JLab Hall-D Meeting Nov. 17,2004 Attendees: Elton S., Elliott W., Dave D., Vladimir, Curtis M., Simon T., David L., Ravi A., Paul B. Agenda: - procurements mou (Elliott) - FDC moving and simulation (Simon) - Budget for 12 GeV R&D (Simon and Curtis) - any updates on solenoid assessment (Paul) -------------------------------------------------------------- Elliott: IU for scintillators and Elton: 12GeV upgrade procurement. We discussed ordering some electronics for Hall-D which could be used for R&D in the near term by the FDC and CDC R&D efforts. We discussed whether we should buy F1 or CAEN TDCs. Probably the F1s. With 4-6 modules and 1 VME crate will come to $25k-$30k. Simon: FDC test setup is moving from EEL to Testlab annex. Area in testlab looks like it is about ready (power is installed with transformer). Simon will check with Doug Tilles and will start moving things today if it's ready. HDFast is being used to do MC studies of FDC. Simon has been digging through the MCFast code to try and understand why so counter-intuitive results occur as was reported at a previous meeting.