//                                                                           //
// THaBBShower                                                               //
//                                                                           //
// Shower counter class, describing a generic segmented shower detector      //
// (preshower or shower).                                                    //
// Currently, only the "main" cluster, i.e. cluster with the largest energy  //
// deposition is considered. Units of measurements are MeV for energy of     //
// shower and centimeters for coordinates.                                   //
//                                                                           //

#include "THaBBShower.h"

//#include "THaBBe.h"
//#include "THaGlobals.h"

#include "THaEvData.h"
#include "THaDetMap.h"
#include "VarDef.h"
#include "VarType.h"
#include "THaTrack.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TMath.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;


THaBBShower::THaBBShower( const char* name, const char* description,
                         THaApparatus* apparatus ) :
THaPidDetector(name,description,apparatus), fNChan(NULL), fChanMap(NULL)
    // Constructor.
    fCoarseProcessed = 0;
    fFineProcessed = 0;

Int_t THaBBShower::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
    // Read this detector's parameters from the database file 'fi'.
    // This function is called by THaDetectorBase::Init() once at the
    // beginning of the analysis.
    // 'date' contains the date/time of the run being analyzed.

    static const char* const here = "ReadDatabase()";
    const int LEN = 100;
    char buf[LEN];
    Int_t nelem, ncols, nrows, nclbl;

    // clean out the old

    // Read data from database
    FILE* fi = OpenFile( date );
    if( !fi ) return kFileError;

    // Blocks, rows, max blocks per cluster
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );          
    fscanf ( fi, "%d%d", &ncols, &nrows );  

    nelem = ncols * nrows;
    nclbl = TMath::Min( 3, nrows ) * TMath::Min( 3, ncols );
    // Reinitialization only possible for same basic configuration 
    if( fIsInit && (nelem != fNelem || nclbl != fNclublk) ) {
        Error( Here(here), "Cannot re-initalize with different number of blocks or "
            "blocks per cluster. Detector not re-initialized." );
        return kInitError;

    if( nrows <= 0 || ncols <= 0 || nclbl <= 0 ) {
        Error( Here(here), "Illegal number of rows or columns: "
            "%d %d", nrows, ncols );
        return kInitError;
    fNelem = nelem;
    fNrows = nrows;
    fNcols = ncols;
    fNclublk = nclbl;

    // Clear out the old detector map before reading a new one
    UShort_t mapsize = fDetMap->GetSize();
    delete [] fNChan;
    if( fChanMap ) {
        for( UShort_t i = 0; i<mapsize; i++ )
            delete [] fChanMap[i];
    delete [] fChanMap;

    // Read detector map

    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    while (1) {
        Int_t crate, slot, first, last;
        fscanf ( fi,"%d%d%d%d", &crate, &slot, &first, &last );
        fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
        if( crate < 0 ) break;
        if( fDetMap->AddModule( crate, slot, first, last ) < 0 ) {
            Error( Here(here), "Too many DetMap modules (maximum allowed - %d).", 
            return kInitError;

    // Set up the new channel map
    mapsize = fDetMap->GetSize();
    if( mapsize == 0 ) {
        Error( Here(here), "No modules defined in detector map.");
        return kInitError;

    fNChan = new UShort_t[ mapsize ];
    fChanMap = new UShort_t*[ mapsize ];
    for( UShort_t i=0; i < mapsize; i++ ) {
        THaDetMap::Module* module = fDetMap->GetModule(i);
        fNChan[i] = module->hi - module->lo + 1;
        if( fNChan[i] > 0 )
            fChanMap[i] = new UShort_t[ fNChan[i] ];
        else {
            Error( Here(here), "No channels defined for module %d.", i);
            delete [] fNChan; fNChan = NULL;
            for( UShort_t j=0; j<i; j++ )
                delete [] fChanMap[j];
            delete [] fChanMap; fChanMap = NULL;
            return kInitError;
    // Read channel map
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    for ( UShort_t i = 0; i < mapsize; i++ ) {
        for ( UShort_t j = 0; j < fNChan[i]; j++ ) 
            fscanf (fi, "%hu", *(fChanMap+i)+j ); 
        fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );

    Float_t x,y,z;
    fscanf ( fi, "%f%f%f", &x, &y, &z );               // Detector's X,Y,Z coord
    fOrigin.SetXYZ( x, y, z );
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    fscanf ( fi, "%f%f%f", fSize, fSize+1, fSize+2 );  // Sizes of det in X,Y,Z
    fdZ = TMath::Abs(fSize[2]);
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );

