BigBite Analyzer Installation Guild

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Step1: Install Root

Install Root package. 

Step2: Install the Standard Hall A Analyzer

Please also refer to ROOT/C++ Analyzer for Hall A page

Notice: Please make sure the version of analyzer if no older than 1.5.0. It's best to download the CVS version of analyzer. Basically, execute the following command in TCshell:

> setenv CVS_RSH ssh
> cvs -d checkout analyzer

Before make, don't forget to set environmental variables (in section Installation of this page) .

Step3: Install BigBite Analyzer (tcshell assumed)


As a summary, here is the lowest software pre-requirement for this step:

gcc v3.2
ROOT v5.18/00
Hall A analyzer v1.5.0

Following the procedure below, both bigbite analyzer and new version of MWDC code will be downloaded and installed from CVS.

Add into file ~/.tcshrc

setenv BIGBITELIB  <Where you want to locate the lib, for ex. ~/bigbitelib>
setenv DB_DIR      <Database Dir> 

Option 1: Install the official version (for E04007, E08007, E05102)

Run following command in TCshell:

> cd ..
> setenv CVS_RSH ssh
> cvs -d co bigbitelib
> ./CVSTreeSearch

Script CVSTreeSearch will start the compiling. It should goes with no Warning or Error. After making, BigBite analyzer is built in folder $BIGBITELIB.

Option 2: Install the Transversity Version (for E06010, E06014)

Run following command in TCshell:

> setenv CVS_RSH ssh
> cvs -d co transversity/bigbitelib
> cd transversity/bigbitelib
> make

New MWDC tracking code are already included in this version of Bigbtie Lib


For Bash user, please replace setenv A B with export A=B.

Notice: if your user name is different than your JLab user name, then the cvs line above should be changed to  

> cvs -d :ext:<JLab User Name> co bigbitelib

Same to similar line in script CVSTreeSearch.

Keep Up2Date

One can always check online CVS to make sure local copy is up to date. Besides updating Root and Standard Analyzer for Hall A, the following command will check online CVS updates for BigBite Analyzer and new version of MWDC.

> cvs update
> make -j2

In rare cases, above willn't pass "make". Then one can try the following commands:

> cd ..
> setenv CVS_RSH ssh
> cvs -d co bigbitelib
> ./CVSTreeSearch

Author: Jin Huang         Jul 2009