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Sample Motif Browser: cmlog

A sample X window Motif implementation of browser is implemented. This browser supports monitoring/querying with multiple windows. Currently it only supports simple query with specified time interval with logic expressions as selection message. The browser is configured by a configuration file that specifies what tags the browser is interested. The geometry layout of browser can be adjusted to fit widths of tagged values.

The following command line options are supported as of version 2.0:

The cmlog searches a configuration file in the following order: 1) -f or -cfg, 2) .cmlogrc in the user home directory and 3) CMLOG_CONFIG environment variable specifying a file location. If syntax errors are detected during start up of cmlog, the default setting will be used.

The cmlog chooses a default file to save current settings in the following way. If there is a configuration file provided other than the CMLOG_CONFIG file, the configuration file will be used as the default. If there is no configuration file, .cmlogrc in the user home directory will be the default file. Finally if the configuration file is the CMLOG_CONFIG, the .cmlogrc in the user home directory is the default.

In addition the cmlog allows users to save current display into an ASCII file from ``Save Screen'' menu, to cancel a long query, to convert set of integer values of a tag to strings, to display values in different colors and to blink, to bell or to do an action (user script) color coded values (bell and user actions will only be effective in the updating mode).

The following is a sample configuration file for cmlog:

# Configuration file for cmlog
# Name of this config
name MCC Control
# Type          Title          Tag          Width
Col          Facility                  facility               98           
Col          Host                      host                   90           
Col          User                      user                   48           
Col          Time                      cmlogTime              178          
Col          Status                    status                 49           
Col          Severity                  severity               79           
Col          Message                   text                   250          
# Buffer size for updating the message
ubufsize     2000
# Default query message
queryMessage    ``none''    -36:0 now
# Default update selection message
updateMessage    ``none''
# Window Width
windowWidth  977
# Window Height
windowHeight  500
#Code Conversion
codeConversion ``none'' Severity
0          Info         Green
1          Info1        Blue
2          Info2        LightBlue
3          Warning      Yellow       flash:bell:action
4          Fatal        Red          flash
#Code Conversion
codeConversion ``Facility == 'EPICS' '' status
100          Info       Blue
101          Info1      Blue
102          Info2      LightBlue
103          Warning    Yellow	     blink:bell:dosomething
104          Fatal      Red          doother:flash

Note: ``none'' in queryMessage or updateMessage stands for no message.

Note: End time ``now'' in queryMessage stands for current time.

Note: Correct syntax to specify time interval in the queryMessage can be one of the followings: ``H stands for hour, M stands for minutes, m stands for months, d stands for days in a month and Y stands for long year (1999 not 99).

Note: The second field of codeConversion line identifies sources of data. In particular cmlog converts integer fields to string representations the same way regardless data sources if "none" is specified.

Note: The first column within a code conversion denotes integer values that will be converted to string representations that are shown in the second column. The values in third column give background color of those strings. The optional value in the forth column enables blinking of color coded values, ringing a bell or doing a user defined action.

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Jie chen