#ifndef ROOT_TreeSearch_Hit
#define ROOT_TreeSearch_Hit

//                                                                           //
// TreeSearch::Hit                                                           //
//                                                                           //

#include "TimeToDistConv.h"
#include "WirePlane.h"
#include "TBits.h"
#include <utility> 
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

class TSeqCollection;
class TIterator;

namespace TreeSearch {

  class Road;
  extern const Double_t kBig;

  class Hit : public TObject {

    Hit() : fWirePlane(0) {}
      Hit( Int_t wnum, Double_t pos, Int_t tdc, Double_t time, Double_t res, Int_t spehit, WirePlane* wp ) :
      fWireNum(wnum), fRawTDC(tdc), fTime(time), fPos(pos), fPosL(pos), 
	fPosR(pos), fResolution(res), fspehit(spehit), fWirePlane(wp)
      , fCl(0), fMulti(0), fTdiff(0.0)
    { assert(fWirePlane); }
    // Default copy and assignment are fine
    //    Hit( const Hit& );
    //    Hit& operator=( const Hit& );
    virtual ~Hit() {}

    virtual Int_t Compare( const TObject* obj ) const;
    Int_t  Compare( const Hit* rhs, Double_t maxdist ) const;
    Bool_t IsSortable () const { return kTRUE; }
    virtual void Print( Option_t* opt="" ) const;
    Double_t ConvertTimeToDist( Double_t slope );

    Int_t    Isspecial() const{return fspehit;}
    Int_t    GetWireNum()    const { return fWireNum; }
    Double_t GetWirePos()    const { return fPos; }
    Double_t GetZ()          const;
    Double_t GetRawTDC()     const { return fRawTDC; }
    Double_t GetDriftTime()  const { return fTime; }
    Double_t GetDriftDist()  const { return fPosR-fPos; }
    Double_t GetPosL()       const { return fPosL; }
    Double_t GetPosR()       const { return fPosR; }
    Double_t GetResolution() const { return fResolution; }
    void     Shiftdis(Double_t shift);
    WirePlane* GetWirePlane() const { return fWirePlane; }
    UInt_t   GetPlaneNum()    const { return fWirePlane->GetPlaneNum(); }

    // Functor for ordering hits in sets
    struct WireNumLess : public std::binary_function< Hit*, Hit*, bool >
      bool operator() ( const Hit* a, const Hit* b ) const
	assert( a && b );
	if( a->GetWirePlane()->GetType() != b->GetWirePlane()->GetType() )
	  return (a->GetWirePlane()->GetType() < b->GetWirePlane()->GetType());
	if( a->GetPlaneNum() < b->GetPlaneNum() ) return true;
	if( a->GetPlaneNum() > b->GetPlaneNum() ) return false;
	if( a->GetWireNum()  < b->GetWireNum()  ) return true;
	if( a->GetWireNum()  > b->GetWireNum()  ) return false;
	return ( a->GetDriftTime() < b->GetDriftTime() );

    // Functor for comparing hits in HitSet::IsSimilarTo().
    // Identical to WireNumLess if fMaxDist = 0. If fMaxDist > 0, all hits
    // that are at most fMaxDist apart are equivalent.
    struct WireDistLess : public std::binary_function< Hit*, Hit*, bool >
      WireDistLess( Int_t maxdist ) : fMaxDist(maxdist) { assert(maxdist>=0); }
      bool operator() ( const Hit* a, const Hit* b ) const
	assert( a && b );
	if( a->GetWirePlane()->GetType() != b->GetWirePlane()->GetType() )
	  return (a->GetWirePlane()->GetType() < b->GetWirePlane()->GetType());
	if( a->GetPlaneNum() < b->GetPlaneNum() ) return true;
	if( a->GetPlaneNum() > b->GetPlaneNum() ) return false;
	if( a->GetWireNum() + fMaxDist < b->GetWireNum()  ) return true;
	if( fMaxDist > 0 ) return false;
	if( a->GetWireNum()  > b->GetWireNum()  ) return false;
	return ( a->GetDriftTime() < b->GetDriftTime() );
      Int_t GetMaxDist() const { return fMaxDist; }
      Int_t fMaxDist;      // Max allowed distance between hits in a cluster

    Int_t    fWireNum;     // Wire number
    Int_t    fRawTDC;      // Raw TDC value (channels)
    Double_t fTime;        // Hit time corrected for TDC offset (s)
    Double_t fPos;         // Wire position along plane axis (m)
    Double_t fPosL;        // fPos - raw drift distance (m)
    Double_t fPosR;        // fPos + raw drift distance (m)
    Double_t fResolution;  // Resolution of fPosR/fPosL (m)
    Int_t fspehit;
    WirePlane* fWirePlane; //! Pointer to parent wire plane

