COMGEANT User's Guide

E. Chudakov

Contributions for COMPASS by K.Braune and M.Lamanna
JLab: Forked from the CERN version in 1999
Modifications by E.Chudakov for JLab in 1998-2015
Last update from CERN for this version: 1 Nov 1999
Last update from JLab: 16 Feb 2015

This is a guide to a Monte Carlo simulation program based on GEANT3.


  1. General information
  2. Geometry definition
  3. Kinematics
  4. Tracking
  5. Hits
  6. Digitisation
  7. Trigger
  8. Random numbers
  9. Data output
  10. Setup dependent routines
  11. User's routines
  12. Input/Output files
  13. OMGEANT banks
  14. Interactive version
  15. FFREAD commands
  16. Versions
  17. Compilation and libraries
  18. Debugging tools (printout dumps)
  19. FAQ and Troubleshooting

General information

The OMGEANT program is an interface to GEANT 3.21 simulation package. It has been used for the WA89 experiment. It may also be used for different fixed target experiments. It has been upgraded to be used for the COMPASS (NA58) experiment and since then may be called COMGEANT. Nothing on the setup geometry is predefined in the code. The geometry data should be stored in external data files in the FFREAD format. OMGEANT contains calls to certain kinematic packages like JETSET (PYTHIA and FRITIOF) and also provides a tool to simulate inclusive production of charmed and other particles. The following types of plane detectors are properly treated: MWPC, DC, silicon micro-strips, scintillator hodoscopes. The hit information can be written out. At the moment the digitised information is written out only in a special format used in WA89 (ZBOOK banks). The full hit information (without digitisation data) can be written out as ZEBRA banks. Both batch and interactive versions of OMGEANT-GEANT are provided.

Geometry definition

Everything but the main mother volume may be defined using the FFREAD commands. Several FFREAD files may be read one after another thus defining the general geometry and some particular settings. The later files may redefine values set by the previous ones. In order to reduce unwanted interference between different input FFREAD files there are different sets of FFREAD keys for the same variables. The main mother volume of the 'BOX' shape called 'HALL'. It can be defined in two ways:
  1. It can be defined explicitly in the FFREAD input.
  2. The "areas" are defined in the FFREAD input and the volume is defined in the code. The medium number of the 'HALL' is set to 1. The sizes of the volume 'HALL' are taken from the "..AREA" definitions (see below).
The center of the master reference frame (MRS) is positioned to the center of the 'HALL'. By default the MRS is defined in a way that X goes along the beam and Z goes up. This can be redefined by an FFREAD command "DIRDET".

Starting with the version 3.2 it is possible to pass a name of the setup with the FFREAD card:

The first 4 characters serve for the setup/experiment name and are checked in the present version of the code. The second 4 characters may be used to distinguish runs, configurations etc. At the moment the name 'WA89' is used in the OMGEANT code to check if some WA89 specific routines should be called.


The old CERN experiments (Omega, EMC etc.) used the coordinate system which had the X axis pointed in the beam direction, and Z pointed upwards. This is the default orientation of OMGEANT. Most of the definitions of the geometry are independent on this orientation, except the beam simulation and the detector simulation. One may change the orientation using the FFREAD card:
where n=1 by default, or n=3 if the beam goes along Z. The array IDIRDET(1-3) from /OMCFLA/ defines the orientation used.
  variable     meaning             Ex. for the beam along: X  Z
 IDIRDET(1)  - the beam direction                          1  3   
 IDIRDET(2)  - 1-st projection to be measured              2  1  
 IDIRDET(3)  - 2-nd projection to be measured              3  2  

Rotation matrices

Rotation matrices are defined using the FFREAD commands:
C --    Rotation matrix
RMATR01  90.  90.   0.   0.  90.    0.     I is along Y,II along Z,III along X
RMATR02   0.   0.  90.   0.  90.   90.     I is along Z,II along X,III along Y
RMATR03  90.   0.   0.   0.  90.  270.  Z  I is along X,II along Z,III oppos Y
The number XX (or XXX) in RMATRXX (RMATRXXX, XXX≤200) defines the rotation matrix number.

Alternative option (not to be mixed with the first):

C --    Rotation matrix
*RMATR 1  90.  90.   0.   0.  90.    0.     I is along Y,II along Z,III along X
*RMATR 2   0.   0.  90.   0.  90.   90.     I is along Z,II along X,III along Y
*RMATR 3  90.   0.   0.   0.  90.  270.  Z  I is along X,II along Z,III oppos Y
The first parameter is the matrix number.

Note: Using the *KEY format one can re-write the previously set commands with the same matrix number, or other object identifier as the volume name.

Material definition

Materials are defined using the FFREAD commands:
C -- New materials
C           #       name               A    Z    g/cm3        RLcm   Int.len cm
PARMAT01   20 'Silicon$            '  28.  14.   2.33         9.36   45.5   0
PARMAT02   21 'Glass borosilic.$   '  19.  10.   2.23        12.7    44.    0
PARMAT03   22 'G10           $     '  16.   8.   1.7         19.4    53.0   0
The number XX in PARMATXX is used only to distinguish the FFREAD commands.

Materials can be also defined as mixtures (starting with the version 3.2) with up to 20 materials per mixture:

C -- Mixtures
C           #       name            g/cm3  Nmat   A1  Z1  W1    A2  Z2  W2 ...
PARMXT01   25 'CH4                 ' 1.1   -2     12.  6.  1.    1.  1.  4. 
PARMXT02   26 'Ar CO2 80/20$       ' 0.00182  -3     40. 18.  8.   12.  6.  2.   16.  8.  4.
Different key names can be used to define a material:
GPARMATXX   where 01<=XX<=50   for general geometry files 
PARMATXX    where 01<=XX<=40   for other geometry files 
UPARMATXX   where 01<=XX<=10   reserved for the user
GPARMXTXX   where 01<=XX<=40   for general geometry files 
PARMXTXX    where 01<=XX<=30   for other geometry files 
UPARMXTXX   where 01<=XX<=10   reserved for the user

Alternative option (not to be mixed with the first):

C -- New materials
C           #       name               A    Z    g/cm3        RLcm   Int.len cm
*PARMAT     20 'Silicon$            '  28.  14.   2.33         9.36   45.5   0
*PARMAT     21 'Glass borosilic.$   '  19.  10.   2.23        12.7    44.    0
*PARMAT     22 'G10           $     '  16.   8.   1.7         19.4    53.0   0
C -- Mixtures
C           #       name            g/cm3  Nmat   A1  Z1  W1    A2  Z2  W2 ...
*PARMXT     25 'CH4                 ' 1.1   -2     12.  6.  1.    1.  1.  4. 
*PARMXT     26 'Ar CO2 80/20$       ' 0.00182  -3     40. 18.  8.   12.  6.  2.   16.  8.  4.

