Attendees: David L., Elliott W. Sandy P., Simaon T., Richard J., Ryan M. Curtis M., Franz K. Agenda: 1. Make Systems: handling platform dependancies 2. Documenting code: Root-THML, Doxygen, ... (see 3. Hall-D analysis framework proposal (see URL in 2.) 4. Code Repositories 5. Cherenkov update. ------------------------------------------------------- 1. A discussion of make systems occured. We are now running into places where there are platform dependant features which must be handled in the code somehow. The specific examples are: a) basename being defined in string.h on Linux, but not on OSX and b) xdr_longlong_t not being defined on OSX. The discussion focused some on what policy we should adopt to handle the inevitable platform dependancies so that we don't end up with multiple approaches sprinkled throughout the code. There seems to be at least some experience with automake and imake by Richard and Franz. David descibed a few features in the BMS system he's been writing for Hall-D based on gmake. David agreed to look into automake a little closer. 2. David showed a website generated by doxygen of the code he wrote as the basis of the analysis framework (see 3.). Richard showed a page he'd generated with the ROOT class THTML. Richard reported that he had no problem with using THTML, but David reported running into some problems with it. Elliott suggested there are a lot of "literate programming" tools out there that could be looked into as well. Elliott "volunteered" to look into these and give a report at the next meeting. 3. David briefly discussed an anlysis framework for Hall-D that he's developing. To begin with, the system will only implement HDDM from files, but is designed to easily add additional media and formats for input data. Everyone was encouraged to take a look at what's there and think critically about what is needed in such a system. 4. Elliott reported that a near final draft of the document discussing BitKeeper as an alternative to CVS is complete. He will incorporate forthcoming comments from persons reviewing the current draft and then post it as a Hall-D note.. 5. Ryan reported that work on the Cherenkov is progressing. He has gathered all of the most current information on it and it appears to be in a state of flux. He will continue to work on the design with monte carlo studies. There was strong interest expressed to discuss what's needed for simulation in the short term. Specifically, goals for the detector review. It was clear we would need Ed to coordinate this discussion.