// THaCoincTimeE06010
// specalized class for E06010 bigbite coincident time calculation
// Electron Arm is Bigbite spectrometer with electron package
// Hadron Arm is LHRS spectrometer with s2m as timing detector
// Units: m & ns
// Author: Jin Huang <mailto:jinhuang@jlab.org>    Jul 2009
//	Modifications:

#include "THaTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "THaSpectrometer.h"
#include "THaParticleInfo.h"
#include "THaScintillator.h"
#include "THaTrackProj.h"
#include "THaTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THaNonTrackingDetector.h"
#include "THaPidDetector.h"
#include "THaPIDinfo.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include "TString.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "THaScintHit.h"
#include "THaScintBar.h"
#include "THaScintPMT.h"
#include "THaAdcHit.h"
#include "THaTdcHit.h"
#include "THaPartialHit.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "THaTrackProj.h"
#include "THaScintPlaneDet.h"

#include "TMath.h"

//put this header file below all other headers
#include "THaCoincTimeE06010.h"

using namespace std;


// Hard coded constants
const Double_t    THaCoincTimeE06010::fLTimeConvertion = 1e9;
const Double_t    THaCoincTimeE06010::c = 0.299792458;

const Double_t    THaCoincTimeE06010::fMissingRefWarningRatio = 0.001;


THaCoincTimeE06010::THaCoincTimeE06010( const char* name, const char* description,
                                        THaBigBite *BigBite, THaHRS *HRS)
    :   THaPhysicsModule(name,description),
	//directly loaded with BB.sum and BB.sh to extract trigger timing offsets



    fCoincInfo   = new TClonesArray("TCoincInfo", 20);


    delete fCoincInfo;

Int_t THaCoincTimeE06010::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
	// Initialize global variables and lookup table for decoder

    if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
    fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );

	// Register variables in global list

    RVarDef vars[] = {

		// complete reconstructed hits
        { "n",      "number of coinc combinations = N L Track * N BB Track",        "GetNCoinc()"},
        { "bbrf",   "BigBite RF Time, Array of n, idx by [L Track][BB Track]",      "fCoincInfo.TCoincInfo.GetBBRFTime()"},
        { "lrf",    "LHRS RF Time, Array of n, idx by [L Track][BB Track]",         "fCoincInfo.TCoincInfo.GetLRFTime()"},
        { "trig","Coincident Trigger Time = DL.f1T3 + roll over"         ,      "fCoinTriggerTime"},
        { "t",  "Coincident Time, Array of n, idx by [L Track][BB Track]",      "fCoincInfo.TCoincInfo.GetCoincTime()"},

        { 0 }

    Int_t value = DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );

    return value + THaPhysicsModule::DefineVariables(mode);

void THaCoincTimeE06010::ClearEvent(void)
    fNTrBB = fNTrL = 0;

Int_t  THaCoincTimeE06010::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )


//  fCoinTriggerTime = DL.f1t3 + DL.f1s11ref0
    Double_t refTDC=kBig, hitTDC=kBig;
    fCoinTriggerTime = kBig*0.01;
    UInt_t nrefhit = evdata.GetNumHits( fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCRefChan );
    static UInt_t totalN=0, missN=0; 
    if ( !nrefhit )
        //avoid error message is missing reference channel < fMissingRefWarningRatio
        if (totalN>4/fMissingRefWarningRatio &&
            Error(Here("GetData"),"No hit for reference channel @ roc=%d, slot=%d, chan=%d ",
                       fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCRefChan);
        refTDC = kBig*0.01;
        if (nrefhit>1)
            DEBUG_WARNING(Here("GetData"),"Multi hits (%d) for reference channel @ roc=%d, slot=%d, chan=%d ",
                          nrefhit, fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCRefChan);

        Int_t data = evdata.GetData( fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCRefChan, 0 );

        DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"Get Data %d for roc=%d, slot=%d, chan=%d ",
                       data, fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCRefChan);
        refTDC = data;

