June 03, PrimEx Weekly Meeting

PrimEx Introductory Lecture Series
Compton calibration work group meeting
HYCAL software group meeting
Tasks for the students

PrimEx Introductory Lecture Series (discussed at Compton work group meeting)

Main aim of these lectures is to help students to begin the work for PrimEx and to help us to work with the students.

The contents of the lecture must be tied with tasks for the students;

Proposed first lectures:
  1. General organization of PrimEx software package (Mark)
  2. Organization of PrimEx ROOT ntuple (Mike)
  3. Organization of PrimEx Data Base (Dustin)
  4. Reconstruction of compton event in PrimEx (Liping, Lena)
  5. HYCAL calibration and monitoring (Dustin, Vasiliy)
  6. Reconstruction of showers in HYCAL (Raphael, Vasiliy)
  7. ...

Compton calibration work group meeting
     (Wednesday, June 1. Participated: Kelli, Lena, Liping, Vasiliy)

HYCAL software group meeting
     (Thursday, June2. Participated: Dustin, Lena, Mike, Raphael, Vasiliy)
Tasks for the students
  1. Define trigger type for each run and prepare corresponding data base
  2. Analyse the stability of mean pedestal to analyse the influence of sparcification (using DB data)
  3. Analyse the LMS behaviour (using DB data)
  4. ...
First list of tasks will be ready monday morning