Day Shift, Monday, August 26, 2002

12:00 beam back in hall, cw, 10 nA. Tagger harp scan looks OK, but not great

12:15 Jay Benesch calls. They gave us beam by mistake! The machine
program for today is only half done. BPM work was completed and
apparently the operators thought that was it. There is still tuning
for higher Hall C current that has not even started yet. We are now off.

12:45 After Dan and Mark talked to Bernhard this morning, Bernhard has
agreed to give us more shifts this week. The current plan (subject to
change) is to not stop Tuesday morning, but to continue until
Wednesday morning at 06:00. After that we would be able to run at
night, from approximately 17:00 until the next morning at 06:00, and
do this Wednesday and Thursday nights.