    Float_t angle;
    fscanf ( fi, "%f", &angle );                       // Rotation angle of det
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    const Double_t degrad = TMath::Pi()/180.0;
    tan_angle = TMath::Tan(angle*degrad);
    sin_angle = TMath::Sin(angle*degrad);
    cos_angle = TMath::Cos(angle*degrad);


    // Dimension arrays
    if( !fIsInit ) {
        fBlockX = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fBlockY = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fPed    = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fGain   = new Float_t[ fNelem ];

        // Per-event data
        fA    = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fA_p  = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fA_c  = new Float_t[ fNelem ];
        fNblk = new Int_t[ fNclublk ];
        fEblk = new Float_t[ fNclublk ];

        fIsInit = true;

    fscanf ( fi, "%f%f", &x, &y );                     // Block 1 center position
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    Float_t dx, dy;
    fscanf ( fi, "%f%f", &dx, &dy );                   // Block spacings in x and y
    fdX = TMath::Abs(dx); 
    fdY = TMath::Abs(dy);
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    fscanf ( fi, "%f", &fEmin );                       // Emin thresh for center
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    fscanf ( fi, "%i", &fMaxNClust );                   // Max number of clusters
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );

    // Read calibrations.
    // Before doing this, search for any date tags that follow, and start reading from
    // the best matching tag if any are found. If none found, but we have a configuration
    // string, search for it.
    if( SeekDBdate( fi, date ) == 0 && fConfig.Length() > 0 && 
        SeekDBconfig( fi, fConfig.Data() ));

    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );  
    // Crude protection against a missed date/config tag
    if( buf[0] == '[' ) fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );

    // Read ADC pedestals and gains (in order of logical channel number)
    for (int j=0; j<fNelem; j++)
        fscanf (fi,"%f",fPed+j);
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );
    for (int j=0; j<fNelem; j++) 
        fscanf (fi, "%f",fGain+j);
    fgets ( buf, LEN, fi ); fgets ( buf, LEN, fi );  //new line added
    // Compute block positions and creates blocks array
    fBlkGrid = new THaBBShowerBlock**[fNrows];
    for (int i=0;i<fNrows;i++) fBlkGrid[i] = new THaBBShowerBlock*[fNcols];
    fClusters = new THaBBShowerCluster*[fMaxNClust];
    fBlocks = new THaBBShowerBlock*[fNelem];
    for( int c=0; c<ncols; c++ ) {
        for( int r=0; r<nrows; r++ ) {
            int k = nrows*c + r;
            fBlockX[k] = x + r*dx;                         // Units are meters
            fBlockY[k] = y + c*dy;
            THaBBShowerBlock* block = 
                new THaBBShowerBlock(fBlockX[k],fBlockY[k],fPed[k],fGain[k],r,c);

    fE = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    fE_c = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    fX = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    fY = new Float_t[fMaxNClust]; 
    //fXtarg = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    //fYtarg = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    //fZtarg = new Float_t[fMaxNClust];
    fMult = new Int_t[fMaxNClust];
    //Read parameters for correcting gain drop.
    fscanf ( fi, "%f%f%f", &gconst, &gslope, &acc_charge );  
    //    cout << "gconst : " << gconst << endl;
    //    cout << "gslope : " << gslope <<endl;
    //    cout << "acc_charge : " << acc_charge <<endl;


    //THaBBe *bb = dynamic_cast<THaBBe *> (GetApparatus());
    //if( bb )
    //    fDetToTarg = bb->GetDetectorToTarg();
    //    fDetOffset = bb->GetDetectorOffset();
    //    fDetToTarg.SetToIdentity();
    //    fDetOffset.SetXYZ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

    return kOK;

Int_t THaBBShower::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
    // Initialize global variables

    if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
    fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );

    // Register variables in global list

    RVarDef vars[] = {
        { "nhit",   "Number of hits",                     "fNhits" },
        { "a",      "Raw ADC amplitudes",                 "fA" },
        { "a_p",    "Ped-subtracted ADC amplitudes",      "fA_p" },
        { "a_c",    "Calibrated ADC amplitudes",          "fA_c" },
        { "asum_p", "Sum of ped-subtracted ADCs",         "fAsum_p" },
        { "asum_c", "Sum of calibrated ADCs",             "fAsum_c" },
        { "nclust", "Number of clusters",                 "fNclust" },
        { "e",      "Energy (MeV) of largest cluster",    "fE" },
        { "e_c",    "Corrected Energy (MeV) of largest cluster",    "fE_c" },
        { "x",      "x-position (m) of largest cluster", "fX" },
        { "y",      "y-position (m) of largest cluster", "fY" },
        //{ "targ.x", "x-position (m) of largest cluster in target coords", "fXtarg" },
        //{ "targ.y", "y-position (m) of largest cluster in target coords", "fYtarg" },
        //{ "targ.z", "z-position (m) of largest cluster in target coords", "fZtarg" },
        { "mult",   "Multiplicity of largest cluster",    "fMult" },
        { "nblk",   "Numbers of blocks in main cluster",  "fNblk" },
        { "eblk",   "Energies of blocks in main cluster", "fEblk" },
        //     { "trx",    "track x-position in det plane",      "fTRX" },
        //     { "try",    "track y-position in det plane",      "fTRY" },
        { 0 }
    return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );

