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EMS Update

The new EMS Subcommittee was formed this spring, replacing the EMS Implementation Team that really worked hard in 2004 and 2005 to help the Lab get its EMS established before the December 31, 2005 DOE deadline. The EMS Subcommittee reports to the Director’s Safety Council the same as other Lab subcommittees such as Worker Safety and Emergency Management.

The EMS Subcommittee, headed by Carter Ficklen of the EH&S Division, has a primary initial goal of completing the improvement initiatives identified during the Lab’s December 2005 continual improvement review. The activities completed thus far have included improving existing EMS programs to better integrate them with existing Lab procedures. The Subcommittee is also accomplishing updating some impacted Lab programs so that they refer back to the EMS management programs.

As well, improvements to relay relevant portions of the EMS program (which is now interwoven with the Lab’s Integrated Safety Management (ISM) System Program Description) to others in the Lab community, including users and subcontractors, is underway.