Status Report:Track Fitting HDGeant Data

The sections listed below show some plots that indicate the current status of the track fitting for HDGeant data. For simplicity, only a single pi+ particle was thrown per event.

As shown in item 2.), there were problems with getting agreement between the results from HDGeant using dsolenoid.table and the DMagneticFieldMap class using the same file. As such, all figures (except the one indicated in item 2.) were generated using a completely homogenous magnetic field.

This main exercise of this study was to find the baseline resolutions that could be obtained from fitting "perfect" tracks, corrupted only by ELOSS. This is because ELOSS must be turned on in order to get hits recorded to the output file. The exception are some of the plots in section 5 where indicated.
  1. DMagneticFieldStepper class
  2. Homogeneous vs. Inhomogenous
  3. Vertex-Z reconstruction
  4. Resolution vs. Momentum
  5. Resolution vs. Angle