1.) Electron beam energy and tagger_brun.cc changes.

2.) Changed corrections factors for 86,87,88,444, and 450 from 1.00 to 1.004 for missing g10 channels

Here is a histo of TAGM time - HyCal trigger time.

Number of photons per event. Not a measure of multiplicity, but can give us a feel for possible multiplicity.

Histogram for timing windows of +-2.5 (5ns) to 12.5 (25 ns). linear scale

Histogram for timing windows of +-2 (4ns) to 20 (40 ns). linear scale

Histogram for timing windows of +-2 (4ns) to 20 (40 ns). log scale

So, aftr all that, I thought I'd look at the differences in energy between hits that are close in time.

The structure in these plots is attributable to the size of the energy width spanned by each E channel bin. -- 5200 Mev/ 767 bin = 6.6 Mev/bin.

Vertical axis is "Counts", horizontal axis is "Energy in MeV"