//*-- Author :    Ole Hansen, Jefferson Lab   07-Feb-2008

//                                                                           //
// TreeSearch::Hit                                                           //
//                                                                           //

#include "Road.h"
#include "TreeWalk.h"
#include "Projection.h"
#include "Hitpattern.h"
#include "Hit.h"
#include "WirePlane.h"
#include "Helper.h"

#include "TMath.h"
#include "TBits.h"
#include "TVector2.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <map>
#include <utility>

using namespace std;


namespace TreeSearch {

typedef Hset_t::iterator siter_t;
#define ALL(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()

// Number of points for polygon test
static const size_t kNcorner = 5;
static const UInt_t kMaxNhitCombos = 1000;

static inline
UInt_t GetOuterBits( UInt_t p )
  // Return the first and last set bits that are set in p
  static const char LogTable256[] = {
    0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
    4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
    5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
    5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
    6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
    6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
    6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
    6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
  UInt_t ret = 0;
  if( p != 0 ) {
    register UInt_t t, tt;
    if( (tt = p >> 16) )
      ret = 1U << ((t = tt >> 8) ? 24 + LogTable256[t] : 16 + LogTable256[tt]);
      ret = 1U << ((t = p >> 8) ? 8 + LogTable256[t] : LogTable256[p]);

    t = 1;
    while( (p & t) == 0 )
      t <<= 1;
    ret |= t;
  return ret;

// Private class for building a cluster of patterns
struct BuildInfo_t {
  HitSet            fCluster;      // Copy of start HitSet of the cluster
  vector< pair<UShort_t,UShort_t> > 
                    fLimits; // [nplanes] Min/max bin numbers in each plane
  UInt_t            fOuterBits;

  BuildInfo_t() : fOuterBits(0) {}
  BuildInfo_t( const Node_t& node )
    : fCluster(node.second), 
    // Construct from given start pattern/hitset
    const NodeDescriptor& nd = node.first;
    assert( fCluster.plane_pattern > 0 and fCluster.nplanes > 0 );
    UInt_t npl = nd.link->GetPattern()->GetNbits();
    fLimits.reserve( npl );
    for( UInt_t i = 0; i < npl; ++i )
      fLimits.push_back( make_pair(nd[i], nd[i]+1) );
  void ExpandWidth( const NodeDescriptor& nd ) {
    // Widen the bin ranges using the bins in the given pattern
    UInt_t npl = nd.link->GetPattern()->GetNbits();
    assert( fLimits.size() == npl or fLimits.empty() );
    if( fLimits.empty() )
      fLimits.assign( npl, make_pair(kMaxUShort, 0) );
    for( UInt_t i = npl; i; ) { --i;
      pair<UShort_t,UShort_t>& lim = fLimits[i];
      UInt_t bin = nd[i];
      if( bin < lim.first )
	lim.first = bin;
      if( bin+1 > lim.second )
	lim.second = bin+1;

// Helper functor for coordinate conversions
class GetBinX 
  : public unary_function< pair<Double_t,Double_t>, pair<UInt_t,UInt_t> >
  const Hitpattern* fHpat;
  explicit GetBinX( const Hitpattern* hpat ) : fHpat(hpat) {}
  pair<Double_t,Double_t> operator() ( const pair<UInt_t,UInt_t>& bin ) const
    // Get X coordinate of left edge of given bin
    Double_t lo = static_cast<Double_t>(bin.first) * fHpat->GetBinWidth() 
      - fHpat->GetOffset();
    Double_t hi = static_cast<Double_t>(bin.second) * fHpat->GetBinWidth() 
      - fHpat->GetOffset();
    return make_pair(lo,hi);

Road::Road( const Projection* proj ) 
  : TObject(), fProjection(proj), fZL(kBig), fZU(kBig), 
    fPos(kBig), fSlope(kBig), fChi2(kBig), fDof(kMaxUInt), fGood(true),
    fTrack(0), fBuild(0), fGrown(false)
  , fNfits(0)
  // Construct empty road

  assert(fProjection);  // Invalid Projection* pointer

  memset( fCornerX, 0, kNcorner*sizeof(Double_t) );
  fV[2] = fV[1] = fV[0] = kBig;
  fPoints.reserve( fProjection->GetNplanes() );
  fBuild = new BuildInfo_t;

