PrimEx Analyzer

The primex analyzer is the program used to monitor the incoming data online from the data stream. The source code for this program is in the primex/jul_00/src directory of the clasrun account. To work on and use the code, login as clasrun and source primex/jul_00/primex.cshrc.

How to start it

  1. log in as clasrun to clon00
  2. source primex/jul_oo/primex.cshrc
  3. type "rehash" (no quotes)
  4. start the analyzer with: "primex_analyzer -e"

How to look at histograms

How to modify the program

The directory primex/jul_00/src/primex_analyzer contains the code of interest. The routines you probably want are in hist_book.c, and hist_fill.c. To compile a new executable, type "make ONLINE=yes" in the primex_analyzer directory.

Pedestals and gains

The files pedestals, gains, and energy_calib in the ~clasrun/primex/jul_00/config_files directory are used by the analyzer to try and convert each channel from ADC counts to energy.