Last updated: Wed, Jun 11, 1997

COMGEANT versions and CVS tags

COMGEANT code is kept in CVS format. Releases or current snapshots can be marked with tags.
Tag: release-0-0-1
Tagged by E.Chudakov on 02/05/1997
This is an intermediate though working release. A large COMPASS driven modification work has been started but not fully finished. New features:
Tag: release-0-0-2
Tagged by E.Chudakov on 11/07/1997
This is deemed to be the first release for COMPASS. The repository module is now called "comgeant" and contains the code, scripts, data and documentation.

New features:

Since the field map for the Obelix magnet takes more than 40Mb and interactive GEANT takes about 30Mb this version does not run on all platforms:

In future one has to reconsider this field map. Meanwhile if one has to run on a "wrong" platform but does not need the Obelix magnet - one can relink the executable with dummies for OMGAINI4, OMAGINI4A and OMAGFLD4.

Still missing, but close to implementation: