
The listing below is some sample tcl input files used by online recsis. It includes the commands for reading data from the Event Transfer (ET) system.

# init file for photon version of online RECSIS.

#  load in  Tcl procedures.
puts "Using local version of recsis_proc.tcl in current dir directory.\n";
source recon_proc.tcl

setc prlink_file_name prlink_88_00.bos

# define packages
turnoff ALL
set ltrk_do    $true;
set legn_do    $true;
set ltof_do    $true;
set lst_do     $true;
set ltagger_do $true;
set lec1_do    $true;
set lusr0_do   $true;
set lhbid_do   $true;
set lusr1_do   $true;  # DO NOT TURN OFF !!!
set lseb_do    $true;   

# turn on global memory for real-time histogram viewing.
global_section on

# turn on data reading from the ET system
set read_et $true
setc ipc_name "csis"

# remove comment to read from a data file.
# inputfile /work/clas/disk3.old/gilfoyle/clas_012418.A00

# uncomment to choose an output file.
#outputfile prova.evt

#level of analysis 0: raw  2: hbt 4: tbt 
set trk_level 4
set trk_beta1_part 1            

# tbt stuff realistic curve for drift time to drift distance.
#set dc_xvst_choice 4	   

#tagger warning messages
set Tagger_warning 1000

#      fixes timing shift due to level2 trigger stuff in TAGE crate
#      8/19/99 D. Lawrence
#to change the E TDC minimum accepted value       :
set Tagger_ETDCmin 1000
#to change the E TDC maximum accepted value       :
set Tagger_ETDCmax 1400

# tell FPACK not to stop if it thinks you are running out of time
fpack "timestop -999999999"

#  define the prompt.
setc rec_prompt "photon> "

# tell recsis to pause or go

The following file was used during the e1-6 run in October, 2001.

# init file for online RECSIS.

#  load in  Tcl procedures.
puts "Using recsis_proc.tcl in /usr/local/clas/offline/clas/builds/DEVELOPMENT/packages/recon/\n";
source /usr/local/clas/offline/clas/builds/DEVELOPMENT/packages/recon/recon_proc.tcl
#puts "Using local recsis_proc.tcl";
#source ./recon_proc.tcl

#  load in  Tcl procedures.
#puts "Using recsis_proc.tcl in /usr/local/clas/offline/clas/builds/DEVELOPMENT/packages/tcl/\n";
#source /usr/local/clas/offline/clas/builds/DEVELOPMENT/packages/tcl/recsis_proc.tcl;

# define packages
turnoff ALL;
global_section on;
turnon seb trk cc tof egn lac user pid;
#inputfile /raid/stage_in/clas_030542.A10
#inputfile /work/clas/disk1/boiarino/clas_030475.A00

# ET stuff #
set read_et $true
setc ipc_name "csis"
set timeline_interval 10000

setc prlink_file_name "prlink_e16_tg0.bos" ; #for target at zero
#setc prlink_file_name "prlink_e16_tg50.bos" ; #for target at -50cm
setc bfield_file_name "bgrid_T67to33.fpk" 
set lseb_ntn_do  -1;
set lall_nt_do  -1;
set lseb_hist -1;
set lseb_h_do -1;
set lmon_hist -1;
fpack "timestop -9999999999"
# do not send events to event display
set lscat $false;
set ldisplay_all $false;
# tell recsis to pause or go
setc rec_prompt "e1-6> ";