Media definition

Media are defined using the FFREAD commands:
C -- Media definition
C           #       name             mat sen F Fmx Fan Dmul  Elo epsi st(mu,lo)
PARMED01    1 'Air, mag  field$    '  15  0  1 30. 1.  0.1   0.2  1.     1.
PARMED02  101 'Air, low mag. field$'  15  0  1  2. 1.  0.1   0.2  1.     1.
PARMED03  201 'Air, mag. field$    '  15  0  1 30. 1.  0.1   0.2  0.2    1.
PARMED04    2 'Silicon, no field$  '  20  1  0  0. 1.  0.002 0.2  0.0002 1.
GPARMED17  31 'Copper  nmf$        '  11  0  0  0. -1. -1.   -1.   0.002  -1. 
The number XX in PARMEDXX is used only to distinguish the FFREAD commands. Different key names can be used to define a medium:
GPARMEDXX or GPARMEDXXX where 01<=XX<=99, 100<=XXX<=100 for general geometry files 
PARMEDXX                where 01<=XX<=80,               for other   geometry files 
UPARMEDXX               where 01<=XX<=20, reserved for the user 

Optical media is defined as follows (see GSCKOV):

C  -- optical medium   CO2 absorption NIM,93 593 
GOPTMED01   850 14    medium number    number of points
C nm        240.       212.       206.       203.       201.       200.       198.       196.       194.       192.
C nm        191.       189.       187.       186.
       0.517E-08  0.586E-08  0.602E-08  0.611E-08  0.617E-08  0.620E-08  0.627E-08  0.632E-08  0.639E-08  0.644E-08
       0.651E-08  0.656E-08  0.664E-08  0.668E-08
       0.100E+05  0.995E+04  0.195E+04  0.949E+03  0.615E+03  0.448E+03  0.280E+03  0.196E+03  0.144E+03  0.109E+03
       0.831E+02  0.621E+02  0.434E+02  0.100E-02
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
       0.0004623  0.0004806  0.0004855  0.0004885  0.0004904  0.0004916  0.0004941  0.0004960  0.0004984  0.0005005
       0.0005031  0.0005055  0.0005088  0.0005106
C  -- optical medium  Mirror CLAS Hall B
GOPTMED02   860 12
C nm        700.       600.       500.       300.       260.       250.       240.       230.       220.       210.
C nm        200.       190.
       0.177E-08  0.207E-08  0.248E-08  0.413E-08  0.477E-08  0.496E-08  0.517E-08  0.539E-08  0.564E-08  0.590E-08
       0.620E-08  0.653E-08
       0.100E+00  0.100E+00  0.100E+00  0.120E+00  0.150E+00  0.190E+00  0.270E+00  0.380E+00  0.500E+00  0.600E+00
       0.800E+00  0.100E+01
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
             0.0        0.0
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
             0.0        0.0
C  -- optical medium  PMT XP4570 UV enhanced
GOPTMED03   870 22
C nm        683.       665.       652.       635.       617.       600.       574.       543.       509.       474.
C nm        435.       409.       378.       339.       313.       283.       257.       239.       222.       213.
C nm        204.       200.
       0.182E-08  0.186E-08  0.190E-08  0.195E-08  0.201E-08  0.207E-08  0.216E-08  0.228E-08  0.244E-08  0.262E-08
       0.285E-08  0.303E-08  0.328E-08  0.366E-08  0.396E-08  0.439E-08  0.483E-08  0.518E-08  0.559E-08  0.582E-08
       0.607E-08  0.620E-08
       0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02
       0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02  0.100E-02
       0.100E-02  0.100E-02
          0.0003     0.0009     0.0021     0.0049     0.0118     0.0213     0.0442     0.0781     0.1175     0.1704
          0.2205     0.2345     0.2326     0.2093     0.1830     0.1501     0.1173     0.0819     0.0551     0.0254
          0.0122     0.0053
           0.466      0.466      0.466      0.467      0.468      0.468      0.469      0.471      0.473      0.475
           0.479      0.482      0.486      0.494      0.501      0.513      0.529      0.544      0.566      0.581
           0.600      0.612
             850  860 1.   860  850 1.  
             850  870 1.   870  850 1.  
The commend GOPTMEDXX defines the optical properties of the given medium. Instead of the number of point one can specify -med0, where med0 is the number of another optically defined medium. The data will be copied from that medium. The command GMEDPOLISH defines the quality of the boundary between the media (see GUPLSH).

Alternative option (not to be mixed with the first):

C -- Media definition
C           #       name             mat sen F Fmx Fan Dmul  Elo epsi st(mu,lo)
*PARMED      1 'Air, mag  field$    '  15  0  1 30. 1.  0.1   0.2  1.     1.
*PARMED    101 'Air, low mag. field$'  15  0  1  2. 1.  0.1   0.2  1.     1.
*PARMED    201 'Air, mag. field$    '  15  0  1 30. 1.  0.1   0.2  0.2    1.
*PARMED      2 'Silicon, no field$  '  20  1  0  0. 1.  0.002 0.2  0.0002 1.
*PARMED     31 'Copper  nmf$        '  11  0  0  0. -1. -1.   -1.   0.002  -1. 
*OPTMED   850 14    medium number    number of points
C nm        240.       212.       206.       203.       201.       200.       198.       196.       194.       192.
C nm        191.       189.       187.       186.
       0.517E-08  0.586E-08  0.602E-08  0.611E-08  0.617E-08  0.620E-08  0.627E-08  0.632E-08  0.639E-08  0.644E-08
       0.651E-08  0.656E-08  0.664E-08  0.668E-08
       0.100E+05  0.995E+04  0.195E+04  0.949E+03  0.615E+03  0.448E+03  0.280E+03  0.196E+03  0.144E+03  0.109E+03
       0.831E+02  0.621E+02  0.434E+02  0.100E-02
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
             0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
       0.0004623  0.0004806  0.0004855  0.0004885  0.0004904  0.0004916  0.0004941  0.0004960  0.0004984  0.0005005
       0.0005031  0.0005055  0.0005088  0.0005106
             850  860 1.   860  850 1.  
             850  870 1.   870  850 1.  


"Areas" (the entities of OMGEANT and not of GEANT) are introduced in order to speed up the tracking. They are used to specify the maximum sizes of the useful area and roughly define regions with magnetic fields. The coordinates of the MRS are used (tied to the volume HALL). Example:
C --                       Areas
C            start       up to ...
C --   Attention: areas should be a bit wider than the mag. fields
C          beam     target,mag1        mag2
C  area#        1      2      3      4      5      
MEDAREA      1    201      1    201      1      1
MAGAREA      0      2      0      5      0      0
XMNAREA    -500.  -200.   200.  1000.  1500.  4000.
YMXAREA     300.   500.   500.   500.   500.   500.
ZMXAREA     200.   300.   300.   300.   300.   400.
The areas are arranged in the Z-increasing order. XNMAREA sets the limits of each area in the X projection. The YMXAREA/ZMXAREA defines the Y/Z limits of each area. These limits are used to set the sizes of the 'HALL' volume. Using the command DEADVOL one may set "dead volumes" beyond each area (between the area and the 'HALL') where tracking of particles stops. The flag MAGAREA sets whether there is magnetic field in the area or not. The value defined gives the number of the magnet used (what field map will be used in this area). One may omit the magnet number setting by using a negative magnet number:
MEDAREA       1      1      1      1
MAGAREA       0     -1      0      0
XMNAREA      50.    50.    50.    50.
YMXAREA      50.    50.   150.   150.
ZMXAREA     -50.   -30.   520.  1400.
The program will find out which magnets can contribute to the magnetic field in the given point in space and will take the sum of the fields.

If the volume 'HALL' is defined in the input stream the areas are ignored (one area is defined and MAGAREA(1) is set to -1).


There are two possiblilities to define magnets.

