Preliminary HyCal Histogram List - 25 Mar 04

General Detector Diagnostics (Healthy/Working ?)

Cumulative histos (all channels)

*** raw ***HYCAL bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
raw_HYCAL_nrows;//multiplicity -------
raw_HYCAL_occupancy;//channel occupancy -----
raw_HYCAL_radialOcc;//radial occupancy ----
raw_HYCAL_adcSum;//ADC sum --------
raw_HYCAL_adcSpectrum_all;//ADC spectrum (all channels)--
*** rescaled ***HYCALHIT bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
recon_HYCALHIT_nrows;//multiplicity -------
recon_HYCALHIT_occupancy;//channel occupancy -----
recon_HYCALHIT_radialOcc;//radial occupancy ----
recon_HYCALHIT_Esum;//energy sum --------
recon_HYCALHIT_E_all;//energy distribution (all channels) --
*** reconstructed ***HYCALCLUSTER bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_nrows;//multiplicity -------
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_nhits;//member multiplicity ----
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_occupancy;//central channel occupancy -----
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_radialOcc;//radial occupancy ----
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_Esum;//energy sum --------
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_E_all;//energy distribution (all channels) --
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_x_all;//x cluster position (all)--------
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_y_all;//y cluster position (all)--------
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_x_vs_y_all;//x vs y cluster position (all)---
recon_W_HYCALCLUSTER_nrows;//multiplicity -------
recon_W_HYCALCLUSTER_nhitss;//member multiplicity ----
recon_W_HYCALCLUSTER_occupancy;//central channel occupancy --
recon_W_HYCALCLUSTER_Esum;//energy sum --------
recon_W_HYCALCLUSTER_E_all;//energy distribution (all channels) --
recon_G_HYCALCLUSTER_nrows;//multiplicity -------
recon_G_HYCALCLUSTER_nhitss;//member multiplicity ----
recon_G_HYCALCLUSTER_occupancy;//central channel occupancy --
recon_G_HYCALCLUSTER_Esum;//energy sum --------
recon_G_HYCALCLUSTER_E_all;//energy distribution (all channels) --

Channel by Channel histos

*** raw ***HYCAL bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
raw_HYCAL_adcSpectrum;//ADC spectrum [per channel] --
raw_HYCAL_adcPedSpect;//ped. ADC spectrum [per channel] --
*** rescaled ***HYCALHIT bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
recon_HYCALHIT_E;//energy distribution [per channel] --
*** reconstructed ***HYCALCLUSTER bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_E;//energy distribution [per channel] --
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_x;//x cluster position [per channel] --
recon_HYCALCLUSTER_y;//y cluster position [per channel] --

General Event Reconstruction Diagnostic tools

Monte Carlo Cumulative histos (all channels)

*** generated ***MCDEPOSITED bank:
(hist name)(hist description)
gen_MCDEPOSITED_nrows;//multiplicity -------
gen_MCDEPOSITED_occupancy;//channel occupancy -----
gen_MCDEPOSITED_radialOcc;//radial occupancy ----
gen_MCDEPOSITED_Esum;//energy sum --------
gen_MCDEPOSITED_E_all;//energy distribution (all channels)--
gen_MCDEPOSITED_E;//energy distribution [per channel] --

Calibration Status and Diagnostics

Calibration Status

*** CalDB constants ***
(hist name)(hist description)
calstatus_DBrelGain_W_check;//recon. crystal rel_gain [per channel]
calstatus_DBgevPerCount_W_check;//recon. crystal gev_per_count (gloabal)
calstatus_DBpedMean_W_check;//recon. crystal ped_mean [per channel]
calstatus_DBpedSigma_W_check;//recon. crystal ped_sigma [per channel]
calstatus_DBrelGain_G_check;//recon. glass rel_gain [per channel]
calstatus_DBgevPerCount_G_check;//recon. glass gev_per_count (gloabal)
calstatus_DBpedMean_G_check;//recon. glass ped_mean [per channel]
calstatus_DBpedSigma_G_check;//recon. glass ped_sigma [per channel]

Calibration Diagnostics

*** Energy Reconstruction ***
___As compared with Tagger banks___
(hist name)(hist description)
calEdiag_TAGM_E_xHycalCLUSTER;//Tagged-gamma Espectrum [per HyCal TRIGGER_TYPE (TT)]
calEdiag_HYCALCLUSTER_Esum_xTAGM;//Cluster Esum in coinc. with tagged-gamma [per TT]
calEdiag_TAGM_E_HYCALCLUSTER_Esum_diff;//Tagged-gamma E minus hycalcluster Esum [per TT]
calEdiag_TAGM_E_HYCALHIT_Esum_diff;//Tagged-gamma E minus hycalhit Esum [per TT]
___As compared with MC banks___
... at the hit level ...
calEdiag_MCDEP_HYCALHIT_Ediff; //event by event Ediff b/t mcdep and hycalhit [per ch.]
calEdiag_MCDEP_HYCALHIT_EsumDiff;//same as above except for sum and (all channels)
... at the cluster level ...
calEdiag_MCPART_HYCALCLUSTER_Ediff;//time coinc. implicit, also req. x,y & E cut [per ch.]
calEdiag_MCPART_E_xHYCALCLUSTER;//mcpart Espect (x,y & E coinc) [per #1-5 . phys cluster]
calEdiag_HYCALCLUSTER_E_xMCPART;//Clust Espect (x,y & E coinc) [per #1-5 . final mcpart]
*** Position (coordinate) Reconstruction ***
___As compared with epics x,y pos (stepper motor)___
(hist name)(hist description)
calPdiag_EPICS_HYCALCLUSTER_Xdiff;//diff. b/t EPICS x pos. and cluster x [per channel]
calPdiag_EPICS_HYCALCLUSTER_Ydiff;//diff. b/t EPICS y pos. and cluster y [per channel]
___As compared with MC banks___
calPdiag_MCPART_HYCALCLUSTER_Xdiff//time coinc. implct, also require x,y & E cut [per ch.]
calPdiag_MCPART_HYCALCLUSTER_Ydiff;//time coinc. implct, also require x,y & E cut [per ch.]
calPdiag_MCPART_X_xHYCALCLUSTER;//mcpart x (x,y & E correlated) [per #1-5 phys clust]
calPdiag_MCPART_Y_xHYCALCLUSTER;//mcpart y (x,y & E correl.) [per #1-5 phys clust]
calPdiag_HYCALCLUSTER_X_xMCPART;//cluster x (x,y & E correlated) [per #1-5 FSP]
calPdiag_HYCALCLUSTER_Y_xMCPART;//cluster y (x,y & E correl.) [per #1-5 FSP]

Snake Calibration

(hist name)(hist description)
snake_TAGM_HYCALCLUSTER_Ediff;//diff b/t tagm ad hycalcluster E [per channel]

Gain Monitoring and Normalization



Resolutions and Efficiencies

Detection Resolution

*** For Energy: ***
___As compared with MC banks___
... at the hit level ...
... at the cluster level ...
*** For Position: ***
___As compared with MC banks___

Detection Efficiency

___As compared with MC banks___
... at the hit level ...
... at the cluster level ...


Pi-0 production events

*** reconstructed ***
(hist name)(hist description)
physRecon_pi0_InvMass;//recon. Pi0 invariant mass distribution
physRecon_pi0_g1_g2_OpenAngle;//recon. Opening Angle of Pi0 decay gammas
*** generated ***
(hist name)(hist description)
physGen_pi0_InvMass;//gen. Pi0 invariant mass distribution
physGen_pi0_g1_g2_OpenAngle;//gen. Opening Angle of Pi0 decay gammas