Road::Road( const Node_t& nd, const Projection* proj )
  : TObject(), fPatterns(1,&nd), fProjection(proj), fZL(kBig), fZU(kBig),
    fPos(kBig), fSlope(kBig), fChi2(kBig), fDof(kMaxUInt), fGood(true),
    fTrack(0), fBuild(0), fGrown(true)
  , fNfits(0)
  // Construct from pattern

  assert( fProjection );   // Invalid Projection* pointer
  assert( CheckMatch(nd.second.hits) ); // Start pattern must be a good match

  memset( fCornerX, 0, kNcorner*sizeof(Double_t) );
  fV[2] = fV[1] = fV[0] = kBig;
  fPoints.reserve( fProjection->GetNplanes() );
  fBuild = new BuildInfo_t(nd);

#ifdef VERBOSE
  if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) {
    cout << "New Road:" << endl;

Road::Road( const Road& orig ) : 
  TObject(orig), fPatterns(orig.fPatterns), fHits(orig.fHits),
  , fNfits(orig.fNfits)
  // Copy constructor

  size_t nbytes = (char*)&fTrack - (char*)&fProjection + sizeof(fTrack);
  memcpy( &fProjection, &orig.fProjection, nbytes );
  CopyPointData( orig );

  if( orig.fBuild )
    fBuild = new BuildInfo_t( *orig.fBuild );
    fBuild = 0;


  Road::Road(Road& orig, Int_t i) : 
  TObject(orig), fPatterns(orig.fPatterns), fHits(orig.fHits),
  , fNfits(orig.fNfits)
  // Copy constructor

  size_t nbytes = (char*)&fTrack - (char*)&fProjection + sizeof(fTrack);
  memcpy( &fProjection, &orig.fProjection, nbytes );
  CopyPointData( orig );

  if( orig.fBuild )
    fBuild = new BuildInfo_t( *orig.fBuild );
    fBuild = 0;
  UInt_t last_np = kMaxUInt;

  const Road::Pvec_t& points = orig.GetCoordinate1();
  DeleteContainerOfContainers( fPoints );
  for (Road::Pvec_t::const_iterator it2 = points.begin();
       it2 != points.end(); ++it2){
    Road::Point* p = *it2;
    //cout << "\t" << p->z << "\t" << p->hit->GetPlaneNum()<<endl;
    Double_t z = p->z;
    UInt_t np = p->hit->GetPlaneNum();
    int i = (p->hit->GetDriftDist() == 0.0) ? 1 : 2;
    do {
      Double_t x = (--i != 0) ? p->hit->GetPosL() : p->hit->GetPosR();
      if( np != last_np ) {
	fPoints.push_back( Pvec_t() );
	last_np = np;
      fPoints.back().push_back( new Point(x, z, p->hit) );
    }while( i );
  vector<Pvec_t>::size_type npts = fPoints.size();
  Pvec_t selected;
  selected.reserve( npts );
  NthCombination( i, fPoints, selected );
  fFitCoord.swap( selected );
  // cout << "Collected:" << endl;
//   vector<Pvec_t>::reverse_iterator ipl = fPoints.rbegin();
//   for( UInt_t i = fProjection->GetNplanes(); i--; ) {
//     cout << " pl= " << i;
//     assert( ipl == fPoints.rend() or !(*ipl).empty() );
//     if( ipl == fPoints.rend() 
// 	or i != (*ipl).front()->hit->GetPlaneNum() ) {
//       if( fProjection->GetPlane(i)->IsCalibrating() )
// 	cout << " calibrating";
//       else
// 	cout << " missing";
//     }
//     else {
//       Double_t z = (*ipl).front()->z;
//       cout << " z=" << z << "\t x=";
//       for( Pvec_t::iterator it = (*ipl).begin(); it != (*ipl).end(); ++it ) {
// 	cout << " " << (*it)->x << " " <<(*it)->hit->GetWireNum();
// 	assert( (*it)->z == z );
//       }
//       ++ipl;
//     }
//     cout << endl;
//   }

Bool_t Road::IsSame(const Road& example)
    const Road::Pvec_t& points1 = GetPoints();
    const Road::Pvec_t& points2 = example.GetPoints();
    Road::Pvec_t::const_iterator it2 = points2.begin();
    for( Road::Pvec_t::const_iterator it1 = points1.begin(); it1 != points1.end(); ++it1 ) {
      //cout << (*it1)->hit->GetWireNum() << "\t" << (*it2)->hit->GetWireNum() << endl;
      if( (*it1)->hit->GetWireNum() != (*it2)->hit->GetWireNum()) return false;
    return true;

Road& Road::operator=( const Road& rhs )
  // Print hit info

  if( this != &rhs ) {

    fPatterns = rhs.fPatterns;
    fHits     = rhs.fHits;

    size_t nbytes = (char*)&fTrack - (char*)&fProjection + sizeof(fTrack);
    memcpy( &fProjection, &rhs.fProjection, nbytes );

