root [1] master(1,"left") Size of slug array: 10 Slugs to process: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, Tables of Corrections to be used: PbCor.txt DTCorL.txt PIDCorL.txt Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 13919 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 13922 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 13931 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 14083 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 14249 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 14347 Run included in runlist but no good pairs!! run= 14348 ******************************** Before Correction: 288 runs in total in runlist 281 of which are good runs 7 of which may be problematic Please check the following: 13919, 13922, 13931, 14083, 14249, 14347, 14348, Reading in correction table: PbCor.txt Reading in correction table: DTCorL.txt Reading in correction table: PIDCorL.txt Correction tables read successful!! ********************************************** Without correction: Raw Asymmetry: -66.4398 (ppm) Statistical Error: 2.68034 (ppm) 281 runs should be averaged 281 runs are actually averaged 0 runs mya be problematic Please double check the following runs: ****************************************** Correction Path: 0: PbCor.txt Corrected Asymmetry(Path 0): -75.3347 (ppm) Systermatic: 113.388 +/- 2% 281 runs should be averaged 281 runs are actually averaged 0 runs mya be problematic Please double check the following runs: ****************************************** Correction Path: 1: DTCorL.txt Corrected Asymmetry(Path 1): -76.4616 (ppm) Systermatic: 101.496 +/- 0.441276% 281 runs should be averaged 281 runs are actually averaged 0 runs mya be problematic Please double check the following runs: ****************************************** Correction Path: 2: PIDCorL.txt Corrected Asymmetry(Path 2): -76.4983 (ppm) Systermatic: 100.048 +/- 0.00775229% 281 runs should be averaged 281 runs are actually averaged 0 runs mya be problematic Please double check the following runs: root [2]