    // Destructor. Removes internal arrays and global variables.

    if( fIsSetup )
    if( fIsInit )

void THaBBShower::DeleteArrays()
    // Delete member arrays. Internal function used by destructor.

    delete [] fNChan; fNChan = 0;
    UShort_t mapsize = fDetMap->GetSize();
    if( fChanMap ) {
        for( UShort_t i = 0; i<mapsize; i++ )
            delete [] fChanMap[i];
    delete [] fChanMap; fChanMap = 0;
    delete [] fBlockX;  fBlockX  = 0;
    delete [] fBlockY;  fBlockY  = 0;
    delete [] fPed;     fPed     = 0;
    delete [] fGain;    fGain    = 0;
    delete [] fA;       fA       = 0;
    delete [] fA_p;     fA_p     = 0;
    delete [] fA_c;     fA_c     = 0;
    delete [] fNblk;    fNblk    = 0;
    delete [] fEblk;    fEblk    = 0;
    delete [] fBlocks;  fBlocks  = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<fNrows;i++) {
        delete [] fBlkGrid[i]; fBlkGrid[i] = 0;
    delete [] fBlkGrid; fBlkGrid = 0;
    delete [] fClusters; fClusters = 0;
    delete [] fX; fX = 0;
    delete [] fY; fY = 0;
    //delete [] fXtarg; fXtarg = 0;
    //delete [] fYtarg; fYtarg = 0;
    //delete [] fZtarg; fZtarg = 0;
    delete [] fE; fE = 0;
    delete [] fE_c; fE_c = 0;
    delete [] fMult; fMult = 0;

void THaBBShower::ClearEvent()
    // Reset all local data to prepare for next event.

    fCoarseProcessed = 0;
    fFineProcessed = 0;

    const int lsh = fNelem*sizeof(Float_t);
    const int lshh = fMaxNClust*sizeof(Float_t);
    const int lsc = fNclublk*sizeof(Float_t);
    const int lsi = fNclublk*sizeof(Int_t);
    const int lsj = fMaxNClust*sizeof(Int_t);

    fNhits = 0;
    memset( fA, 0, lsh );
    memset( fA_p, 0, lsh );
    memset( fA_c, 0, lsh );
    memset( fE, 0, lshh );
    memset( fE_c, 0, lshh );
    memset( fX, 0, lshh );
    memset( fY, 0, lshh );
    //memset( fXtarg, 0, lshh );
    //memset( fYtarg, 0, lshh );
    //memset( fZtarg, 0, lshh );
    memset( fMult, 0, lsj );
    fAsum_p = 0.0;
    fAsum_c = 0.0;
    fNclust = 0;
    memset( fNblk, 0, lsi );
    memset( fEblk, 0, lsc );
    fTRX = 0.0;
    fTRY = 0.0;
    for (int i=0;i<fNelem;i++) 


Int_t THaBBShower::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
    // Decode shower data, scale the data to energy deposition
    // ( in MeV ), and copy the data into the following local data structure:
    // fNhits           -  Number of hits on shower;
    // fA[]             -  Array of ADC values of shower blocks;
    // fA_p[]           -  Array of ADC minus ped values of shower blocks;
    // fA_c[]           -  Array of corrected ADC values of shower blocks;
    // fAsum_p          -  Sum of shower blocks ADC minus pedestal values;
    // fAsum_c          -  Sum of shower blocks corrected ADC values;


    // Loop over all modules defined for shower detector
    for( UShort_t i = 0; i < fDetMap->GetSize(); i++ ) {
        THaDetMap::Module* d = fDetMap->GetModule( i );

        // Loop over all channels that have a hit.
        for( Int_t j = 0; j < evdata.GetNumChan( d->crate, d->slot ); j++) {

            Int_t chan = evdata.GetNextChan( d->crate, d->slot, j );
            if( chan > d->hi || chan < d->lo ) continue;    // Not one of my channels.