    DeleteContainerOfContainers( fPoints );
    CopyPointData( rhs );

    delete fBuild;
    if( rhs.fBuild )
      fBuild = new BuildInfo_t( *rhs.fBuild );
      fBuild = 0;

    fGrown = rhs.fGrown;
    fNfits = rhs.fNfits;
  return *this;

  // Destructor

  DeleteContainerOfContainers( fPoints );
  delete fBuild;


void Road::CopyPointData( const Road& orig )
  // Copy fPoints and fFitCoord. Used by copy c'tor and assignment operator.
  // Creates actual copies of Points because they are managed by the Roads.

  if( orig.fPoints.empty() )
    assert( orig.fFitCoord.empty() ); // Can't have fit coord but no points :-/
  else {
    typedef map<Point*,Point*> Pmap_t;
    Pmap_t xref;
    fPoints.resize( orig.fPoints.size() );
    for( vector<Pvec_t>::size_type i = 0; i < orig.fPoints.size(); ++i ) {
      const Pvec_t& old_planepoints = orig.fPoints[i];
      fPoints[i].reserve( old_planepoints.size() );
      for( Pvec_t::const_iterator it = old_planepoints.begin(); it !=
	     old_planepoints.end(); ++it ) {
	Point* old_point = *it;
	Point* new_point = new Point( *old_point );
	fPoints[i].push_back( new_point );
	// It gets a bit tricky here: To be able to copy the fFitCoord, which
	// contain pointers to some of the Points in fPoints, we need to keep 
	// track of which old point was copied to which new point.
	  ins = xref.insert( make_pair(old_point,new_point) );
	assert( ins.second );  // Duplicate points should never occur

    // Copy fit coordinates (hits used in best fit)
    fFitCoord.reserve( orig.fFitCoord.size() );
    // The copied FitCoord must reference the corresponding copied Points
    for( Pvec_t::const_iterator it = orig.fFitCoord.begin(); it !=
	   orig.fFitCoord.end(); ++it ) {
      Point* old_point = *it;
      Pmap_t::iterator found = xref.find( old_point );
      assert( found != xref.end() );
      fFitCoord.push_back( (*found).second );
Bool_t Road::CheckMatch( const Hset_t& hits ) const
  // Return true if the hits from the given set either cover all planes
  // or, if planes are missing, the pattern of missing planes is allowed
  // (based on what level of matching the user requests via the database)

  return HitSet::CheckMatch( hits, fProjection->GetPlaneCombos() );

Bool_t Road::IsInBackRange( const NodeDescriptor& nd ) const
  assert( fBuild && !fBuild->fLimits.empty() );

  UInt_t bdist = fProjection->GetBinMaxDistB();

  return ( nd.End() + bdist >= fBuild->fLimits.back().first and
	   nd.End()         <  fBuild->fLimits.back().second + bdist );

Bool_t Road::IsInFrontRange( const NodeDescriptor& nd ) const
  assert( fBuild && !fBuild->fLimits.empty() );

  UInt_t fdist = fProjection->GetBinMaxDistF();

  return ( nd.Start() + fdist >= fBuild->fLimits.front().first and
	   nd.Start()         <  fBuild->fLimits.front().second + fdist );
Bool_t Road::Add( const Node_t& nd )
  // Check if the hits from the given NodeDescriptor pattern are common
  // with the common hit set already in this road. If so, add the pattern
  // to this road, update the common hits if necessary, and return true.
  // If not, do nothing and return false.
  // Adding can only be done so long as the road is not yet finished

  assert(fBuild);  // Add() after Finish() not allowed
  assert( fPatterns.empty() || IsInFrontRange(nd.first) );

  const HitSet& new_set  = nd.second;
  const Hset_t& new_hits = nd.second.hits;

#ifdef VERBOSE
  if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) {
    cout << "Adding:" << endl;

  // If hitdist > 0, roads will collect patterns not only identical hits,
  // but also nearby ones (at most hitdist wire numbers apart)
  UInt_t hitdist = fProjection->GetHitMaxDist();
  //cout << "abc" << hitdist << endl;
  if( fPatterns.empty() ) {
    // If this is the first pattern, initialize the cluster
    assert( CheckMatch(new_hits) );
    assert( new_set.nplanes > 0 && new_set.plane_pattern > 0 );
    fBuild->fCluster = new_set;
    fBuild->ExpandWidth( nd.first );
    fBuild->fOuterBits = GetOuterBits( fBuild->fCluster.plane_pattern );
    fGrown = true;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) {
      cout << "New cluster:" << endl;
      PrintHits( new_hits );
  else if( IsInBackRange(nd.first) and 
	   fBuild->fCluster.IsSimilarTo(new_set,hitdist) ) {
    // Accept this pattern if and only if it is a subset of the cluster
    // NB: IsSimilarTo() is a looser match than std::includes(). The new
    // pattern may have extra hits

