Attendees: David L., Elliott W., Richard J. Ed B., Curtis M. , Franz K., Zisis P., Ryan M. Agenda: 1. HDDM in-memory format All (see jul 2nd post on forum under "compile/link issues") (see also 2. Code repository: BitKeeper/CVS Elliott W. (see ion=1) 3. Code documentation (doxygen?) Elliott W. 4. CDC tracking David L. 6. Vertex counter MC studies David L. 7. Cherenkov Ryan M. 1. The issue of in-memory format for the data was discussed. The context was set by the noted forum posting. Dave and Richard agreed to come up with a "shallower" format which would make access easier. 2. The topic of Bitkeeper was briefly discussed. Elliott addressed a few questions. Since few people have had a chance to review the note Elliott wrote on the topic, it was decided to give everyone one more week before making any decision. 3. A short discussion ended with a unanimous decision to adopt doxygen as the source code documentation system for Java, C, and C++. Dave agreed to come up with a list of requirements for all GlueX software with respect to documentation. 4. Dave presented information found on a web page at: http://www/~davidl/HallD/CDCfirstguess/ 5. What happened to 5? 6. Curtis gave a short update to the ongoing vertex detector MC studies. Details can be found in Curtis's meeting minutes from the July 12th phone conference. 7. Ryan gave an update on the Cherenkov detector MC studies. See his web page at: