14 Jun 2012

Since the Jlab cyber-attack of 2011, most webpages related to the software I've written, modified, installed, or otherwise maintained have been offline. This page is to help guide one to the actual location of the software.

All software I've written is documented and organized according to my personal system. Basically, system variables of the form KBB_* are used to specify requirements for a build.

{packagename}/ or {packagename}/{version}/
(CURRENT always points to the current version)
           DOC/ - all documentation - start with index.html
           SRC/ - source code
           INC/ - include files
           EXE.{KBB_OSTYPE} - executable files
           OBJ.{KBB_OSTYPE} - object files used for build
           LIB.{KBB_OSTYPE} - library files used for build
           DAT - testing files
Almost every package is built the same way:
make help - show options
make example - show typical KBB_* variables
setenv KBB_... - set the KBB_* variables for particular system
make show - show current values of KBB_* variables
make create_os - create directories
make - build

Note that in many browsers, to open the links to a file you must right-click and copy link location, then paste the address back into the browser.

  • LIPSS -> /u/group/lipssusers/ : home of the dark matter search experiment
  • MAG -> /u/group/casa/www/casa/html/external/MuonAccelerationGroup/ : Jlab's muon acceleration group

  • 6Dcooling -> /u/group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/ : muon cooling, neutrino factories, muon colliders, etc.
  • 6Dcooling/TOOLS -> /u/group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/TOOLS : all software related to muons
    kmimf -> /u/group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/TOOLS/kmimf/CURRENT/     generic optimizater, KBB
    makeuniformbunch -> /u/group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/TOOLS/MISCELLANEOUS/makeuniformbunch/CURRENT/     creates bunches with specific characteristics for simulation programs, KBB
    optim2g4blmodel -> /group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/TOOLS/optim2g4blmodel/CURRENT/     converts OptiM models and output into G4beamline models, KBB
    retrack -> /group/casa/acc_phys/6Dcooling/TOOLS/retrack/CURRENT/DOC/     analyze simulation results, KBB
  • BBU_SOFTWARE -> /u/group/casa/erl/BEARD/BBU_SOFTWARE/ : beam breakup related including matbbu and tdbbu
    tdbbu - (general purpose) estimate beam breakup thresholds by propagating bunches, much modified by KBB
    tdbbu - (for FEL lasing) estimate beam breakup thresholds by propagating bunches, much modified by KBB
    matbbu - estimate beam breakup thresholds by seeking eigenvalues, much modified by KBB
  • CASA_CODE_LIBRARY -> /u/group/casa/www/casaweb/casa/html/internal/code_library/ : many accelerator-related programs
  • CASA_FTP -> /u/group/casa/www/casaweb/casa/html/internal/code_library/FTP/ : place for executable programs

  • DIMAD -> /u/group/casa/FEL/beard/dimad : accelerator simulation program, modified by D.Douglas,KBB

  • PARMELA -> /u/group/casa/erl/BEARD/PARMELA : CEBAF-specific space charge program, modified by many incl. KBB
  • PARMELA_FEL -> /u/group/casa/parmela/beard/Used_by_FEL : FEL-specific space charge program, modified by many incl. KBB
  • PARMELA_LANL -> /group/casa/parmela/beard/LANL : official LANL unmodified version of space charge program
  • PARMELA_TOOLS -> /group/casa/parmela/beard/Tools : many utilities related to space charge (written or modified by KBB)
    remapper - convert between TJNAF and LANL field file formats
    unsaver - unpack Parmela's binary savecor-n files
    resaver - creates a savecor-n file for Parmela
    parmgle - GLE-based plotting of Parmela output
    parmplot - NCAR-based plotting of Parmela output
    parmsens - GLE-type output from Parmela output
  • FEL -> /u/site/www/html/accel/physics/ERL/beard/FEL : FEL-related BBU

  • Kevin B. Beard, 29 Mar 2012 (