    // If hitdist > 0, grow the cluster with possible new hits found
    if( hitdist > 0 ) {
      UInt_t outer_bits = fBuild->fOuterBits;
      for( siter_t it = new_hits.begin(); it != new_hits.end(); ++it ) {
	pair< siter_t, bool > ins = fBuild->fCluster.hits.insert(*it);
	if( ins.second and TESTBIT(outer_bits,(*it)->GetPlaneNum()) )
	  fGrown = true;
      // Growing clusters are expanded even for lower match levels
      // if they contain hits in the first and last active bins
      if( (outer_bits & new_set.plane_pattern) == outer_bits )
	fBuild->ExpandWidth( nd.first );
    // Expand the road width, but only for patterns of the same match level.
    // Patterns of lower match level can be artificially wide
    else if( new_set.nplanes == fBuild->fCluster.nplanes ) {
      fBuild->ExpandWidth( nd.first );
  else {
    // The pattern does not fit into this cluster
#ifdef VERBOSE
    if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 )
      cout << "Not a subset of this road" << endl;
    return false;

  // Save a pointer to the added pattern so we can update it later

#ifdef VERBOSE
  if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) 
    cout << "new npat = " << fPatterns.size() << endl;

  return true;

void Road::Finish()
  // Finish building the road

  assert(fBuild);   // Road must be incomplete to be able to Finish()
  for( list<const Node_t*>::iterator it = fPatterns.begin(); it !=
	 fPatterns.end(); ++it ) {
    (**it).second.used = 1;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) { 
      cout << "used pat = ";

  // Save the cluster hits. These are the hits that will be considered for
  // fitting later
  assert( fHits.empty() );
  fHits.swap( fBuild->fCluster.hits );

  // Calculate the corner coordinates fCornerX of a polygon with points in the
  // order LL (lower left), LR, UR, UL, LL, as needed by TMath::IsInside()

  // Convert the bin numbers of the left/right edges to physical coordinates
  vector< pair<Double_t,Double_t> > edgpos;
  UInt_t npl = fProjection->GetNplanes(), lastpl = npl-1;
  edgpos.reserve( npl );
  GetBinX binx( fProjection->GetHitpattern() ); // bin# -> position
  transform( ALL(fBuild->fLimits), back_inserter(edgpos), binx );
  // Define the road boundaries as the lines with the slope between the
  // front and back bins, shifted to the left/right to include fully the
  // left/rightmost bin. This may not be optimal, but it is fast, unambiguous,
  // and removes the bias towards the front/back bins.
  //cout << edgpos.front().first << "\t"<<  edgpos.front().second << "\t" << edgpos.back().first << "\t" << edgpos.back().second << "\t" << fProjection->GetType() << "\t" << fProjection->GetPlaneZ(lastpl) << endl;
  TVector2 LL( edgpos.front().first,  fProjection->GetPlaneZ(0) );
  TVector2 LR( edgpos.front().second, fProjection->GetPlaneZ(0) );
  TVector2 UL( edgpos.back().first,   fProjection->GetPlaneZ(lastpl) );
  TVector2 UR( edgpos.back().second,  fProjection->GetPlaneZ(lastpl) );

  Double_t slopeL = (UL.X() - LL.X()) / (UL.Y() - LL.Y());
  Double_t slopeR = (UR.X() - LR.X()) / (UR.Y() - LR.Y());
  Double_t maxdL = 0, maxdR = 0;
  for( UInt_t i = lastpl; i>1; ) { --i;
    Double_t z = fProjection->GetPlaneZ(i);
    // Crossing points in test plane (i) of the L/R front/back connections
    Double_t XL = UL.X() + slopeL * (z - UL.Y());
    Double_t XR = UR.X() + slopeR * (z - UR.Y());
    // Memorize the bins that stick out the most on left/right. Reuse UL/UR
    Double_t lpt = edgpos[i].first, rpt = edgpos[i].second;
    Double_t dL = lpt - XL, dR = rpt - XR;
    if( dL < maxdL ) {
      UL.Set( lpt, z );
      maxdL = dL;
    if( dR > maxdR ) {
      UR.Set( rpt, z );
      maxdR = dR;
  // Now UL and UR are points on the left and right road boundary, 
  // respectively. The boundaries share the common slope calculated above.
  // To compute the corners of the polygon, shift the z-positions of the first
  // and last planes down and up, respectively, by eps, so that the points 
  // on the planes are guaranteed to be included
  const Double_t eps = 1.e-3;
  fZL = fProjection->GetPlaneZ(0) - eps;
  fZU = fProjection->GetPlaneZ(lastpl) + eps;
 //  cout << lastpl << endl;
//   fZU = fProjection->GetPlaneZ(5) + eps;
  assert( fZL < fZU );

