
Alla M. Badalian
ITEP, Moscow
QCD Strong Coupling and Vacuum Correlators from Meson Spectra March 29, 2002
Mark Pitt
Virginia Tech
The G0 Experiment- From the Accelerator Perspective May 31, 2001
Martin Olsson
Univ. of Wisconsin
The QCD String - On the Back Of An Envelope May 25, 2001
Shuhua Zhou
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing
Λ-N Spin-Spin Interaction and Glue-like Effect of Λ in Λ7Li and Research Activities in Nuclear Physics at CIAE May 4, 2001
Prof. Dr. Ulf-G. Meissner
Juelich, Germany
Nuclear Physics from Chiral Effective Field Theory April 27, 2001
Dmitri Diakonov Parton Distributions in the Chiral Quark - Soliton Model April 13, 2001
Mark Strickman Probing microscopic nuclear structure in high Q2 electron scattering - challenges and recent Jlab results February 9, 2001
University of Maryland
Parity Violation in Polarized-Gamma Proton Compton Scattering September 29, 2000
Ron Gilman
Jefferson Lab
Evidence for quark effects in polarization measurements of high-energy deuteron photodisintegration September 15, 2000
Dr. Igor Rachek
Novosibirsk, Russia
New Measurement of T20 Polarization Observable in Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering at VEPP-3 September 1, 2000
Reiner Seitz The HERA-B Experiment: Status and First Results August 18, 2000
Jialun Ping The dibaryon d* and it's production and decay August 11, 2000
Steve Mintz Weak Electroproduction of sigma0 In Electron Scattering From Protons and A Comparison with the lambda Case August 4, 2000
Steve Benson Physics of FEL July 28, 2000
Helene Fonvielle A status report of JLab experiment E93050 on Virtual Compton Scattering July 27, 2000
Geoff Krafft Energy Recovered Linacs as a Light Source Driver July 21, 2000
Rui Li The Impact of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Short Electron Bunch Dynamics in Bends - Part II July 14, 2000
Valeri Lebedev Highlights of Recent Meetings on Neutrino Factory - Part II July 7, 2000
Valeri Lebedev Highlights of Recent Meetings on Neutrino Factory June 30, 2000
Dr. Christos Velissaris
New Mexico State University
Muon Tracking Chambers June 27, 2000
Rui Li The Impact of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on Short Electron Bunch Dynamics in Bends June 23, 2000
Jean-Claude Denard Highlights of Beam Instrumentation Workshop in Boston June 9, 2000
Valeri Lebedev CEBAF Accelerator - Status and Near Future June 2, 2000