            // Get the data. shower blocks are assumed to have only single hit (hit=0)
            Int_t data = evdata.GetData( d->crate, d->slot, chan, 0 );

            // Copy the data to the local variables.
            Int_t k = *(*(fChanMap+i)+(chan-d->lo)) - 1;
            if( k<0 || k>=fNelem ) 
                Warning( Here("Decode()"), "Bad array index: %d. Your channel map is "
                "invalid. Data skipped.", k );
                fA[k]   = (Float_t)data;                   // ADC value
                fA_p[k] = data - fPed[k];         // ADC minus ped
                fA_c[k] = fA_p[k] * fGain[k];     // ADC corrected
                if( fA_p[k] > 0.0 )
                    fAsum_p += fA_p[k];             // Sum of ADC minus ped
                if( fA_c[k] > 0.0 )
                    fAsum_c += fA_c[k];             // Sum of ADC corrected

    if ( fDebug > 3 ) {
        printf("\nShower Detector %s:\n",GetPrefix());
        int ncol=3;
        for (int i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
            printf("  Block  ADC  ADC_p  ");

        for (int i=0; i<(fNelem+ncol-1)/ncol; i++ ) {
            for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
                int ind = c*fNelem/ncol+i;
                if (ind < fNelem) {
                    printf("  %3d  %5.0f  %5.0f  ",ind+1,fA[ind],fA_p[ind]);
                } else {
                    //	  printf("\n");

    return fNhits;

Int_t THaBBShower::CoarseProcess(TClonesArray& tracks)
    // Reconstruct Clusters in shower detector and copy the data 
    // into the following local data structure:
    // fNclust        -  Number of clusters in shower;
    // fE             -  Energy (in MeV) of the "main" cluster;
    // fX             -  X-coordinate (in cm) of the cluster;
    // fY             -  Y-coordinate (in cm) of the cluster;
    // fMult          -  Number of blocks in the cluster;
    // fNblk[0]...[5] -  Numbers of blocks composing the cluster;
    // fEblk[0]...[5] -  Energies in blocks composing the cluster;
    // fTRX;          -  X-coordinate of track cross point with shower plane
    // fTRY;          -  Y-coordinate of track cross point with shower plane

    if( fCoarseProcessed ) return 0;

    Int_t col, row;
    Int_t colmax=0, rowmax=0;
    Double_t  energy_prev = 0.0;

# if not defined(_WIN32)//Win32 compiler do not support variable as array size
    Double_t energyDep[fNcols][fNrows];
# else
    Double_t energyDep[100][100];
# endif

    Double_t energyTotal = 0.0;
    THaBBShowerCluster cluster(9);

    //  for( col = 0; col < fNcols; col++ )
    //     {
    //       for( row = 0; row < fNrows; row++ )
    // 	{
    // 	  energyDep[col][row] = 0.0;
    // 	}
    //     }

    //  cout << "Energy Deposition:" << endl <<"___________________________________________________" << endl;
    for( row = 0; row < fNrows; row++ )
        for( col = 0; col < fNcols; col++ )
            energyDep[col][row] = fA_c[BlockColRowToNumber(col,row)]; 

            //	  cout << energyDep[col][row] << " ";
            if( energyDep[col][row] < 0.0 ) 
                energyDep[col][row] = 0.0;
            energyTotal += energyDep[col][row];
        //      cout << endl;

    for( row = 0; row < fNrows; row++ )
        for( col = 0; col < fNcols; col++ )
                colmax = col;
                rowmax = row;

    //  cout <<"___________________________________________________" << endl;

    Int_t i, j, k=0;
    Double_t energyClusterTotal = 0.0;
    //  Double_t energyClusterGreatest = 0.0;

    Int_t clusterRow = 0;
    Int_t clusterCol = 0;

    //  for( row = 0; row < fNrows; row++ )
    //     {
    //       for( col = 0; col < fNcols; col++ )
    // 	{
    // 	  energyClusterTotal = 0.0;
    // 	  for( i = row-CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; i <= row+CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; i++ )
    // 	    {
    // 	      for( j = col-CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; j <= col+CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; j++)
    // 		{
    // 		  if( (i >= 0 && i < fNrows ) && ( j >=0 && j < fNcols ) ){   
    // 		    energyClusterTotal += energyDep[j][i];
    // 		  }
    // 		}
    // 	    }