    Int_t    fCl;          // Neighboring wire also fired
    Int_t    fMulti;       // Additional hits present on same wire
    Double_t fTdiff;       // Time difference to previous multihit
    friend void WirePlane::CheckCrosstalk();

    ClassDef(Hit,1)        // Horizontal drift chamber hit

  // Monte Carlo hit class. Same as a hit plus the MC truth info.
  //TODO: Skeleton version - to be fleshed out

  class MCTrack;
  class MCHit : public Hit {

    MCHit() : fMCTrack(0) {}
      MCHit( Int_t wnum, Double_t pos, Int_t tdc, Double_t time, Double_t res, Int_t spehit,
	   WirePlane* wp, MCTrack* mctrk, Double_t mcpos )
	: Hit(wnum, pos, tdc, time, res, spehit, wp), fMCTrack(mctrk), fMCPos(mcpos) {}
    virtual ~MCHit() {}

    virtual void Print( Option_t* opt="" ) const;

    MCTrack* GetMCTrack() const { return fMCTrack; }
    Double_t GetMCPos()   const { return fMCPos; }

    MCTrack* fMCTrack;     // MC track generating this hit (0=noise hit)
    Double_t fMCPos;       // Exact MC track crossing position (m)

    ClassDef(MCHit,1)      // Monte Carlo hit in horizontal drift chamber

  // Utility class for iterating over one or two collections of hits.
  // Used for generating hit patterns. If two collections are given, they
  // are assumed to contain hits from adjacent planes with parallel 
  // (and usually staggered) wires, and hit pairs are returned for hits
  // whose positions are within 'maxdist' of each other.

  typedef std::pair<TObject*,TObject*> ObjPair_t;

  class HitPairIter {

    HitPairIter( const TSeqCollection* collA, const TSeqCollection* collB,
		 Double_t maxdist );
    HitPairIter( const HitPairIter& rhs );
    HitPairIter& operator=( const HitPairIter& rhs );
    virtual ~HitPairIter();

    const TSeqCollection* GetCollection( Int_t n=0 ) const 
    { return (n==0) ? fCollA : fCollB; }
    void Reset();

    // Iterator functions. 
    HitPairIter& Next();
    HitPairIter& operator++() { return Next(); }
    const HitPairIter operator++(int) {
      HitPairIter clone(*this);  Next();  return clone;
    // Current value. 
    ObjPair_t  operator()() const  { return fCurrent; }
    ObjPair_t& operator* ()        { return fCurrent; }
    // Comparisons
    bool operator==( const HitPairIter& rhs ) const { 
      return( fCollA == rhs.fCollA && fCollB == rhs.fCollB && 
	      fCurrent == rhs.fCurrent );
    bool operator!=( const HitPairIter& rhs ) const { return !(*this==rhs); }
    operator bool() const 
    { return (fCurrent.first != 0 || fCurrent.second != 0); }
    bool operator!() const { return !((bool)*this); }

    const TSeqCollection* fCollA;
    const TSeqCollection* fCollB;
    TIterator* fIterA;
    TIterator* fIterB;
    TIterator* fSaveIter;
    Hit* fSaveHit;
    Double_t fMaxDist;
    Bool_t fStarted;
    Bool_t fScanning;
    ObjPair_t fCurrent;
    ObjPair_t fNext;


    ClassDef(HitPairIter,0)  // Iterator over two lists of hits

  // Coordinate information derived from fitting hits in a wire plane.
  // A given raw Hit may be associated with any number of FitCoord objects.

  class FitCoord : public TObject {

    FitCoord( Hit* hit, Road* road, Double_t pos,
	      Double_t trkpos2d, Double_t trkslope2d,
	      Double_t trkpos, Double_t trkslope )
      : fHit(hit), fRoad(road), fPos(pos), fTrackPos(trkpos2d), 
	fTrackSlope(trkslope2d), f3DTrkPos(trkpos), f3DTrkSlope(trkslope),
	fFitRank(0) {}
    FitCoord() : fHit(0), fRoad(0) {} // For ROOT RTTI
    virtual ~FitCoord() {}