    UInt_t nhit = evdata.GetNumHits( fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCChan );
    if ( !nhit )
        DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"No hit for T3 channel @ roc=%d, slot=%d, chan=%d ",
                       fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCChan);
        Double_t bestt3diff = 1e30 , t3hittime = 1e30;
        for(UInt_t hitid = 0; hitid<nhit; hitid++)
            Int_t data = evdata.GetData( fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCChan, 0 );
            DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"Get Data %d for roc=%d, slot=%d, chan=%d ",
                           data, fCoinTDCROC, fCoinTDCSlot, fCoinTDCChan);
            hitTDC = data;

            t3hittime = hitTDC - refTDC;
            DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"t3hittime = %f TDC Units ",t3hittime);

            if (t3hittime >= (Double_t)fCoinTDCRollOver/2.) t3hittime-=fCoinTDCRollOver;
            if (t3hittime < -(Double_t)fCoinTDCRollOver/2.) t3hittime+=fCoinTDCRollOver;
            DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"t3hittime = %f TDC Units, fCoinTDCRollOver/2 = %f",t3hittime,fCoinTDCRollOver/2.);
            t3hittime *= fCoinTDCRes;
            DEBUG_MASSINFO(Here("GetData"),"t3hittime = %f ns ",t3hittime);

            if (abs(t3hittime - fCoinTriggerCenter)<bestt3diff)
                fCoinTriggerTime = t3hittime;
                bestt3diff = abs(t3hittime - fCoinTriggerCenter);
        DEBUG_INFO(Here("GetData"),"fCoinTriggerTime = %f ns, bestt3diff = %f ns",fCoinTriggerTime,bestt3diff);


    fNTrBB = fBigBite->GetNTracks();
    fNTrL = fHRS->GetNTracks();


    for (UInt_t l=0;l<fNTrL;l++)
        for (UInt_t bb=0;bb<fNTrBB;bb++)
            CaclCoin(l, bb);

    assert(fNTrBB * fNTrL == GetNCoinc());//Check Timing Combination = N L Track * N BB Track
    return kOK;

void THaCoincTimeE06010::CaclCoin(UInt_t ltr, UInt_t bbtr)
    DEBUG_INFO(Here("CaclCoin"),"Calculate Coin Time for L Tr#%d and BB Tr#%d  ... ",ltr,bbtr);


    Double_t BBRFTime= kBig;
    Double_t LRFTime= kBig;
    Double_t CoincTime= kBig;

    THaTrackProj * ls2tr = (THaTrackProj *)(ls2->GetTrackHits()->At(ltr));
    Int_t Ls2trpad = ls2tr -> 	GetChannel();
    assert (Ls2trpad < ls2->GetNelem());
    THaTrack * LTR = (THaTrack *)(fHRS->GetTracks()->At(ltr));

    Double_t speed = c * LTR->GetP() / TMath::Sqrt(fHadronMass*fHadronMass+LTR->GetP()*LTR->GetP());
    if (Ls2trpad>=0)
        LRFTime = -(-fLTimeConvertion * (ls2->GetTimes())[Ls2trpad] +(ls2tr->GetPathLen() + LTR->GetPathLen())/speed);
        LRFTime = kBig;

    // BBTimeNoRF.Form("-(-(BB.s.hit_tof[0])+1.400*BB.tr.th[0]+(%s)-(%s))",Correction.Data(),BarOffSet.Data());
    THaTrackProj * bbstr = (THaTrackProj *)(bbs->GetTrackHits()->At(bbtr));

    Int_t bbstrhit = bbstr -> GetChannel();

    THaTrack * BBTR = (THaTrack *)(fBigBite->GetTracks()->At(bbtr));

    if (bbstrhit>=0)
        BBRFTime = -(-(bbs->GetHit(bbstrhit)->GetHitTOF()) + fBBTrx*BBTR->GetTheta());

    CoincTime = -LRFTime - fCoinTriggerTime + BBRFTime
            + fTOff + fBaseTOff;

    UInt_t idx = ltr*fNTrBB + bbtr;
    assert(idx == GetNCoinc());
    new ( (*fCoincInfo)[idx] ) TCoincInfo(BBRFTime, LRFTime, CoincTime);
    DEBUG_INFO(Here("CaclCoin"),"BBRFTime= %f, LRFTime= %f, CoincTime= %f",BBRFTime, LRFTime, CoincTime);