CERN Magnets

This is the older way of magnet definitions, used for CERN experiments (WA89 and NA58). It must be used together with MAGAREA definitions for the magnet areas. The field maps are difined in the code. These libraries are normally not linked into the executable by the script comglnk, unless a flag comglnk -M cern is provided. The magnets (Omega and NA-58 magnets) can be turned on using an FFREAD flag:
Five CERN magnets are defined in the code: If a particle is inside an area, say #4 which refers to the magnet #5 the field map for the M2 magnet will be called from GUFLD. One should keep in mind that no volume is defined in the code, so one has to define the magnet geometry (the yoke, poles etc) in the FFREAD. One should also set the commands for the particular magnets used. Example:
C        Xcen  Ycen  Zcen   rot    bfield bscale kflag
MAGNET4  350.    0.    0.    0     1.      1.    2    SM1m
C         Xcen  Ycen  Zcen   rot  scale   flag1 flag2
MAGNET5 1550.    0.    0.    0     1.      0    0      FSM
These commands set the position of the center of the field maps in the MRS (rotation does not work at the moment) and allow to scale the field and set special flags in order to control the field map. To get the explanation of the meaning of the different flag setting for a given magnet just click on the magnet list above. These routines are used to initialise the field maps and to return the values of the field; the magnet number is hardwired in the code:
OMAGFLD1(X,B),OMAGFLD2(X,B),... where X(1-3) is the input position vector
                                 and  B(1-3) is the output field vector

"General" Magnets

There is a general way to define the magnets, used for JLab and SLAC projects. There is no need to define the perticular magnet with the MAGAREA commands, only a flag -1 should be used, indicating that there can be magnetic field in the area. The magnets are defined as follows:
C         type  mother  Xcen   Ycen   Zcen   rot Xsiz/2 Ysiz/2 Zsiz/2  field   flag1 flag2  XYZ cen shift
MAGNET01   1    'HALL'    0.     0.  100.0     0   5.08   5.08  22.525  0.680   0     0      0.  0.  0.
MAGNET02   1    'HALL'    0.     0.  208.5     0   5.08   5.08  18.11   1.435   0     0 
MAGNET03   1    'HALL'    0.     0.  274.5     0   5.08   5.08  18.11   1.413   0     0 
MAGNET04   2    'HALL'    0.     0.  422.8     0   8.0   30.0   82.25   7.168   0     0 
C         type  mother  Xcen  Ycen  Zcen   rot Xsiz/2 Ysiz/2 Zsiz/2  field   flag1 flag2  XYZ field center
MAGNET01   5    'BBDM'    0.     0.  45.    0    15.    75.   85.    -1.     0     0     0.  0. 20.
The field is defined in kGs. It is assumed that the field of this magnet is contained in the mother volume. This volume is positioned in the mother volume, say HALL, at the coordinates Xcen etc. and can be rotated with the rotation matrix rot. If rot=-1 the magnet is ignored. The fiducial volume of the magnetic field (a rectangular box, or a cylinder with the axis along Z) is defined by the Xsiz/2 etc. sizes, with respect to the field center values (the field map may have the origin not at the field center). The magnets are distinguished by the type:


An additional shape ELLI for ellipsoids is added. It is contained between two shells, each defined as:
X²/AX² + Y²/AY² + Z²=R1,2². There are 8 parameters to define:
  1. R1
  2. R2
  3. θmin
  4. θmax
  5. φmin
  6. φmax
  7. AX
  8. AY
The volumes of this shape are not divisible.

Volume definition

One may define "detector" volumes (see detectors) and other volumes. These "other" volumes are defined using the FFREAD commands of a type as follows:
C --                       Additional volumes
C                          ..................
C         name   med  mother    X     Y     Z  rot  shape npar  par.....
C --     RICH-1 behind MAG1
PARVOL41 'CER1'   4  'HALL'   300.    0.    0.  1  'TRD2'  5  150. 250.  160. 220. 150.
PARVOL42 'C1W1'  35  'CER1'     0.    0. -149.5 0  'BOX '  3  149. 159.  0.05
PARVOL43 'C1W2'  24  'CER1'     0.    0. -149.  0  'BOX '  3  149. 159.  0.15
PARVOL44 'C1M1'  23  'CER1'     0.    0.  140.  0  'BOX '  3  240. 210.  0.2
PARVOL45 'C1W3'  35  'CER1'     0.    0.  149.  0  'BOX '  3  249. 219.  0.05
PARVOL46 'C1W4'  24  'CER1'     0.    0.  149.5 0  'BOX '  3  249. 219.  0.1
PARVOL52  'BB01'  295  'BBDM'  -58.5  -68.4  40.2   0  'BOX '  3    25.0   26.6  40.2 
VOLPOS10  'BB01'       'BBDM'   58.5  -68.4  40.2   0
PARVOL60 'TORO' 229  'HALL'     0.    0.  300.  0  'TUBE'  3  40. 200. 100.   
PARVOL61 'TORS' 229  'TORO'    16     0.    0.  2  
The key PARVOL defines a volume and the positioning of its first copy. More copies can be positioned using the key VOLPOS. The number XX in PARVOLXX and VOLPOS is used only to distinguish the FFREAD commands. The full number of volumes is at the moment limited to 400. Different key names can be used to define a volume:
GPARVOLXX or GPARVOLXXX where 01≤XX≤99, 100≤XXX≤300 for general geometry files 
PARVOLXX  or PARVOLXXX  where 01≤XX≤99, 100≤XXX≤250 for other   geometry files 
UPARVOLXX               where 01≤XX≤50, reserved for the user 
GVOLPOSXX or GVOLPOSXXX where 01≤XX≤99, 100≤XXX≤300 for general geometry files 
VOLPOSXX  or VOLPOSXXX  where 01≤XX≤99, 100≤XXX≤250 for other   geometry files 
UVOLPOSXX               where 01≤XX≤50, reserved for the user 

Alternative option (not to be mixed with the first):

C --                       Additional volumes
C                          ..................
C         name   med  mother    X     Y     Z  rot  shape npar  par.....
C --     RICH-1 behind MAG1
*PARVOL   'CER1'   4  'HALL'   300.    0.    0.  1  'TRD2'  5  150. 250.  160. 220. 150.
*PARVOL   'C1W1'  35  'CER1'     0.    0. -149.5 0  'BOX '  3  149. 159.  0.05
*PARVOL   'C1W2'  24  'CER1'     0.    0. -149.  0  'BOX '  3  149. 159.  0.15
*PARVOL   'C1M1'  23  'CER1'     0.    0.  140.  0  'BOX '  3  240. 210.  0.2
*PARVOL   'C1W3'  35  'CER1'     0.    0.  149.  0  'BOX '  3  249. 219.  0.05
*PARVOL   'C1W4'  24  'CER1'     0.    0.  149.5 0  'BOX '  3  249. 219.  0.1
*PARVOL    'BB01'  295  'BBDM'  -58.5  -68.4  40.2   0  'BOX '  3    25.0   26.6  40.2 
*VOLPOS    'BB01'       'BBDM'   58.5  -68.4  40.2   0
*PARVOL   'TORO' 229  'HALL'     0.    0.  300.  0  'TUBE'  3  40. 200. 100.   
*PARVOL   'TORS' 229  'TORO'    16     0.    0.  2  

The parameters 3-7 specify the mother volume and the position where to place the current volume. If the rotation matrix number is krot≥0 the volume is positioned as 'ONLY' (see GSPOS). For positioning a volume as 'MANY' use the value -1000-krot. If the medium number med=0 the volume is a fake (dummy) one. For such a volume krot must be 0. This volume is not created, but its daughter volumes are positioned directly into its mother volume after recalculating the coordinates. Obviously, the size of a fake "volume" does not matter. Sometimes the fake volumes help to simplify the volumes' positioning.

In order to divide a volume (using the GEANT routine GSDVX) one should use the same command PARVOL (see PARVOL61 in the example above). The parameters are slightly different from the regular application:

  1. volume name for the unit of the division
  2. medium number, typically the same as the mother volume
  3. the name of the mother volume (to be divided)
  4. the number of divisions (INTEGER)
  5. the step (=0. - not used)
  6. the offset (not always used inside GSVDX, depending on the shape etc)
  7. the axis number
  8. the shape should not be defined or set to 4 blanks.

