2011-10-28 23:27:38

CODA crash video

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2011-10-17 02:21:01

Qweak RunControl GUI concept

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2011-10-10 16:01:48

Write a XML file by using Perl

    $AutoRunKeywordsComments_Log = "qweak_daq_conf.xml"; 
    use XML::Writer;
    my $output;
    open($output, '>', $AutoRunKeywordsComments_Log) or die "Unable to open output file: $!";

    my $writer = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $output);
    $writer->characters("Automode 1");
    $writer->characters("Automode 2");
    $writer->characters("This is the automode run log");
    close $output;
So the output is

Automode 1 
Automode 2
This is the automode run log

Read a XML file by using Perl

    use XML::Simple;
    my $ref = XMLin($AutoRunKeywordsComments_Log);
    $AutoHClog_Status = $ref->{"$automode_xml_tags[1]"};
    $AutoHClog_StartKeywords = $ref->{"$automode_xml_tags[2]"};
    $AutoHClog_EndKeywords = $ref->{"$automode_xml_tags[3]"};
    $AutoHClog_Comments = $ref->{"$automode_xml_tags[4]"};

Read a XML file by using Bash

rdom () { local IFS=\> ; read -d \< E C ;}


while rdom; do
    if [[ $E = STATUS ]]; then
    elif [[ $E = STARTKEYWORDS ]]; then
    elif [[ $E = ENDKEYWORDS ]]; then
    elif [[ $E = COMMENTS ]]; then

done < $automode_xml

echo "---- Automode DAQ Status Settings"
echo "Auto Qweak DAQ status : $automode_status"
echo "Start Keywords        : $automode_start_keywords"
echo "End   Keywords        : $automode_end_keywords"
echo "Comments              : $automode_comments"
The rdom function is from a refererence

Read a XML file by using Tcl

Need the tDOM package.

load /lib/tdom0.8.3/libtdom0.8.3.so

proc read_autolog_xml {} {

    global automode_status
    global automode_start_keywords
    global automode_end_keywords
    global automode_comments
    set autolog_xml qweak_daq_conf.xml

    set xmlfile [open $autolog_xml]
    set XML [read $xmlfile]
    close $xmlfile
    set doc  [dom parse $XML]
    set root [$doc documentElement]
    set automode_status_node         [$root selectNodes /QWEAKDAQ/STATUS/text()]
    set automode_start_keywords_node [$root selectNodes /QWEAKDAQ/STARTKEYWORDS/text()]
    set automode_end_keywords_node   [$root selectNodes /QWEAKDAQ/ENDKEYWORDS/text()]
    set automode_comments_node       [$root selectNodes /QWEAKDAQ/COMMENTS/text()]
    set automode_status         [$automode_status_node data]
    set automode_start_keywords [$automode_start_keywords_node data]
    set automode_end_keywords   [$automode_end_keywords_node data]
    set automode_comments       [$automode_comments_node data]
    puts "Status         : $automode_status"
    puts "Start Keywords : $automode_start_keywords"
    puts "End   Keywords : $automode_end_keywords"
    puts "      Comments : $automode_comments"

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2011-09-27 10:29:00

Weekly W&M Meeting

Highslide JS
The working version of the Qweak RunControl GUI. JLabDAQ team will provides a command line Run Control GUI(?) until the middle of October. The main purpose is to save time and to reduce errors to increase our Coulomb.
Highslide JS
This is the quick hclog tab.
Highslide JS
Jim and I are working on a GUI to control/monitor many powerstrips and crates. So we can reboot any crates, which are connected to the powerstrip or has remote fan trays, quickly and easily. They will save our time during data taking.
Highslide JS
a possible additional tab for QwDBQUI

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2011-02-15 23:31:57

Linus says: "C++ is a horrible language"

C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much easier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if the choice of C were to do nothing but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.

I am so glad, someone has the same feeling which I have now.

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2010-12-06 13:54:14

git commands

git pull
git add /file/ or /directory/
git rm -rf /directory/

git commit -a

git rm -r packages/ed/

git diff ../file/

git pull
git push

git push --force

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2010-08-12 18:15:00

JLab Scientific Computing system.

copy a coda file into a /cache/mss/hallc/qweak/raw directory 
by using JLab Scientific Computing System.

$ jcache -g hallc /mss/hallc/qweak/raw/ts_2crate_5084.dat.0

copy a coda file into a local direcotyr at level 2 machine

/site/bin/jgetremote /mss/hallc/qweak/raw/track_noR1_7916.dat.0 ~/scratch/data/.

check the job status on http://scicomp.jlab.org

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2010-06-26 03:03:41

HTML5 canvas test

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2010-06-07 11:54:03

taskSpawn in VxWorks

int taskSpawn
    char *  name,      /* name of new task (stored at pStackBase) */
    int     priority,  /* priority of new task */
    int     options,   /* task option word */
    int     stackSize, /* size (bytes) of stack needed plus name */
    FUNCPTR entryPt,   /* entry point of new task */
    int     arg1,      /* 1st of 10 req'd task args to pass to func */
    int     arg2,
    int     arg3,
    int     arg4,
    int     arg5,
    int     arg6,
    int     arg7,
    int     arg8,
    int     arg9,
    int     arg10

taskSpawn ("ROC",                 name of ROC task
                    200,                  priority
                    8,                      task option ??
                    250000,            size of stack
                    coda_roc,          entry point of new task
                    "",                      1st arg
                    "-session",         2nd arg (-session)
                    "cdaq",              3rd arg ("session name")
                    "-objects",         4th arg (-objects")
                    "ROC11 ROC"      5th arg of coda_roc (ROC11 ROC)

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link

2010-06-07 11:00:16

Ethernet Connection in Hall C for Qweak

 * Twenty-four Ethernet connections for Qweak

 doghouse  ----  T20 Rack    ---- PANEL A ---- Fiber Optic Slot(FOS)
  cable #         Patch Panel      HC01Z04      Netgear or hallc-cat2950
   1              1                1            FOS 6
   2              2                2            FOS 16
   3              3                3            FOS 10
   4              4                4            FOS 17
   5              5                5            FOS 18
   6              6                6            FOS 19
   7              7                7            FOS 20
   8              8                8            FOS  5
   9-15           9-15             9-15         1-7 (Netgear switch)
   16-24          16-24            16-24        available ports on
                                                hallc-cat2950 (cisco)

  * Detailed use of T20 Rack Patch Panel #

   1  -------- Reserved   (Boot Power Strip for ROC9)
   2  -------- Reserved   (Boot Power Strip for ROC10)
   3  -------- hcreboot13 (Boot Power Strip for others)
   4  -------- hctsv11    (portserver)
   5  -------- IOC for Hall Probe        (hctsv11 2002)
   6  -------- qwvme9     (CPU of ROC9)  (hctsv11 2008)
   7  -------- qwvme10    (CPU of ROC10) (hctsv11 2007)
   8  -------- qwvme11    (CPU of ROC11) (hctsv11 2006)

   9  -------- qwvme9mon  (ROC9 crate Power Monitor)
   10 -------- qwvme10mon (ROC10 crate Power Monitor)
   11-15       Reserved   (connected to the doghouse)

   16 -------- qwscannerctrl (scanner controller unit)
   17-22       Reserved   (not connected)
   23 -------- a Netgear 4port switch (doghouse, temp?)
   24 -------- region 3 rotator controller

Posted by Jeong Han Lee | Permanent link