Source code access via CVS:

The Lattice QCD source code is available under CVS. Access is available to those who have JLab user accounts or via the exported tar-ball. Anonymous account CVS access is not available due to security concerns.


There are several CVS modules one can access. The first column is the actual name to use for <module name> below:


Application codes:

qmp           SciDAC QMP/C message passing interface

qio           SciDAC QIO/C intermediate level input-output package

qdp++         SciDAC QDP/C++ data-parallel programming interface

qdp_tutorial  Simple application and tutorial using QDP++

qdpapps       Sample (but realistic) application using QDP++


chroma        Main production physics code over QDP++ using C++


szin          SZIN code (over C/M4)



Fitting code:

ensbc         Ensemble binary calculator

run_fit       Fitting code (perl drivers over fitmcosh)

fitmcosh      Fortran correlator fitting code



c-dime        Binary file record archiver

nml           Namelist/parameter reading support

recode        Conversion (filter) from SZIN to QDP++

qdaemon       Cluster node/front-end daemon for executing parallel jobs        


For those users with a JLab account, use


export CVS_RSH=ssh


for bash or sh or


setenv CVS_RSH ssh


for csh. Finally,


cvs –d :ext:<username> checkout <module name>


and use your username at JLab. Note, for this particular front-end server you can avoid always being asked for a password using appropriate keys and local setup


Note, you can set the default CVS home with


export CVSROOT=:<…>


and simply use


cvs checkout <module name>

For those users without a JLab account, you can retrieve the code via anonymous CVS access. However, one cannot make changes to the CVS repository.


One can simply under csh-like shells


% setenv CVSROOT
% cvs login

At the prompt, one supplies an empty password. Checkouts proceed as above:


% cvs checkout <module name>

Robert Edwards
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
MS 12H2
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 269-7737
(757) 269-7002 (FAX)

Last modified: April 17, 2003