Attendees: David L., Elliott W. Paul E. Sandy P., Ed B. Richard J., Zisis P. Ryan M., Simon T. Agenda: 1. Porting to OSX -RJ 2. Detector Simulation Packages -SP 3. HDDS proposal -RJ 4. Barrel Calorimeter Simulations and Geometry -EB 5. Start/Vertex counter simulations -EB 1. Richard reported success in compiling and running hdds programs on OSX provided a gcc3. 2. Snake, Transport, Garfield, MagBoltz, (P)Spice, ... 3. Richard suggested implementing a gatekeeper structure for making changes to the detector geometery definitions in the simulation. 4. BCAL has grown into Cherenkov. Gatekeepers should eventually be used. HDFast event display projections from 4-vectors which is not necessarily the track MCFast used 5. Vertex detector resolution does not seem to affect momentum resolution and has relatively little affect on position resolution.