Short summary of the Software technical meeting (2005-July-14).

Protocol of the Software technical meeting (2005-July-14).

1. Leakage algorithm outside detector is under development (Vasiliy).

   Recommendations - some investigations to show the accuracy of the method. 

2. Error flags for tagger (Eric)

Eric presented the proposed (introduced already in code) error flags - .
They will be discussed after DAQ errors will be fixed

3. Pile-up or rate-dependence investigation (Kelly)

    There is no evidence of the effect.
    Recommendations: to check possible pile-up effect (or gain dependence) for LMS.

4. Introducing Exceptions (Mark)

Mark will implement exceptions from routine (possible reaction on catched exceptions may be
Real implementation will be presented (discussed) later.

5.  Different discussions:

6. Error flags (representative from each detector)

    hycal is introduced, Eric presented for tagger.
    Another libraries not presenting result:

7.  Other activity (not discussed)

Current activity:

8. New activity: