The software technical meeting summary.

Main problems were discussed at the software technical meeting (2005-June-23).

1. First version of newly definited cluster and timing link library are
cross-checking. (Dustin and Vasiliy).
Need to discuss organization of timing links (next thursday, July 7)

2. The analysis of the hardware bank showed the problem:

1. Main problem here is ERROR 7: repeating of the address in data (see example):
What to do: organize short meeting (Dustin, Vasiliy and Eric) to define the
problem in decoding and create flag

3. Exceptions: We need to create exceptions to stop program (if problems in brun):
Mark (?) will create.

4. Calibration using Compton (see Elena slides).

Main problems (conclusions):
What to do next:

5. Investigation of LMS behaviour (see Dustin page)

Investigation of LMS gain correlation with normal gain was done.
6. Planning:

7. Flags from other libraries.
Did not received any response from other groups yet.