Release Notes for rel-3-7

The CVS tag for this release is rel-3-7. This version was checked out and released on October 9, 2006.

Changes in this release include:

  1. PRIMEX_OSNAME is now used in the make system, in favor of OSNAME. Change done by Mark.
  2. As suggested by Ilya, Mark removed the early exit from hycal_evnt when a fastbus error is detected.
  3. HyCal reconstruction statistics-keeping was added by Ilya.
  4. The ability to read in the tagging ratios from the calibration database was added by Aram.
  5. The TRIGT bit for (HYCAL total sum && MOR) was changed from 9 to 2 in psim_digitize by Mike W.

Lists of Changes

Files which are different than in the previous release, rel-3-6.
contact: Mark M. Ito
$Id: rel-3-7.html,v 1.1 2006/10/09 17:47:27 marki Exp $