  fCornerX[0] = UL.X() + slopeL * (fZL - UL.Y());
  fCornerX[1] = UR.X() + slopeR * (fZL - UR.Y());
  fCornerX[2] = UR.X() + slopeR * (fZU - UR.Y());
  fCornerX[3] = UL.X() + slopeL * (fZU - UL.Y());
  fCornerX[4] = fCornerX[0];

  //cout << slopeL << "\t" << slopeR << endl;
  // cout << fProjection->GetType() << "\t" << fCornerX[0] << "\t" << fCornerX[1] << "\t" << fCornerX[2] << "\t" << fCornerX[3] << endl;

  assert( fCornerX[0] < fCornerX[1] );
  assert( fCornerX[3] < fCornerX[2] );

  // All done. Put the tools away
  delete fBuild; fBuild = 0;
  fGrown = false;


Bool_t Road::Include( const Road* other )
  // Check if this road includes 'other'. Either other's hits are a
  // subset of this road's hit set or other lies entirely within the
  // boundaries of this road.
  // If a match is found, adopt the other road (either widen boundaries
  // or adopt the other's hits)

  static const double eps = 1e-6;

  assert( other and !fBuild and fProjection == other->fProjection );

  if( includes(ALL(fHits), ALL(other->fHits), fHits.key_comp()) ) {
    // Widen the road bundaries
    fCornerX[0] = min( fCornerX[0], other->fCornerX[0] );
    fCornerX[1] = max( fCornerX[1], other->fCornerX[1] );
    fCornerX[2] = max( fCornerX[2], other->fCornerX[2] );
    fCornerX[3] = min( fCornerX[3], other->fCornerX[3] );
    fCornerX[4] = fCornerX[0];
    return true;

  if( TMath::Abs(fZL-other->fZL) < eps and
      TMath::Abs(fZU-other->fZU) < eps and
      fCornerX[0] < other->fCornerX[0] + eps and
      other->fCornerX[1] < fCornerX[1] + eps and
      fCornerX[3] < other->fCornerX[3] + eps and
      other->fCornerX[2] < fCornerX[2] + eps ) {
    fHits.insert( ALL(other->fHits) );
    return true;

  return false;

  UInt_t Road::GetNCoordinates()
    UInt_t n_combinations = accumulate( ALL(fPoints),
				      (UInt_t)1, SizeMul<Pvec_t>() );
     if( n_combinations > kMaxNhitCombos ) {
       return 0;
     return n_combinations;

  void Road::GetCoordinate(Int_t i)
    vector<Pvec_t>::size_type npts = fPoints.size();
    Pvec_t selected;
    selected.reserve( npts );
    NthCombination( i, fPoints, selected );
    assert( selected.size() == npts );
    ftempCoord.swap( selected );

Bool_t Road::CollectCoordinates()
  // Gather hit positions that lie within the Road area.
  // Return true if the plane occupancy pattern of the selected points 
  // is allowed by Projection::fPlaneCombos, otherwise false.
  // Results are in fPoints.

  DeleteContainerOfContainers( fPoints );

#ifdef VERBOSE
  if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) {
    cout << "Collecting coordinates from: (" << fPatterns.size() 
	 << " patterns)" << endl;
    PrintHits( fHits );
    cout << "Seed pattern: " << endl;
  Double_t zp[kNcorner] = { fZL, fZL, fZU, fZU, fZL };
  Bool_t good = true;