THaCoincTimeE06010::EStatus   THaCoincTimeE06010::Init( const TDatime& run_time )
    EStatus status = THaPhysicsModule::Init(run_time);
    if (status!=kOK) return status;

    DEBUG_INFO(Here("Init"),"Searching for L.s2 ...");
    ls2 = (THaScintillator *) (fHRS->GetDetector("s2"));
    DEBUG_INFO(Here("Init"),"Searching for BB.s ...");
    bbs = (THaScintPlaneDet *) (fBigBite->GetDetector("s"));

    if (!ls2)
        Error("Init","Couldn't find L.s2. Make sure CT module is init after L spectrometer");
        return kInitError;
    if (!bbs)
        Error("Init","Couldn't find BB.s. Scintillator is loaded to Bigbite");
        return kInitError;
    return kOK; 

Int_t THaCoincTimeE06010::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date)

    DEBUG_INFO(Here("ReadDatabase"),"Start ReadDatabase ...");
    fIsInit = kFALSE;
    Int_t status = THaPhysicsModule::ReadDatabase(date);
    if (status!=kOK){
        Error(Here("ReadDatabase"),"THaBigBite::ReadDatabase(date) fail = %d",status);
        return status;

    DEBUG_INFO(Here("ReadDatabase"),"OpenFile Database ...");
    FILE* file = OpenFile( date );
    if( !file ) {
        Error(Here("ReadDatabase"),"OpenFile( date ) fail = %d",kFileError);
        return kFileError;

    fHadronMass = fTOff = fBBTrx = fBaseTOff = 0;
    fCoinTDCRes = 0.0602;
    fCoinTriggerCenter = -200;
    fCoinTDCROC = fCoinTDCSlot = fCoinTDCChan = fCoinTDCRefChan = 0;

	//struct DBRequest {
	//	const char*      name;     // Key name
	//	void*            var;      // Pointer to data (default to Double*)
	//	VarType          type;     // (opt) data type (see VarType.h, default Double_t)
	//	UInt_t           nelem;    // (opt) number of array elements (0/1 = 1 or auto)
	//	Bool_t           optional; // (opt) If true, missing key is ok
	//	Int_t            search;   // (opt) Search for key along name tree
	//	const char*      descript; // (opt) Key description (if 0, same as name)
    DBRequest request[] =
        { "HadronMass",			&fHadronMass,	kDouble,	0, 1, 1 },
        { "TOff",			    &fTOff,	        kDouble,	0, 1, 1 },
        { "BBTrx",			    &fBBTrx,	    kDouble,    0, 1, 1 },
        { "BaseTOff",			&fBaseTOff,	    kDouble,    0, 1, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCRes",		    &fCoinTDCRes,	kDouble,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCRollOver",	&fCoinTDCRollOver,	kInt,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCROC",		    &fCoinTDCROC,	kInt,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCSlot",		    &fCoinTDCSlot,	kInt,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCChan",		    &fCoinTDCChan,	kInt,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTDCRefChan",		    &fCoinTDCRefChan,	kInt,    0, 0, 1 },
        { "CoinTriggerCenter",		&fCoinTriggerCenter,  kDouble,    0, 0, 1 },
        { 0 }

    DEBUG_INFO(Here("ReadDatabase"),"LoadDB ...");
    Int_t err = LoadDB( file, date, request, GetPrefix(), 1);

    if (err<0)
        Error(Here("ReadDatabase"),"LoadDB: fail = %d",err);
        return kFileError;
    else if (err>0)
        DEBUG_INFO(Here("ReadDatabase"),"LoadDB: missing keys = %d",err);

    fIsInit = kTRUE;

#if DEBUG_LEVEL>=3 //start show info
    TString sDebugOutput;
    sDebugOutput+=" Database read in successfully with:";
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fHadronMass\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fHadronMass;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fTOff\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fTOff;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fBBTrx\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fBBTrx;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fBaseTOff\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fBaseTOff;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCRes\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCRes;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCRollOver\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCRollOver;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCROC\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCROC;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCSlot\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCSlot;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCChan\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCChan;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTDCRefChan\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTDCRefChan;
    sDebugOutput+="\n \t fCoinTriggerCenter\t= ";    sDebugOutput+=fCoinTriggerCenter;
    return status;

Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:16 2009

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