Jefferson Lab
Contractual Requirements
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    DOE Contract DE-AC05-84ER40150
    Modification 175


    SURA shall continue to use its established quality assurance (QA) program which promotes economy, efficiency, and effectiveness throughout all operations by undertaking a vigorous program of self-assessment, quality assurance, and continuous improvement. SURA's QA program is and will continue to be designed to minimize risks and environmental impacts and to maximize safety, reliability, and performance through the application of effective management systems commensurate with the risks posed by the laboratory and its work. SURA's QA program and associated procedures shall include the appropriate levels of direction and control (including functional responsibility) for design, procurement, work processes, personnel qualification and training, inspections and tests, documentation, records, and assessments. Specific provisions shall be included for the detection, control, and reporting of substandard items or practices, including suspect or counterfeit items, and the prevention of their use in safety applications and other critical areas at Jefferson Lab. SURA shall demonstrate to the DOE Site Office that changes to the QA program maintain the elements described in this paragraph.

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    maintained by: Lee Ann Sironen
    last updated June 2000