  // cout << fCornerX[0] << "\t" << fCornerX[1] << "\t" << fCornerX[2] << "\t" << fCornerX[3] << endl;
  // Collect the hit coordinates within this Road
  TBits planepattern;
  UInt_t last_np = kMaxUInt;
  for( siter_t it = fHits.begin(); it != fHits.end(); ++it ) {
    Hit* hit = const_cast<Hit*>(*it);
    // Skip all hits from planes in calibration mode - these are not fitted
    if( hit->GetWirePlane()->IsCalibrating())

    if (hit->GetWirePlane()->IsSpecial()){
      Double_t tempdis = (fCornerX[2]+fCornerX[3])/2. - hit->GetWirePos();
      if (tempdis>=hit->GetWirePlane()->GetResolution()*(-1.)&&tempdis<=hit->GetWirePlane()->GetResolution()){
    Double_t z = hit->GetZ();
    UInt_t np = hit->GetPlaneNum();
    // Prevent duplicate entries for hits with zero drift
    int i = (hit->GetDriftDist() == 0.0) ? 1 : 2;
    do {
      Double_t x = (--i != 0) ? hit->GetPosL() : hit->GetPosR();
      if( TMath::IsInside( x, z, kNcorner, &fCornerX[0], zp )) {
	// The hits are sorted by ascending plane number
	if( np != last_np ) {
	  fPoints.push_back( Pvec_t() );
	  last_np = np;
	fPoints.back().push_back( new Point(x, z, hit) );
    } while( i );
  // Check if this matchpattern is acceptable
  UInt_t patternvalue = 0;
  assert( planepattern.GetNbytes() <= sizeof(patternvalue) );
  planepattern.Get( &patternvalue );
  good = fProjection->GetPlaneCombos()->TestBitNumber(patternvalue)
    // Need at least MinFitPlanes planes for fitting
    and planepattern.CountBits() >= fProjection->GetMinFitPlanes();

  DeleteContainerOfContainers( fPoints );
  last_np = kMaxUInt;
  for( siter_t it = fHits.begin(); it != fHits.end(); ++it ) {
    Hit* hit = const_cast<Hit*>(*it);
    // Skip all hits from planes in calibration mode - these are not fitted
    if( hit->GetWirePlane()->IsCalibrating())
    if (hit->GetWirePlane()->IsSpecial())
    Double_t z = hit->GetZ();
    UInt_t np = hit->GetPlaneNum();
    // Prevent duplicate entries for hits with zero drift
    int i = (hit->GetDriftDist() == 0.0) ? 1 : 2;
    Int_t qflag=0;
    do {
      Double_t x = (--i != 0) ? hit->GetPosL() : hit->GetPosR();
      if( TMath::IsInside( x, z, kNcorner, &fCornerX[0], zp )) {
	// if( np != last_np ) {
// 	  fPoints.push_back( Pvec_t() );
// 	  planepattern.SetBitNumber(np);
// 	  last_np = np;
// 	}
// 	fPoints.back().push_back( new Point(x, z, hit) );
    } while( i );

    // The hits are sorted by ascending plane number
    if (qflag==1){
      int i = (hit->GetDriftDist() == 0.0) ? 1 : 1;
      do {
	Double_t x = (--i != 0) ? hit->GetPosL() : hit->GetPosR();
	if( np != last_np ) {
 	  fPoints.push_back( Pvec_t() );
 	  last_np = np;
 	fPoints.back().push_back( new Point(x, z, hit) );
      }while( i );

#ifdef VERBOSE
  if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) {
    cout << "Collected:" << endl;
    vector<Pvec_t>::reverse_iterator ipl = fPoints.rbegin();
    for( UInt_t i = fProjection->GetNplanes(); i--; ) {
      cout << " pl= " << i;
      assert( ipl == fPoints.rend() or !(*ipl).empty() );
      if( ipl == fPoints.rend() 
	  or i != (*ipl).front()->hit->GetPlaneNum() ) {
	if( fProjection->GetPlane(i)->IsCalibrating() )
	  cout << " calibrating";
	  cout << " missing";
      else {
	Double_t z = (*ipl).front()->z;
	cout << " z=" << z << "\t x=";
	for( Pvec_t::iterator it = (*ipl).begin(); it != (*ipl).end(); ++it ) {
	  cout << " " << (*it)->x << " " <<(*it)->hit->GetWireNum();
	  assert( (*it)->z == z );
      cout << endl;
    if( !good ) {
      cout << "REJECTED" << endl;

  return good;

Bool_t Road::Fit()
  // Collect hit positions within the Road limits and, if enough points
  // found, fit them to a straight line. If several points found in one
  // or more planes, fit all possible combinations of them.
  // Results of the best fit with acceptable chi2 (Projection::fChisqLimits)
  // are stored in the member variables

  //cout << fProjection->GetType() << "\t" << CollectCoordinates() << endl;
  if( !fGood )
    return false;

  if( fFitCoord.empty() )
    assert( fChi2 == kBig );
  else {
    fV[2]= fV[1] = fV[0] = fChi2 = fSlope = fPos = kBig;
    fDof = kMaxUInt;
  fGood = false;
  fNfits = 0;

