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Limit on recovery of lost messages

In case of server crash, all messages from logging clients that are still logging messages will be lost. In future, CMLOG will provide a way to save these messages which then can be merged into the centralized database by a simple utility.

Name/Description Value Where
CMLOG_CLNT_PORT 8909 cmlogConfig.h
CLient Daemons run at this UDP port.
CMLOG_MIN_KEY_PAGE 10 cmlogConfig.h
Minimum number of keys on page.
CMLOG_PAGE_SIZE 4096 cmlogConfig.h
Database page size.
CMLOG_CLNT_PIPE /pipe/cmlog_1 cmlogConfig.h
The pipe device on vxworks .
CMLOG_CLNT_PIPE /tmp/cmlog_ip cmlogConfig.h
The named pipe on Unix machines.
Number of threads to process incoming I/O messages.
CMLOG_NUM_SVC_PROC 2 cmlogConfig.h
Number of processes to process query messages.
CMLOG_DSHMEM_SIZE 80 k cmlogConfig.h
Size of a shared memory holding logging messages.
CMLOG_CSHMEM_SIZE 20 k cmlogConfig.h
Size of a shared memory holding querying messages.
CMLOG_DBASENAME_SIZE 128 cmlogConfig.h
Maximum size of database file names.

Table 1: Most of static parameters for cmlog system.

Note: Linux uses clone system call to implement pthread. If cmlogServer is compiled using pthread on linux, limit CMLOG_NUM_PROC_THREADS to a small number.

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Jie chen