It is recommended to use the FFREAD volume definitions whenever possible. If a complex geometry needs a lot of calculations ,one may write a macro (using KUIP, Java etc), which would print the appropriate set of FFREAD commands. If this becomes unpractical, or if some other features of GEANT geometry package are needed (say, volume partitioning), one may make such definitions using external FORTRAN routines. There is a limited number of 'volume plugs' forseen. A volume plug may be any volume defined with ..PARVOL.. cards and which has no daughter volumes. For all these volumes a set of routines is called:

      CALL CGEPLUG1(cn,ierr)
      CALL CGEPLUG9(cn,ierr)
where 'cn' is CHARACTER*4 name of the volume to be checked. Dummies of CGEPLUGX routines exist in the OMGEANT dummy library. If one wants to define a volume, say RICH and fill it with some complex structure one should use a FF command of the type:
PARVOL41 'RICH'   4  'HALL'   300.    0.    0.  1  'TRD2'  5  150. 250.  160. 220. 150.
and choose one of the CGEPLUGX routines, say CGEPLUG2 (upon agreement with other users). The routine should look like that:
C     ******************************************************************
C     *                                                                *
C     *  Geometry plug 2 - COMPASS RICH1                               *
C     *    INPUT:  CNAM - the name of the volume                       *
C     *   OUTPUT:  ierr=0 - nothing happened                           *
C     *                >0 - something is plugged in                    *
C     *                <0 - error                                      *
C     *           It should check that CNAM is the proper name, and    *
C     *           in this case plug in some extra volumes              *
C     *                                                                *
C     *    ==>Called by : OMGEOM                                       *
C     *                                                                *
C     ******************************************************************
      CHARACTER*4 vmother
C---     Check the volume name
      IF(CNAM.NE.vmother) GO TO 999
C---       Fill the volume CNAM
 .........  the code .............

Detectors definition

In GEANT there is no link from the JSET banks to the instances of the detectors. In other words, if one looks for a detector with a certain ISET,IDET numbers within the JSET... structure s/he has no clue how many instanses there are, unless one looks into the JVOLUM structure. One may define a detector, say a wire chamber, and position several copies (instances) of this chamber. These instances are geometrically identical (for GEANT) but may be slightly different otherwise, say in their efficiencies. Therefore it is convenient to store some information on the instances into the same JSET structure. In OMEANT there are two types of detectors: those which have some internal structure different instance-wise, each instance is called "unit", and those which have no internal structure and no additional information is stored (hodoscopes, for example).

GEANT identifies a detector using a path of significant volumes and their copy (instance) numbers. Therefore a detector index may have several dimensions. In order to simplify the numbering of detectors OMGEANT uses only one-dimension index, so a detector should be identified with only one pair - the volume name and the instance number. Note: 2018/02/20 - a "generic" detector is introduced, which may have up to 4 volume descriptors. .

Only plane detectors are supported at the moment. A detector should be defined as a volume of the BOX shape filled with a sensitive medium. A plane coordinate detector measures one (or two) projections of the track crossings with the detector volume. The measurement is done in the Detector Reference Frame (DRS) where the BOX shaped volume is defined. By definition, the plane of the measurement is normal to the axis IDIRDET(1)=I of the box (see a note on orientation). If IDIRDET(1)=1 (beam along X) then the measurement is done in the Y-Z plane of DRS. If IDIRDET(1)=3 (beam along Z) then the measurement is done in the X-Y plane of DRS. One may define the plane detectors: MWPC, DC, micro-strips, MSGC (they are treated like MWPCs at the moment), scintillator hodoscopes. The types of the coordinate detectors are set in the following way:

In GEANT detectors are grouped using their names 'SETS' and 'DETS'. There are many possible ways to arrange these 'SETS' and 'DETS'. OMGEANT uses one of these ways: RICH1

RICH1 - geometry and simulation description
Last update 24.11.97

RICH1 geometry description

Special routine cgeplug2.F which describes RICH1 geometry and material properties is called when volume RCH1 has no daughters (see fort.21 geometry file).

Primitive description of RICH1 components (gas radiator volume, mirrors and photon detectors planes) is given by following FFREAD cards:

C --- RICH-1 parameters (for explanation see src/include/omgeant/
C            CH1POS(3)       GAS(3)        GAP1      WIN1(3)          WIN2(3)
RCH1MAIN   175. 335. 290. 145.5 310. 270.   56.   2.  160. 120.    2.5 335. 255.
C           MIRFLAG             ALMR(6)                 GAP2
RICH1MIR       0      660. 661. 75.97 97.     60. 120.   22.
RCH1PHOT     0    0.  0.  0.   8.594  354.92 0. 200.18    0.    0.     0.
C         HOLFLAG     BHOLE(5) (BHOLE(1)=GAS(1) if HOLFLAG=1)
RCH1HOLE    0       143.  0.  4.  0.  5.
C RCH1HOLE    2        25.  0.  5.  0.  5.
C      MRS - COMGEANT reference system,
C      MIRS - "mirror" reference system, with origin at (X,0,0) in MRS, where X
C      is x coordinate of mirror centre of curvature in MRS.
c CH1POS(3) -  RCH1 dimensions (BOX shape, cgeomplug2 is called if
c RCH1 has no daughter)
c GAS(3) - main gas volume dimensions (X, Y, Z)
c GAP1 -  Gap between upstream sides of GASM and CHR1
c WIN1(3) - entrance window dimensions (BOX)
c WIN2(3) - exit window dimension (BOX)
c MIRFLAG - mirror wall optional flag (not used at the moment)
c ALMR(6) - mirror wall dimensions (SPHE shape, single big mirror at the moment)
c GAP2 - min distance between face of the mirror and downstr. GASM
c PHDETFLG - photon detector optional flag (not used at the moment)
c PHOTDET(3) - photon detector additional parameters
c APHOT -  photon detector inclination angle 
c PHDTP - photon detector position in MIRS
c YANGLE - not used 
c ZANGLE - not used
c GAS1L - not used
c HOLFLAG = 0 - no hole around beam axis
c         = 1 - hole (radiator gas without Cherenkov properties) 
c               in radiator gas and in mirror wall
c         = 2 - hole only in mirror wall (gas with Cherenkov props)  
c BHOLE(5) - hole (CONE shape) parameters
RICH1 gas radiator (C4F10) has medium number 471 (sensitive), mirror (Borosilicate glass) has medium number 79, RICH1 gas without Cherenkov properties (no light production and transportation) has medium number 75, entrance and exit windows (carbon at the moment) have medium number 78. This can be changed by changing FFREAD cards (fort.21)

At the moment there is no detailed description of the mirror wall - just two big solid mirrors. Some geometry parameters (positions of RICH elements in MRS) can be printed during initialization via setting ISWIT(6) to 1.

Simulation of the RICH1 operation

At the moment we have only rough description of Cherenkov photons generation, tracking, reflection and detection (these processes are activated by setting

flag (fort.15) to 1). Furthermore, we will have Cherenkov photons taken into account (stored for tracking and so on) only if NTUFLG flag is set to 1 or 2 (
RICH1NTU  1(2)
FFREAD command in fort.15).

For each track we store (see src/include/omgeant/ file for details) entrance ( upstream side of WIN1) and exit ( downstream side of WIN2) points , momentum components, full momentum, total energy and particle type IPART in temporary buffer.

For each detected Cherenkov photon we store (see and cherphot.F routine) reflection and detecton points, detection point in photon detector reference system, number of photon detector and photon energy in temporary buffer.

