Hall-D Software Meeting Minutes July 27, 2004 D. Lawrence Attendees: David L., Richard J., Elliott W. Sandy P., Franz K. Paul E., Ryan M. Agenda: 1.) What should be the "official" format for vector (3 and 4) in-memory storage and manipulation? Should we use vector3_t package? C++? etc.. A discussion of forming a standard for storing 3-vector and 4-vector information in memory was made. There was no clear consensus and no decisions were made on this issue. 2.) Adding complex structures as base types to HDDM. A brief discussion was made as to whether we should extend HDDM to include complex structures in addition to the base data types (+ Particle_t). It was suggested that a concrete proposal be made on the forums before a serious discussion can take place. 3.) CODA evio interface to HDDM Elliott and Dave related some discussions they've been having about CODA format and the evio package for reading/writing the format to disk. Since the raw data is expected to be in CODA format, a evio based input module will have to be written to put the data into HDDM. They are considering making an output module at the same time which could handle the complex structures defined in HDDM. They will report on this work as it progresses. 4.) Improvements to portal This topic was postponed to a later meeting where Zisis could be in on the discussion. 5.) Genr8 Paul was asked to describe some of the details on how genr8 works to decay particles. Paul pointed to a Hall-D note on the topic, but briefly explained some of the details. The discussion included whether or not we should change the particle numbering scheme currently used by genr8 to use PDG numbers rather than Geant numbers. Paul agreed to make the needed changes in HDFast and Richard agreed to do it for HDGeant.