  // Collect coordinates of hits that are within the width of the road
  //if( !CollectCoordinates() )
  //  return false;

  // Determine number of permutations
  //TODO: protect against overflow
  UInt_t n_combinations = accumulate( ALL(fPoints),
				      (UInt_t)1, SizeMul<Pvec_t>() );
  if( n_combinations > kMaxNhitCombos ) {
    // TODO: keep statistics
    return false;

  // Loop over all combinations of hits in the planes
  vector<Pvec_t>::size_type npts = fPoints.size();
  vector<Pvec_t>::size_type npts_final = npts;
  Pvec_t selected;
  selected.reserve( npts );
  fDof = npts-2;
  pdbl_t chi2_interval = fProjection->GetChisqLimits(fDof);
  vector<Double_t> w(npts);
  Pvec_t::size_type chi2_m1=100,chi2_m2=100;
  vector<Double_t> chi2_p(npts);
  vector<Double_t> S11_p(npts);
  vector<Double_t> S12_p(npts);
  vector<Double_t> S22_p(npts);
  vector<Double_t> G1_p(npts);
  vector<Double_t> G2_p(npts);	
  Double_t chi2;
 //  //cout << "Combination: " << "\t" << n_combinations << "\t" << npts << endl;
  for( UInt_t i = 0; i < n_combinations; ++i ) {
    NthCombination( i, fPoints, selected );
    assert( selected.size() == npts );
    for( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
      register Point* p = selected[j];
      register Double_t r = w[j] = 1.0 / ( p->res() * p->res() );
      S11_p[j] = r ;
      S12_p[j] =p->z * r;
      S22_p[j] =p->z * p->z * r;
      G1_p[j] =p->x * r;
      G2_p[j] =p->x * p->z * r;
      chi2_p[j] =0.;
    Double_t S11 = 0, S12 = 0, S22 = 0, G1 = 0, G2 = 0;
    chi2 = 0;
    for ( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
      S11 += S11_p[j];
      S12 += S12_p[j];
      S22 += S22_p[j];
      G1  += G1_p[j];
      G2  += G2_p[j];
    Double_t D   = S11*S22 - S12*S12;
    Double_t iD  = 1.0/D;
    Double_t a1  = (G1*S22 - G2*S12)*iD;  // Intercept
    Double_t a2  = (G2*S11 - G1*S12)*iD;  // Slope
    // Covariance matrix of the fitted parameters
    Double_t V[3] = { S22*iD, -S12*iD, S11*iD };
    Double_t max=0.;
    for( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
      register Point* p = selected[j];
      Double_t d = a1 + a2*p->z - p->x;
      chi2_p[j]=d*d * w[j];
      if (chi2_p[j]>max){
	max = chi2_p[j];
	chi2_m1 = j;
      chi2 += chi2_p[j];

    if( (chi2 < chi2_interval.first || chi2 > chi2_interval.second) && (npts_final>6-fProjection->GetMaxMiss())){
      //cout << chi2_m1 << "\t" << 5 << endl;
	S11 = 0, S12 = 0, S22 = 0, G1 = 0, G2 = 0;
	chi2 = 0;
	for ( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
	  S11 += S11_p[j];
	  S12 += S12_p[j];
	  S22 += S22_p[j];
	  G1  += G1_p[j];
	  G2  += G2_p[j];
	D   = S11*S22 - S12*S12;
	iD  = 1.0/D;
	a1  = (G1*S22 - G2*S12)*iD;  // Intercept
	a2  = (G2*S11 - G1*S12)*iD;  // Slope
	// Covariance matrix of the fitted parameters
	//V[3] = { S22*iD, -S12*iD, S11*iD };
	V[0] = S22*iD;
	V[1] = -S12*iD;
	V[2] = S11*iD;
	max = 0;
	for( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
	  register Point* p = selected[j];
	  Double_t d = a1 + a2*p->z - p->x;
	  chi2_p[j]=d*d * w[j];
	  chi2_p[chi2_m1] = 0.;
	  if (chi2_p[j]>max){
	    max = chi2_p[j];
	    chi2_m2 = j;
	  chi2 += chi2_p[j];
	chi2_interval = fProjection->GetChisqLimits(fDof-1);
	npts_final = npts-1;
    if( (chi2 < chi2_interval.first || chi2 > chi2_interval.second) &&(npts_final>6-fProjection->GetMaxMiss())){
      //cout << chi2_m2 << "\t" << 4 << endl;
      S11 = 0, S12 = 0, S22 = 0, G1 = 0, G2 = 0;
      chi2 = 0;
      for ( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
	S11 += S11_p[j];
	S12 += S12_p[j];
	S22 += S22_p[j];
	G1  += G1_p[j];
	G2  += G2_p[j];
      D   = S11*S22 - S12*S12;
      iD  = 1.0/D;
      a1  = (G1*S22 - G2*S12)*iD;  // Intercept
      a2  = (G2*S11 - G1*S12)*iD;  // Slope
      // Covariance matrix of the fitted parameters
      //V[3] = { S22*iD, -S12*iD, S11*iD };
      V[0] = S22*iD;
      V[1] = -S12*iD;
      V[2] = S11*iD;
      for( Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
	register Point* p = selected[j];
	Double_t d = a1 + a2*p->z - p->x;
	  chi2_p[j]=d*d * w[j];
	  chi2_p[chi2_m2] = 0.;
	  chi2 += chi2_p[j];
      chi2_interval = fProjection->GetChisqLimits(fDof-2);
      npts_final=npts -2;