RICH1 ntuple

After all photons produced by certain track have been tracked we can fill ntuple (unit 29, name rich1.ntp, LREC=1024) if NTUFLG is set to 2 by

FFREAD card (see rich1ntu.F).

For each detected photon we store 25 variables (real):

1 ('ev') - event number
2 ('tr') - track number of mother particle
3 ('pt') - IPART of mother particle, or 200+IPART if mother particle
  is a product of interaction. (see COMGEANT User's Guide ONEWKINE flag) 
7-9 ('px'-'pz')   - Px, Py, Pz          -  
10 ('pp')         - P                   -  
11 ('ep')         - E                   -  
15 ('io') - flag for mother paricle: 0. - don't know IN and OUT parameters,
   1. - know IN parameters, 2 - know IN and OUT parameters. This flag can be 
   equal to zero if mother particle didn't pass entrance window or 
    mother particle is a product of secondary interaction. 
16-18 ('xm'-'zm') - POINT OF DETECTION IN MRS 
19,20 ('xd',yd') - X (Y in MRS), Y (Z in MRS) coordinates of the 
      detection point in DRS of photon detector
21 ('dn') - number of photon detector(cathode) 1-16

         |  ______  _____   _____   _____   |
         |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |
         |  |  1 |  | 3  |  | 5  |  | 7  |  |
         |  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |
         |  ______  _____   _____   _____   |
         |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |
         |  |  2 |  | 4  |  | 6  |  | 8  |  |
         |  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |

                                ^ X (beam)                          
                           ^   /
                           |  /                        
                           | /
            Y <------------|/               

         |  ______  _____   _____   _____   |
         |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |
         |  |  9 |  | 11 |  | 13 |  | 15 |  |
         |  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |
         |  ______  _____   _____   _____   |
         |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |
         |  | 10 |  | 12 |  | 14 |  | 16 |  |
         |  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |

22 ('et') - photon energy (GeV)
23-25 ('xr'-'xr') - point of reflection in MRS
This code intended mainly for RICH1 optimization purposes, so it's recommended to switch off mechanisms which produces secondaries (delta-rays, ...). The problems raise because we want to store mother particle characteristics (already "reconstructed") and photon characteristics in one ntuple. This will be changed for general simulation code.

To be continued...

Vadim Alexakhin (



Particle definitions

One may add new particles and redefine the existing ones using the command:
C            #  tracking   mass  charge   tau      name              nuser par user
PARTICLEXX   71  4         2.466  -1.    0.4E-12  'XiC-               $'   0       
where XX is an arbitrary number (XX<=95). One may define up to 4 user parameters. The decays are defined/redefined using:
C          part#    prod  BR
PARDECAYXX   36     110909 8.  160907 4.  100907 4. 16080909 3. 10080909 3.
where XX is an arbitrary number (XX<=95). Number of decay modes per particle is limited to 50. The GDECAY routine has been considerably modified. The original routine could handle only 6 decays per particle. Up to 5 decay products are allowed. Keeping in mind the format of the number used to store the types of decay particles one should make sure that this number does not exceed 2.E9. It should not be a problem to put a particle with a type<20 on the fifth place.

Since it is convenient to define a permanent extension of the GEANT particle table in a separate FFREAD file similar commands are defined. This commands should be used only in this separate file: PARTICLSXX and PARDECASXX.

2-body decays and 3-body decays are simulated with equal weights using the GEANT tools. 4-body decays are simulated using a routine from OMGEANT which uses a 2-dimension random generator HRNDM2 from HBOOK. For every different decay occured a 2-dim histogram is booked. Again, no weight is attributed to the event. In the old version (before March,1996) 5-body decays are simulated using a FOWL routine which gives back a weight for the event, stored in a variable EVWEIT from /OMCEVEN/. Newer versions simulate 5-body decays with equal weights.

Beam definition

The following example describes the Sigma- beam used at WA89:
C---                   Beam
BEAMPART      21                particle      Sigma Neg
BEAMOMLIM     270.  390.        momentum limits
BEAMDISPE     0.07              momentum sigma
BEAMSPECT     0  15*1.          momentum spectrum (not used here)
BEAMXREFR     -1530.            X of the YZ plane of the profile reference
C   Beam spot reference limits
C                 Y         Z         SlopeY          SlopeZ
BEAMYZLIM     -1.8 1.2  -2.4 -0.5    0.0  0.002    -0.0003 0.0008
C      SlopeY=A0+A1*Y, + sigma(Gauss)
C               A0          A1          sigma
BEAMSLOPCOR   1.441E-3    0.698E-3     0.75E-4     Y Slope correlation
              0.759E-3    0.592E-3     0.12E-3     Z Slope correlation
BEAMDIMY      15                  dimension for Y
BEAMDIMZ      10                  dimension for Z
BEAMDISTY    0.3 0.8 11*1. 0.8 0.3     Y profile
BEAMDISTZ    0.8 9*1. 0.8              Z profile
The beam momentum is simulated within the limits defined by BEAMOMLIM. There are two ways to simulate the momentum distribution. A spectrum can be specified using the command BEAMSPEC where the first parameter is the number of points and the rest are the values of the distribution. If the number of point is set to 0 then the Gaussian distribution is assumed with a relative sigma defined by BEAMDISPE. The beam spot is defined at a certain X coordinate (see BEAMXREFR). There are 4 parameters involved - Y,Z and the slopes in Y and Z. The limits on all parameters are set with BEAMYZLIM. The slopes and coordinates in each projection may be correlated (see BEAMSLOPCOR). The beam profiles on Y and Z are defined with the commands (BEAMDIMY,BEAMDISTY; BEAMDIMZ,BEAMDISTZ).

There are two ways to handle the beam. It may be forced to interact in every event somewhere in the target, which should be also defined. In this case possible decays or interactions of the beam particles on their way are ignored. Another way is to treat the beam particle as other particles, so it may decay or interact anywhere. The former way is the regular way to simulate some processes while the latter may be used for some special purposes. The modes are selected with:

C -----------            Beam -------------------
OMBEAM     1      beam interacts always
C  OMBEAM   2      beam may pass through
In the former mode the beam origin is set to the interaction point and its momentum in the KINE bank is opposite to its normal momentum. Thus tracking of the beam is done backwards which might sound bizarre, but it allows to have a beam interaction in each event and also take into account the multiple scattering of the beam particle. Since the beam particle may interact or decay on its way back which is not desirable it would be better to specify a special type of the beam particle. For example the beam Sigma- are specified in the following way:
C                Special Sigma- (no decay, no hadron interaction)
PARTICLS03   43  5  1.1974 -1.  1.479E-10 'Sigma- no dec,hadr $'
The muon tracking type is selected in order to avoid hadronic interactions.

Beam pileup

One may simulate the beam pileup turning on the command:
PILEUP    2.E7   300.
In this example it is assumed that the beam flux is 2.E7 per second. The time interval in which the spurious beam tracks will be simulated is from -300ns to +300ns. The main beam track comes at the time zero. It is reasonable to specify the time interval matching the time resolution of the slowest detector. For example it may be a drift chamber with maximum drift time of 300ns. The spurious beam tracks are just normal tracks of the beam type, which are traced through the setup taking into account the proper interactions. When a spurious track or its products crosses a detector the timing of the hit is considered.

Sometimes it is convenient to simulate beam particles of a special type - say Sigma- which does not decay and does not interact hadronically while traced by GEANT. A new particle type can by defined. This particle would have the same properties as an ordinary Sigma-, but the lifetime is set to infinity and the muon-type of tracking (=5) is taken. However for calculations of pileup one has to define an ordinary Sigma-:

PILEUP    2.E7   300.  21
If the third field =0 the beam type of particle is taken.

