E99007 ,  GEp(II)

Measurement of the ratio Ge/Gm for the proton
from Q2 = 3.5 GeV2 to 5.6 GeV2
using recoil polarization technique

November 3rd - December 22nd,  2000

    The idea of online analysis is to check the quality of the data as they arrive, and fix problems as soon as possible.

    In Hall A, the data analysis is done by the FORTRAN program ESPACE. The output of ESPACE is a hbook file, containing all histograms and ntuples you asked ESPACE to fill. You can then look at these plots in PAW, or PAW++. A hbook file is created each time you run ESPACE, and you typically run ESPACE once per run.

    A .kumac file, defining all histograms and ntuples that are interesting to look at for online analysis, is the input of ESPACE. These files are already written, and all you have to do is to ask ESPACE to read them. Here is the procedure:

        Go to ESPACE:

        FOR EACH RUN:         TWICE A SHIFT:            Go to PAW++:

If you have any questions or suggestions about online analysis, don't hesitate to let us know ! We are pretty available...