#ifndef ROOT_THaBBShower
#define ROOT_THaBBShower

//                                                                           //
// THaBBShower                                                               //
//                                                                           //

#include "THaPidDetector.h"
#include "THaBBShowerCluster.h"
#include "TRotation.h"
#include "TVector3.h"

class THaBBShower : public THaPidDetector {

  THaBBShower( const char* name, const char* description = "",
	     THaApparatus* a = NULL );
  virtual ~THaBBShower();

  virtual Int_t      Decode( const THaEvData& );
  virtual Int_t      CoarseProcess(TClonesArray& tracks);
  virtual Int_t      FineProcess(TClonesArray& tracks);
          Int_t      GetNclust() const { return fNclust; }
          Int_t      GetNhits() const  { return fNhits; }
          Float_t    GetE(int i) const { return fE[i]; }
          Float_t    GetX(int i) const { return fX[i]; }
          Float_t    GetY(int i) const { return fY[i]; }

	  Int_t      GetNBlocks() { return (fNrows * fNcols);}
	  Float_t    GetBlockX( Int_t i )  { if(i < fNrows*fNcols) return fBlocks[i]->GetX(); else return 0.0;}
	  Float_t    GetBlockY( Int_t i )  { if(i < fNrows*fNcols) return fBlocks[i]->GetY(); else  return 0.0;}
	  Float_t    GetBlockdX()  {return fdX;}
	  Float_t    GetBlockdY()  {return fdY;}
	  Float_t    GetBlockdZ()  {return fdZ;}

	  Float_t    GetBlockA_c( Int_t i ) const { return fA_c[i]; }

	  Int_t    GetNRows() {return fNrows;}
	  Int_t    GetNCols() {return fNcols;}
	  Int_t    BlockColRowToNumber( Int_t col, Int_t row );

	  // Blocks should have a Z!!!
	  THaBBShowerCluster* GetClust(Int_t i) { return fClusters[i]; }
	  void       AddCluster(THaBBShowerCluster* clus);
	  void       RemoveCluster(int i);
	  void       AddCluster(THaBBShowerCluster& clus);

	  void       LoadMCHitAt( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t E );
  Bool_t fCoarseProcessed;
  Bool_t fFineProcessed;

  // Maximum number of clusters
  Int_t fMaxNClust;

  // Mapping (see also fDetMap)
  UShort_t*  fNChan;     // Number of channels for each module
  UShort_t** fChanMap;   // Logical channel numbers 

  // Configuration
  Int_t      fNclublk;   // Max. number of blocks composing a cluster
  Int_t      fNrows;     // Number of rows
  Int_t      fNcols;     // Number of columns

  // Geometry
  Float_t*   fBlockX;    // [fNelem] x positions (cm) of block centers
  Float_t*   fBlockY;    // [fNelem] y positions (cm) of block centers

  // Calibration
  Float_t*   fPed;       // [fNelem] Pedestals for each block
  Float_t*   fGain;      // [fNelem] Gains for each block

  //Gain correction 
   Float_t   gconst;     // const from gain correction 
   Float_t   gslope;     // slope for gain correction
   Float_t   acc_charge; // accumulated charge

  // Other parameters
  Float_t    fEmin;      // Minimum energy for a cluster center

  // Per-event data
  Int_t      fNhits;     // Number of hits
  Float_t*   fA;         // [fNelem] Array of ADC amplitudes of blocks
  Float_t*   fA_p;       // [fNelem] Array of ADC minus pedestal values of blocks
  Float_t*   fA_c;       // [fNelem] Array of corrected ADC amplitudes of blocks
  Float_t    fAsum_p;    // Sum of blocks ADC minus pedestal values
  Float_t    fAsum_c;    // Sum of blocks corrected ADC amplitudes
  Int_t      fNclust;    // Number of clusters
  Float_t*   fE;        // [fNClust] Energy (MeV) of clusters
  Float_t*   fX;        // [fNClust] x position (m) of clusters
  Float_t*   fY;        // [fNClust] y position (m) of clusters 
  //Float_t*   fXtarg;     // [fNClust] x position (m) of clusters in target coords
  //Float_t*   fYtarg;     // [fNClust] y position (m) of clusters in target coords
  //Float_t*   fZtarg;     // [fNClust] z position (m) of clusters in target coords
  Int_t*     fMult;      // [fNClust]  Number of blocks in main cluster
  Int_t*     fNblk;      // [fNclublk] Numbers of blocks composing main cluster
  Float_t*   fEblk;      // [fNclublk] Energies of blocks composing main cluster
  Float_t    fTRX;       // x position of track cross point
  Float_t    fTRY;       // y position of track cross point

  Float_t*   fE_c;        // [fNClust] Corrected Energy (MeV) of clusters
  Double_t   fdX;
  Double_t   fdY;
  Double_t   fdZ;

  THaBBShowerBlock** fBlocks; //[fNelem] Array of blocks
  THaBBShowerCluster** fClusters; //[fMaxNClust] 
  THaBBShowerBlock*** fBlkGrid; //[fNrows]

  //TRotation  fDetToTarg;
  //TVector3   fDetOffset;

  // Useful derived quantities for internal usage.

  Double_t tan_angle, sin_angle, cos_angle;

  void           ClearEvent();
  void           DeleteArrays();
  virtual Int_t  ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
  virtual Int_t  DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );
  ClassDef(THaBBShower,0)     //Generic shower detector class



Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:16 2009

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