Beam halo

A simple model for simulating a beam halo is provided. The halo consist of: The timing of halo particles is simulated uniformly in the time interval defined by the command PILEUP.
HALOPART      5                      halo particle type
C origine:  X: min   max  Y: min  max  Z:min   max  
HALOORIGIN    -320. -320.   -200. 200.   -150. 150.   
HALOFLAT     100.                    particles per sq centimeter
C     center: flux/cm**2   Ycen  Ysigma  Zcen Zsigma (transv. plane)
HALOGAUS     2.E4            0.  40.       0.  20.
C            offset   corr       sigma
HALOSLOPE      0.       0.       0.002     Y
               0.       0.       0.002     Z
C mom:       mean    corY  corY**2   corZ   corZ**2
HALOPMEAN     250.    0.     0.        0.     0.     momentum
HALOPSIGM      20.    0.     0.        0.     0.     sigma

Target definition

The following example describes the targets for WA89 1993 run:
C ---                  Define the target volumes and the target area
TRGVOL    'TRD1'  'TRD2'  'TRD3'  'TRCU'  'MS11'  'MS31'  'MS32'  target volumes
TRGPROB   0.0082  0.0082  0.0082  0.0261 0.00066 0.00066 0.00066  interaction probabilities
TRGLIM    -1380. -1328.  -3. 3.   -3. 3.                          general X,Y,Z limits
The interaction point is simulated in one of the specified volumes accordingly to their thickness in interaction probabilities (normalised to 1) and the beam profile.

Initial interaction

The initial interaction consists of two step. Both steps are optional, i.e. they may be turned off.
  1. Inclusive production. One may simulate one or two particles in accordance with the given distribution of XF and Pt. This type of kinematics is normally used to simulate the charm particles production or just some single particle production. The following example is used for simulating the inclusive production of D*- and D+:
    C -------------     Inclusive production of charm ---------------
    KINCHARM     1            kinematics for two associated charmed particles
    NINCLKIN     2            number of particles produced inclusively
    C            2 charms     associated particles
    INCLKIN      56  35          14  14
    TYPRESTKIN   9            the new beam particle (pi neg)
    C        1-st particle  sum of 2
    PT2KIN         1.2         2.           Ptsquare slopes
    C         1-st particle    (1-Xf)**a X Feynman distributions
    NFEYNKIN    -1        number of bins (if neg then the power law flag)
    C           xmin xmax  power
    XFEYNKIN     -1.   1.    5.
    C         2-nd particle    (1-Xf)**a X Feynman distributions
    NFEYNKIN2   -1        number of bins (if neg then the power law flag)
    C           xmin xmax  power
    XFEYNKIN2    -1.   1.    5.
    C NFEYNKIN    20
    C C                 (1-Xf)**2. X Feynman distribution
    C XFEYNKIN    0. 1.
    C             0.95063  0.85563  0.76562  0.68062  0.60062
    C             0.52563  0.45562  0.39062  0.33062  0.27562
    C             0.22562  0.18063  0.14062  0.10562  0.07562
    C             0.05062  0.03063  0.01562  0.00562  0.00062
    The differential cross-section of both particles is proportional to
    XF of two particles are not correlated while there is a strong correlation in Pt (the given PT2KIN parameters are tuned to describe a measurement from WA92). The command INCLKIN provides the minimum possible reaction. In this case only 2 first particles are stored but the XF value is estimated taking two protons into account. Since only a part of the full energy is used for these two particles one may try to use the rest of the energy in to simulate the multiplicity in the interaction. A simple mechanism is implemented in order to do this. The rest of the momentum in the CM frame is given to a virtual particle which type is set by TYRESTKIN. This virtual "new beam" may interact with the target using some multiplicity generator like FRITIOF (see the next point). Defining the type one should try to keep a balance of strangeness and the baryon number.

    For inclusive production of a single particle one may use the following commands:

    KINCHARM     0            inclusive kinematics 
    NINCLKIN     1            number of particles produced inclusively
    C            2             associated particles
    INCLKIN      56  35          14  14
    TYPRESTKIN   9            the new beam particle (pi neg)
    C        1-st particle  
    PT2KIN         1.2        Ptsquare slope
    C         1-st particle    (1-Xf)**a X Feynman distributions
    NFEYNKIN    -1        number of bins (if neg then the power law flag)
    C           xmin xmax  power
    XFEYNKIN     -1.   1.    5.
    C NFEYNKIN    20
    C C                 (1-Xf)**2. X Feynman distribution
    C XFEYNKIN    0. 1.
    C             0.95063  0.85563  0.76562  0.68062  0.60062
    C             0.52563  0.45562  0.39062  0.33062  0.27562
    C             0.22562  0.18063  0.14062  0.10562  0.07562
    C             0.05062  0.03063  0.01562  0.00562  0.00062
    If NINCLKIN is set to 0 no inclusive particle is produced.

  2. Exclusive generators. After the inclusive production is checked the "beam" particle either stays as is was (if no inclusive production was simulated) or is modified. This new "beam" particle may be used to simulate the following processes depending on the flag N:
        OMKINE       N

    The "primitive multiplicity" option just generates several given particles, for example:

        C particle#     1    2    3  (up to 5)
        TMPKINE         2    2    2     multiplicities
                    21= 8    9    7     particle types
                    41= 1.   1.   2.    min P (flat distribution between min and max)
                    61=50. 100.  20.    max P
                    81= 1.   1.   1.    =b - mean Pt**2, EXP(-pt**2/b)
    If all multiplicities are set to 0 and OMKINE =0 - nothing is generated.

  3. Interface to LUND.

    The types of LUND particles to be copied to the GEANT structure are predefined in the code and can be modified by a command (starting with version 3.2):

        LUNDSTOR  21=3112     41=3112           Sigma minus
    In this example 21 and 41 are the GEANT numbers while 3112 is the LUND one. When the LUND particle array is scanned a particle 3112 will be copied to its first occurence in the LUNDSTOR array - to the GEANT type 21. A call to FRITIOF uses the LUNDSTOR array in the opposite way. It obtains the LUND particle code for the GEANT type of the beam particle. If the GEANT type of the beam particle is 41 (say, a special Sigma- which does not decay or interact strongly) its LUND code of 3112 will be taken. In order to pass the particle type to FRITIOF one has to specify the name of the particle. The names are stored in the array LUNDSNAM:
        LUNDSNAME   41='NEW1'
    If the name is 'NEW1' its particle code from LUNDSTOR is taken.

    The particles produced in the LUND generators (FRITIOF...) normally decay inside the LUND code. However the long living particles like hyperons are transferred to GEANT to decay. The codes of these particles are define in the subroutine OMLUNDI. One may define other particles to be left to decay in GEANT, for example:

        C               Forbid to decay in LUND for:
        C            pi0   eta   omega  eta'
        LUNDDECOFF   111   221   223    331
    One may also allow the particles to decay in LUND:
        C               Allow to decay in LUND for:
        C            pi0  
        LUNDDECON    111  
    The numbers are given in the LUND notation.

    One may set a flag to ignore some types of particles in GEANT:

        IGNTYPE      4   ignores neutrinos (up to 10 entries)

    There is a way to reject events simulated by LUND generators. In this case GEANT skips all the rest processing for this event and starts a new one. In case one wants to reject events which do not contain certain particles with LUND particle codes kf1,kf2...:

        LUNDSELOR  kf1 kf2 kf3 ...  - reject events which contain neither
                                      of these particles
        LUNDSELAND kf1 kf2 kf3 ...  - reject events which do not contain 
                                      at least one of these particles
    If both flags are set the event is rejected if either of the conditions is not fulfilled (rejection is "OR-ed").