    Double_t  GetChi2()       const;
    Hit*      GetHit()        const { return fHit; }
    Road*     GetRoad()       const { return fRoad; }
    Double_t  GetPos()        const { return fPos; }
    Double_t  GetDriftTime()  const { return fHit ? fHit->GetDriftTime():kBig;}
    Double_t  GetDriftDist()  const { return fHit ? fHit->GetDriftDist():kBig;}
    Double_t  GetTrackPos()   const { return fTrackPos; }
    Double_t  GetTrackSlope() const { return fTrackSlope; }
    Double_t  GetTrackDist()  const 
    { return fHit ? fTrackPos-fHit->GetWirePos() : kBig; }
    Double_t  GetResidual()   const { return fHit ? fTrackPos-fPos : kBig; }
    Double_t  Get3DTrkPos()   const { return f3DTrkPos; }
    Double_t  Get3DTrkSlope() const { return f3DTrkSlope; }
    Double_t  Get3DTrkDist()  const 
    { return fHit ? f3DTrkPos-fHit->GetWirePos() : kBig; }
    Double_t  Get3DTrkResid() const { return fHit ? f3DTrkPos-fPos : kBig; }
    Int_t     GetWireNum()    const { return fHit ? fHit->GetWireNum() : -1; }
    Hit*      fHit;      // Decoded raw hit data
    Road*     fRoad;     // Road that created this fit
    Double_t  fPos;      // Uncorrected hit position (posL/R) used in fit (m)
    Double_t  fTrackPos; // Track crossing position from projection fit (m)
    Double_t  fTrackSlope; // Track slope from projection fit
    Double_t  f3DTrkPos; // Crossing position of fitted 3D track (m)
    Double_t  f3DTrkSlope; // Slope of fitted 3D track
    //TODO: add more members (for correction data etc)

    UInt_t    fFitRank;  // Fit rank by chi2 within the road (0 = best)

    ClassDef(FitCoord,1) // Coordinate information from road fit

  // Utility structure for storing sets of hits along with NodeDescriptors

  typedef std::set<Hit*,Hit::WireNumLess> Hset_t;
  struct HitSet {
    Hset_t  hits;          // Hits associated with a pattern
    UInt_t  plane_pattern; // Bit pattern of plane numbers occupied by hits
    UInt_t  nplanes;       // number of active planes
    mutable UInt_t used;   // Pattern has been assigned to a road

    HitSet() : plane_pattern(0), nplanes(0), used(0) {}
    virtual ~HitSet() {}
    static Bool_t CheckMatch( const Hset_t& hits, const TBits* bits );
    Bool_t        CheckMatch( const TBits* bits ) const;
    static UInt_t GetMatchValue( const Hset_t& hits );
    Bool_t        IsSimilarTo( const HitSet& tryset, Int_t maxdist=0 ) const;

    ClassDef(HitSet, 0)  // A set of hits associated with a pattern

  Int_t Hit::Compare( const TObject* obj ) const 
    // Used for sorting hits in a TSeqCollection (e.g. TList, TClonesArray).
    // A hit is "less than" another hit if its position is smaller.
    // Returns -1 if this is smaller than rhs, 0 if equal, +1 if greater.
    // Also, for hits on the same wire, the first hit on the wire (the one with
    // the smallest time) is "less than" one with a higher time.  If the hits
    // are sorted according to this scheme, they will be in order of increasing
    // wire number and, for each wire, will be in the order in which they hit
    // the wire

    const Hit* rhs = dynamic_cast<const Hit*>(obj);
    assert( rhs );
    assert( fWirePlane == rhs->fWirePlane );

    if( fPos  < rhs->fPos )  return -1;
    if( fPos  > rhs->fPos )  return  1;
    if( fTime < rhs->fTime ) return -1;
    if( fTime > rhs->fTime ) return  1;
    return 0;

  Int_t Hit::Compare( const Hit* rhs, Double_t maxdist ) const
    // Determine if two hits are within maxdist of each other.
    // Returns -1 if this<rhs, 0 if overlap, +1 if this>rhs.
    if( fPosR+maxdist < rhs->fPosL )
      // this hit is "smaller than" (to the left of) rhs
      return -1;
    if( rhs->fPosR+maxdist < fPosL )
      // this hit is "larger than" (to the right of) rhs
      return +1;
    // The hits overlap within the maxdist tolerance
    return 0;

  Bool_t HitSet::CheckMatch( const Hset_t& hits, const TBits* bits )
    // Check if the plane occupancy pattern of the given hits is marked as 
    // allowed in the given bitfield

    return bits->TestBitNumber( GetMatchValue(hits) );

  Bool_t HitSet::CheckMatch( const TBits* bits ) const
    // Check if the plane occupancy pattern of the hits in this hitset is
    // marked as allowed in the given bitfield

    assert( plane_pattern || hits.empty() );
    return bits->TestBitNumber(plane_pattern);

#ifdef VERBOSE
  void PrintHits( const Hset_t& hits )
    //  cout << hits.size() << " hits" << endl;
    for( Hset_t::reverse_iterator it = hits.rbegin(); it != hits.rend();
	 ++it ) {
      std::cout << " ";


} // end namespace TreeSearch


Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:18 2009

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