    // 	  if( energyClusterTotal > energyClusterGreatest )
    // 	    {
    // 	      energyClusterGreatest = energyClusterTotal;
    // 	      clusterRow = row;
    // 	      clusterCol = col;
    // 	    }
    // 	}
    //     }
    energyClusterTotal = 0.0; 

    for( i = mnrow; i <= mxrow; i++ )
        for( j = mncol; j <= mxcol; j++)
            energyClusterTotal += energyDep[j][i];
            fEblk[k] = energyDep[j][i];

    //  cout <<"___________________________________________________" << endl;

    Double_t energyCluster = energyClusterTotal;
    Double_t X, Y;

    if( energyCluster < 0.0 ) return 0;

    //  cout << "Got a cluster!" << endl;
    X = fBlockX[BlockColRowToNumber(colmax, rowmax)];
    Y = fBlockY[BlockColRowToNumber(colmax, rowmax)];

    Double_t energyX = 0.0;
    Double_t energyY = 0.0;

    Int_t  blockcounter = 0;
    for( i = clusterRow-CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; i <= clusterRow + CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; i++ )
        for( j = clusterCol-CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; j <= clusterCol + CLUSTER_BLOCK_RADIUS; j++ )
            if( (i >= 0 && i < fNrows ) && ( j >=0 && j < fNcols ) )
                energyX += energyDep[j][i]*fBlockX[BlockColRowToNumber(j,i)];
                energyY += energyDep[j][i]*fBlockY[BlockColRowToNumber(j,i)];

                cluster.AddBlock( fBlocks[BlockColRowToNumber(j,i)] );

    //  cout << energyCluster << " " << energyX/energyCluster << " " << energyY/ energyCluster << " " << cluster.GetMult() << endl;

    cluster.SetE( energyCluster );
    //cluster.SetX( energyX/energyCluster );
    cluster.SetX( X+fOrigin.X() );
    cluster.SetY( Y+fOrigin.Y() );
    //cluster.SetY( energyY/energyCluster );


    //  cout << "Added - we now have " << fNclust << endl;

    fCoarseProcessed = 1;
    return 0;


Int_t THaBBShower::FineProcess(TClonesArray& tracks)

    if( fFineProcessed ) return 0;

    // Fine Shower processing.

    //   cout << endl << fNclust << " clusters " << GetName()  << endl;
    //   for (int i=0;i<fNclust;i++) {
    //     cout << setw(2) << i << setw(7) << setprecision(1) 
    // 	 << fClusters[i]->GetE() << setw(8) << setprecision(3) 
    // 	 << fClusters[i]->GetX() << setw(8) << fClusters[i]->GetY() 
    // 	 << setw(4) << fClusters[i]->GetMult() << endl;
    //   }

    TVector3 clusterpoint;

    for (int i=0;i<fNclust;i++) {
        //    cout << fClusters[i]->GetE() << " " << fClusters[i]->GetX() << " " << fClusters[i]->GetY() <<fClusters[i]->GetMult()  << endl; 
        fE[i] = fClusters[i]->GetE();
        fE_c[i] = fClusters[i]->GetE()*(gconst + gslope*acc_charge);
        fX[i] = fClusters[i]->GetX();
        fY[i] = fClusters[i]->GetY();
        fMult[i] = fClusters[i]->GetMult();

        //clusterpoint.SetXYZ( fX[i], fY[i], fOrigin.Z() );
        //clusterpoint = clusterpoint + fDetOffset;

        //fXtarg[i] = clusterpoint.X();
        //fYtarg[i] = clusterpoint.Y();
        //fZtarg[i] = clusterpoint.Z();
        //// We want the shower coordinates in target coordinates


    fFineProcessed = 1;
    return 0;


void THaBBShower::AddCluster(THaBBShowerCluster* clus) {

void THaBBShower::AddCluster(THaBBShowerCluster& clus) {

    fClusters[fNclust] = new THaBBShowerCluster(clus.GetNMaxBlocks());

void THaBBShower::RemoveCluster(int i) {
    for (int j=i;j<fNclust;j++) fClusters[j]=fClusters[j+1];

Int_t THaBBShower::BlockColRowToNumber( Int_t col, Int_t row )
    return col*fNrows + row;

void THaBBShower::LoadMCHitAt( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t E )
    fNclust = 0;
    fClusters[fNclust] = new THaBBShowerCluster(0);

    fE[fNclust] = fClusters[fNclust]->GetE();
    fX[fNclust] = fClusters[fNclust]->GetX();
    fY[fNclust] = fClusters[fNclust]->GetY();
    fMult[fNclust] = fClusters[fNclust]->GetMult();

Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:16 2009

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