Tracking is turned on by the command:

Dead absorbers

The tracking is mainly done by GEANT. There are several options implemented in OMGEANT mainly in order to speed up the computing. One may declare a "dead absorber" either for all particles or for particles of some certain types. The command:
requires that all particles should be stopped when entering the medium 99. This medium should have been of course declared. The command also inserts "dead volumes" - some boxes around the setup which fill the space between the 'HALL' walls and the maximum sizes of the areas declared by XMNAREA,YMXAREA and ZMXAREA.

One may also declare up to 9 media be opaque for certain types of tracks:

C       Absorbers: 
C         medium      tracking types
MEDABSORB1   54        1  2  3  4  7      photons electrons hadrons
MEDABSORB2   95        1  2  3  4  7      photons electrons hadrons
MEDABSORB3  295        1  2  3  4  7      photons electrons hadrons

New particles

New particles may be produces on the tracking stage as the result of decays or interactions. Storing of all new particles to the KINE bank including the shower elements may cause memory problems. Therefore by default only the products of decays are stored in the KINE bank and thus get a number 'itra'. The products of interactions are not stored in the KINE. While tracking they have the 'itra' number of the mother particle. One may change this 'storing rule' using the command:
C === "storing of new particles" 0 - decays,
C                                1 - + hadron interactions 
C                                2 - all processes

Time of flight

While tracking GEANT calculates the time of flight of a particle using the time offset stored in the origin vertex bank. These offsets are stored by GSVERT using the current value of the variable TOFG from /GCTRAC/, reset to 0 by GEANT at the event initialisation. In OMGEANT a "zero time point" should be defined using the command:
XYZTIME0  -1500. 0. 0.  (or something like that)
It is logical to set this point at a place where the beam enters the setup. The primary vertex is assigned a time needed for the beam to come from the "zero time point" to this vertex.


Calculation and storing of hits is turned on by the command:
At the moment all types of detectors are treated in the same way. All tracks which give at least one hit in detectors are marked and counted as "trajectories". For intersections of tracks with sensitive volumes of the detector planes the coordinates of the entrance and exit points are stored. The centre of the line between this points is calculated. The timing of the hit is checked - it should be within -tgate:tgate interval, where tgate is the time gate of the detector set (see SETXXGATE). For a given trajectory (track) the following information is stored in the GEANT hits banks (via CALL GSAHIT):

Filled starting with the version 3.2

At the moment calorimeters are not treated as GEANT detectors. For WA89 there is a patch allowing to store the hits with the Lead Glass calorimeter. For that the volume with the "lead glass" sensitive medium should be called 'LG', or one redefined by the FF command:

Then the hits of all tracks with its surface will be stored and written out in the TRIDENT output format. They can be treated in PHYNIX. Another way to write out the hit information including all sensitive media is described in the Hits output section.


Digitisation is turned on by the command:
Plane coordinate detectors and hodoscopes are treated. The results are stored in the regular GEANT digitisation banks (via CALL GSDIGI).


A template for a trigger logic is prepared. Certain detectors may be declared to be used in the trigger. Several adjacent channels may be "OR"-ed. The digitisings from these detectors are copied to separate arrays. The trigger routines are called if a flag is set:
The trigger detectors are defined in the following way:
TRIGDEF1 'HO11' 0 1
TRIGDEF2 'HO21' 0 1 'HO22' 0 1
TRIGDEF3 'HO31' 0 1
TRIGDEF4 'HO41' 0 1
The number of the trigger detectors is limited to 10. For each trigger detector one should specify up to 2 regular detectors, for example two types of plastic slates in a hodoscope. For each regular detector one has to set the name of the detector ("DET" variable), the copy number (if =0 - all copies are taken) and how many adjacent channels should be "OR"-ed.

The trigger detector information and the hits are stored in COMMON/OMCTRIG/:

C---  Trigger part
      PARAMETER (MXTRIG=10                 ! max number of trigg. detectors
     +          ,MXTRELEM=256)             ! max number of elements/detect
      PARAMETER (MXTWORD=(MXTRELEM+31)/32) ! max number of words/detec
      PARAMETER (MXTRAELE=16)              ! max number of tracks per element
      PARAMETER (MXTRIGD=2)                ! max number of GEANT detectors
C                                            per a trigger detector
     +               ,NTRIGDET             ! number of trigger detectors
     +               ,NTRIGELE(MXTRIG)     ! number of elements/detect
     +               ,NTRIGHIT(MXTRIG)     ! number of hits
     +               ,ITRIGHIT(MXTRELEM,MXTRIG) ! (isl,j) hit patterns
     +               ,ETALLHIT(MXTRIG)          ! full energy/hodoscope
C                                                  i=1,NTRIGHIT
     +               ,JTRIGHIT(MXTRELEM,MXTRIG) ! (i,j) channel numbers
     +               ,NTRAGHIT(MXTRELEM,MXTRIG) ! (isl,j) tracks per hit
     +               ,ITRAGHIT(MXTRAELE,MXTRELEM,MXTRIG) ! (k,isl,j) tracks #

Random numbers

OMGEANT uses the RANMAR random runber generatior from CERNLIB. Random number generatiors from GEANT (GRNDM) and LUND (RLU) as well as the old CERNLIB generator RNDM are replaced with the calls to RANMAR. Three independent sequences are used:
  1. for the beam and inclusive production
  2. for LUND (FRITIOF, JETSET ...)
  3. for GEANT (decays, processes ...)
Therefore one can simulate identical initial kinematics (before decays) with different setups. One can redefine the seeds using the card:
where 0<n<1000000 - is an arbitrary number which changes the seeds for all 3 sequences used.

A snapshot of the random numbers are stored in a file omg_random.dat at the end of the job. This file can be used to continue the task from the current position. In order to continue the FF command should be used:

Unfortunately this mechanism provides 2 rndm.o to the linker (one from omgbatch.a --the modified source sits in omgbatch/ompro/rndm.F-- and the original from packlib): on some platforms it can make the linker complain (e.g. Sun-Solaris 2.5) and additional linker option have to be provided by hand to the linker (e.g. -z muldefs on Sun-Solaris 2.5).

Data output

There are three ways to write out the simulated data:
  1. ZBOOK output for TRIDENT can be read by TRIDENT (the reconstruction program of WA89). A special ZBOOK bank is filled and written out. The contents of KINE and VERT banks are stored and also the hit information including the hit coordinates and the results of digitisation. The structure of the bank is documented in the code. This ZBOOK bank has 2 links. A bank at the first link may contain the 'LG' information (see Hits), a bank at the second link may contain the trigger information.
  2. ZEBRA output. One may write down any set of GEANT banks using the SAVE command from GEANT, in the ZEBRA FZ format:
       SAVE  'bnk1' 'bnk2' ....
    where bnk1 .. are the names of the banks.

