Status  of calibration:

Event selection.
Comparison of different Calibration sets
Study of the linearity.

Event selection.

Tagger Energy distributions

Snake1 (left) and snake2(right) tagger energy
e_tagger_4282 e_tagger_cut5339

Tagger timing
All tagger timing (left) and zoom tagger timing (right) after selection

Swapped channels and T9 time.
T9 timing problem (left) and swapped channels (right).

Final cuts:

Comparison of different Calibration sets

Comparison Iteration and Matrix Inversion methods

Number of possible different cells: 1728 (all cells) - 12(central cells) -3(holes) = 1713.
1. Comparison of iteration and matrix inversion method for snake2 for all cells (left) and for PWO only (right)

The average difference is less than 0.03%, RMS is less, than 0.2%. Only one cell differs more than 2% and two other cells at about 1%. The agreement is perfect.

Comparison between 2 Matrix Inversion methods

Method 1: Initial coefficients are received from Iteration method
Method 2: Initial coefficients are 1 for all cells (except central - already calibrated).
The difference is presented on the next Figure. There are no any real difference at all.

Comparison with previous (Ilya) calibration

Difference for PWO (left) and glass (right) for snake2 between this and Ilya calibrations:

Small difference for PWO is explained by different calibration region and non-linearity coefficients.
Additional difference for glass is mainly explained by leakage procedure.
The difference for glass without edges is presented below:

Few modules to the right  are row and column close to PWO.
The difference can not explain low pi0 mass for Glass (Dustin presentation). Non-linearity or something else should be added

Comparison of Snake1 and Snake2 constants.

Difference (first-last) for all channels (left) and for glass only(right)

Looks the same as Dustin presented for Ilya calibration.
Left tail is from PWO cells:

The difference for all PWO (left) and for central 10x10 matrix:

Central crystals really changed (affected by irradiation).
And the difference is even larger between calibrations.

The difference is important for 14x14 matrix (left) and is very small outside the region (right)

Really good outside 14x14 region.
0.7% difference may be explained by many factors (change of the temperature for example by 0.3 C).

Main Conclusion: The calibration of central cells during data taking is really important.

Study of the linearity.

Load received coefficients and find the dependence of ratio E_cluster/E_tagger on tagger energy or e_counter_id.

Resolutions for PWO (left) and Glass (right) for ALL cells and events:

Linearity for PWO (top) and glass (bottom) on energy.

The same pictures, but for e_counter_id.

Structures are in the same place and approximately the same amplitude for Glass and PWO (see zoom pictures)

Examples of the fitting procedure for different e_counter_id's for Glass(e_counter_id=10, 310, 510, 710) and PWO (e_counter_id=20, 520, 720).
The result for snake2 calibration is exactly the same:

I propose to call tagger experts and understand this function.
We have finally to understand our tagger reconstruction procedure.