Owl Shift, Monday, August 26, 2002
       Dan S.
       Dan D./Eric

00:00 Bruno, Dan & David still in hall.

12:25 we figured out relative negative number moves tac beam right, 
 positive-- beam left (units on expert gui are centimeters).
 absolut position of TAC center is x=18.373

12:30 Dan, Dave and Bruno are out from hall, we asked for 100pA beam.

12:50 we have 100 pA beam

01:00 TAC trips, we asked for 80 pA beam

01:10 putting radiator C in.

01:30 looked at relative timeing of triggers(MOR & TAC), MOR is coming
 100ns later need to add delay cables to TAC in order to have MOR 
gate in time TAC ADC signals 

01:40 asked for controled access to add delay cables

02:00 people are back from hall waiting for a beam
 at the same time short test run(only TAC trigger) with no beam

02:45 tagger harp scan gui failed

02:55 run #775 TAC in, beam current 70 pA, no radiator C in, no converter
run ended with about  1 000 000 events

03:20 run #776 TAC in, beam current 80 pA, radiator A in, 5% converter in
MOR prescale 100, TAC prescale 1000 

03:50 run #778 TAC out, beam current 80pA

04:05 run#779 TAC out, beam current 230pA, PS trigger prescale 300,
 MOR trigger prescale 25.

05:20 run#784 100nA, PS trigger prescaled 30000, MOR trigger 
run ended with about 1 000 000 events (need to change TAGE LIFO depth)

05:40 run#787 100nA, TAGE LIFO depth changed from 15 to 8, beam triped
for short time, lost beam for about 20 minutes. just got a call from MCC
there is some kind of phase drift problem in the machine and to correct
that they would need to go tune beam mode and they are not authorized 
to do so(they been told by P.D. not to) So I assume we will not have beam
for at least a couple of hours.