    General output for hits

    One may add a special hit bank to the GEANT output using the command:
       SAVE 'KINE' 'VERT' 'OHIT'
    If this command is set then a new ZEBRA bank JOHIT is filled. Additionally to the hits in detectors hits in all sensitive media are stored. The conditions for storing the hits in detectors are the same as for the regular GEANT hit banks - the timing is checked. The format of this bank look as follows:
                                 OHIT format
    C---      JOHITS    - a hit bank (special format - INTEGER/REAL values)
    C                     booked only if NSAVE>0
    C                IQ(JOHITS+1) =ntrj number of trajectories (itrj=1,ntrj)
    C                johtj=LQ(JOHITS-itrj)
    C                    IQ(johtj+1) = itra (see JKINE)
    C                    IQ(johtj+2) = nhits - number of stored hits (ihit=1,nhits)
    C                        johth=LQ(johtj-ihit)
    C           Q(johth+1:3) - X,Y,Z of the center of the trajectory in the
    C                                   sens. volume. in MRS (main ref. system)
    C                             For detectors:
    C                   4:6  - X,Y,Z of the enterance point (DRS)
    C                   7:9  -       of the exit point
    C                            For media
    C                   4:6  - X,Y,Z of the enterance point (MRS)
    C                   7:9  - 0
    C                 10:11  - energy depositions
    C                    12  - momentum
    C                    13  - =0 if this hit is caused by the "original"
                               =IPART if the hit is caused by some products
                                      of the original track
                         14  - delay time from the "time zero" point,
                               the minimum flight time to this detector
                               is subtracted
                         15  - icode
                               a) detector:      icode=IDTYEP*1000
                                       types: 1  -  MWPC
                                             11  -  DC
                                             21  - m-strips
                                             26  - MSGC
                               b) sens. medium:       =NUMED
                         16  - a) detector:   IDTRID identifier
                               b) sens. med:  0
                       17:19 - COS X,Y,Z of the track at the enterance point (MRS)

  3. NTUPLE output. One may write down to a disk a column-wise ntuple (CWN) (see HBOOK) which may contain several ID:

    These "ID"s contain information as follows:

    Note 1 since there is a limit in hbook of 50k columns per ID, and because of a high multiplicity generated in compass hadron simulation with pileup, a few per cent of events may go beyond the limit and be truncated. In order to avoid such a case in future the hits may be optionally put to a different ID (=3). It will have a drawback, namely it will be more difficult to analyse the ntuple with PAW, if one has to get access to different IDs at once. Still it will be easy to read and analyse the ntuple from a fortran program.

    Note 2 it is forseen that some of the ntuple information (say the LUND record) can be read in by GEANT and used for simulation. However this feature has not been yet implemented.

    there are several ways to use the ntuple:

Setup dependent routines (OUTDATED!!!)

Calls to several setup dependent routines have been included in the code (starting with the version 3.2)

User's routines

There are calls to user's routines provided. A user may supply some of this routines, otherwise they are taken from the dummy library.

Input/Output files


OMGEANT fills the standard GEANT ZEBRA banks for hits and digitisings. It also writes several ZEBRA banks of its own. The pointers to these banks are stored in the COMMON:
C---  Pointers to ZEBRA banks
The banks are filled with the following information:


contains additional information on every JKINE track. The bank is booked and filled booked at the tracking stage.

C              joktrk=LQ(JOKTRA-1) - tracking flags
C              jokhit=LQ(JOKTRA-2) - hit flags
C              joktrj=LQ(JOKTRA-3) - trajectory numbers (or 0)
C              jokjtr=LQ(JOKTRA-4) - track numbers for trajectories
C              jokusf=LQ(JOKTRA-5) - flags for "useful" tracks
C              jokdeb=LQ(JOKTRA-6) - bank for debugging
C                       itr=1,NTRACK
C                IQ(joktrk+itr) =0   - no tracking is done
C                               =1   - the tracking started
C                               =2   - the tracking of the MAIN track finished
C                           (the secondaries with the same ITRA may follow)
C                IQ(jokhit+itr) =0   - no hits in the detectors
C                               =1   - no hits in the coordinate detectors
C                               =2   - hits in the coordinate detectors
C                               =3   - digitizings in the coordinate detectors
C                IQ(joktrj+itr) =itj (or 0) - the trajectory number
C                IQ(jokusf+itr) >0 - for useful tracks
C                       itj=1,NTRAJEC
C                IQ(jokjtr+itj) =itr - initial number
C                jdeb=LQ(jokdeb-itr)      - bank for debugging
C                     jstop=LQ(jdeb-1)    - bank for process codes for the last
C                                                                     step

JOTDIG is a bank bank containing both hit coordinates and digitisings in the coordinate detectors, stored in a format close to the output format used by TRIDENT (geometrical reconstruction for OMEGA experiments). The bank is booked at the digitisation stage.

C             notw=IQ(JOTDIG+1) - number of words/hit in "jotd"
C               (=10) (=8 before the version 3.2)
C             jotd=LQ(JOTDIG-1)
C                      itr=1,NTRACK
C            notrd=IQ(jotd+itr) - number of "hits" for this track
C            jotrd=LQ(jotd-itr) - pointer to the digit. bank with hits
C                      i=1,notrd
C            words for the "hit" no "i":
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+1) - iddet   - the plane number
C                               +2) - idtype  - the type of the detector
C                               +3) - 0 if the hit is caused by the main
C                                       track
C                                   = ipart (type) if it is caused
C                                          by secondaries from this track
C                                         (results of interactions)
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+4) - Y (MRS) (if the beam goes along X)
C                               +5) - Z (MRS)
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+6) - dig1
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+7) - dig2
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+8:10) - COS Y,Z,X (MRS) (if the beam goes along X)
C                                        at the enterance point of the detector 
C             Q(jotrd+notw*(i-1)+11)   - the serial number of this hit on
C                                        the trajectory

Interactive version

One may run OMGEANT interactively. For that an interactive version has to be compiled with several additional routines from OMGEANT and with standard CERN graphics and PAW libraries.

In order to store the particle trajectories the bank JXYZ is filled. Since these banks may occupy a very large space the program may run out of ZEBRA memory (see /GCBANK/). In order to reduce the number of stored trajectories in showers several cuts are used (in this example the default values are given):

CUTXYZ  0.005  0.  2.
Where the parameters mean the following:
  1. - cut on momenta of e+/-,gamma in showers in heavy material, for steps < 1cm;
  2. - cut on material density for shower e+/-,gamma tracks which do not stop or cross a boundary;
  3. - cut on step size for shower e+/-,gamma tracks which do not stop or cross a boundary.
Additionally, the full number of entries to GSXYZ is limited and the limit can be changed using, say:
MAXXYZ  300000
The default value depends on the full length of /GCBANK/ KWBANK: KWBANK/14, which means that JXYZ may fill up to one half of the full /GCBANK/ length.

FFREAD commands

The table is not complete yet!

keyword variable Meaning Default

General commands

LUNGET LUNOMG(1) Logical unit to read event data...................1 LUNSAVE LUNOMG(2) Logical unit to write event data..................2 LENPIPE LENPIPE Length of I/O buffer for the pipe..............1024


DEADVOL IDEADVOL Medium number for dead absorber...................0


TMPKINE KINTMP(1,1):(20,5) "Primitive kinematics"...zeros


ERRTRAP IERTRAP =0 - ignore arithmetic errors.....................2 1 - print a message and continue 2 - crash (works on ULTRIX)


Debugging tools (printout dumps)

Geant foresees a mechanism to enable/disable the print-out of information (on standard output) at the execution time mostly for debugging purposes. Here there is a description of the mechanism and its implementation. All these dumps are controlled by the integer IDEBUG variable sitting in the GCFLAG common block (file include/geant321/ if this variable is set to 0 it means no output, 1 means output enabled. The variable can be set via FFREAD cards or (in the interactive version) with the command DEBUG ON. To allow different types of dumps, a mask is provided (the integer vector ISWIT of lenght 10 sitting in the same common). ISWIT(K)=0 means again no output, whilst higher values of ISWIT (1,2,3...) stands for more complex/long outputs. The value of K controls the set of routines interested by the dump. ISWIT can be either preset via FFREAD cards or by the command ISWIT in the interactive version.

This is the (provisional) list of used ISWIT positions with their meaning:

FAQ and Troubleshooting

This is just a list of problems occured to users. Please contribute...