#ifdef VERBOSE
    if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) 
      cout << "Fit:"
	   << " a1 = " << a1 << " (" << TMath::Sqrt(V[0]) << ")"
	   << " a2 = " << a2
	   << " chi2 = " << chi2
	   << " ndof = " << fDof
	   << endl;
    // Throw out Chi2's outside of selected confidence interval
    // NB: Obviously, this requires accurate hit resolutions
    //TODO: keep statistics
    //TODO: allow disabling of low cutoff via database switch
    if( chi2 < chi2_interval.first )
    if( chi2 > chi2_interval.second )
    Pvec_t selected_final;
    if (npts==npts_final){
      for (Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++){
    }else if (npts==npts_final+1){
      for (Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++){
	if (j!=chi2_m1) selected_final.push_back(selected[j]);
    }else {
      for (Pvec_t::size_type j = 0; j < npts; j++){
	if (j!=chi2_m1||j!=chi2_m2) selected_final.push_back(selected[j]);
    // Save the best fit results
    if( chi2 < fChi2 ) {
      fPos   = a1;
      fSlope = a2;
      fChi2  = chi2;
      memcpy( fV, V, 3*sizeof(Double_t) );
      // Save points used for this fit
      fGood = true;
#ifdef VERBOSE
      if( fProjection->GetDebug() > 3 ) cout << "ACCEPTED" << endl;

  }// for n_combinations
  // cout << "Fit:"
// 	   << " a1 = " << fPos
// 	   << " a2 = " << fSlope
// 	   << " chi2 = " << fChi2
// 	   << " ndof = " << fDof
// 	   << endl;

  return fGood;

TVector2 Road::Intersect( const Road* other, Double_t z ) const
  // Find intersection point in x/y coordinates of the best fit of this
  // road with the best fit of the other in the given z-plane.
  // Both roads must have a good fit and must be from different projections.
  // This function commutes, i.e. a->Intersect(b) == b->Intersect(a)

  assert(fGood && other->fGood);
  assert(fProjection->GetType() != other->fProjection->GetType());

  Double_t su = fProjection->GetSinAngle();
  Double_t cu = fProjection->GetCosAngle();
  Double_t sv = other->fProjection->GetSinAngle();
  Double_t cv = other->fProjection->GetCosAngle();
  // FIXME: this should be calculated only once
  Double_t inv_denom = 1.0/(sv*cu-su*cv);

  // Standard formulae for the intersection of non-orthogonal coordinates
  // (cf. THaVDCUVTrack.C)
  Double_t x = (GetPos(z) * sv - other->GetPos(z) * su) * inv_denom;
  Double_t y = (other->GetPos(z) * cu - GetPos(z) * cv) * inv_denom;
  return TVector2(x, y);

void Road::Print( Option_t* ) const
  // Print road info

  cout << "Road: " << fProjection->GetName() << " type, "
       << fHits.size() << " hits" << endl;
  cout << " TL = (" << fCornerX[3] << "," << fZU << ") "
       << " TR = (" << fCornerX[2] << "," << fZU << ")"
       << endl
       << " BL = (" << fCornerX[0] << "," << fZL << ") "
       << " BR = (" << fCornerX[1] << "," << fZL << ")"
       << endl;

  for( Hset_t::reverse_iterator it = fHits.rbegin(); it != fHits.rend();
       ++it ) {
    cout << " ";
  if( fGood ) {
    cout << " fitpos = " << fPos << " (" << TMath::Sqrt(fV[0]) << ")"
	 << " slope = " << fSlope
	 << " chi2 = " << fChi2
	 << " ndof = " << fDof
	 << endl;


} // end namespace TreeSearch

Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:19 2009

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