Charged Particle Acceptance in CDC and FDC

July 3, 2006

Below are plots showing the acceptance of the CDC and FDC both alone and when data is combined. The acceptance is calculated by looking at whether the primary track created at least 8 hits in a detector.

The important features are:

  1. At r=49 there ceases to be an overlap between the CDC and FDC such that a class of tracks begins to rely on information from both detectors in order to be found.
  2. At r=33 a hole in the acceptance appears indicating there is insufficient overlap of between the FDC and CDC to cover the entire kinematic region.

Kinematical regime covered by CDC only
Kinematical regime where 8 hits can be obtained from the CDC alone, but the FDC also has some acceptence.
Kinematical regime where 8 hits can be obtained from either the CDC or the FDC. This is the area where there is the greatest overlap between the CDC and FDC.
Kinematical regime where 8 hits can be obtained from the FDC alone, but the CDC also has some acceptence.
Kinematical regime covered by FDC only
Kinematical regime where hits from both the CDC and the FDC are required in order to get at least 8 hits.
Little or no acceptance

Click on a plot for a larger view

r<=61cm r<=57cm r<=53cm
r<=49cm r<=45cm r<=41cm
r<=37cm r<=33cm r<=29cm

David Lawrence
Last Updated June 28 2006 03:38:06 PM