#ifndef ROOT_TreeSearch_TimeToDistConv
#define ROOT_TreeSearch_TimeToDistConv

//                                                                           //
// TreeSearch::TimeToDistConv                                                //
//                                                                           //
// Base class for algorithms for converting drift time to drift distance     //
//                                                                           //

#include "Rtypes.h"
#include <vector>

using std::vector;

namespace TreeSearch {

  extern const Double_t kBig;

  class TimeToDistConv {

    virtual ~TimeToDistConv() {}

    virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist( Double_t time, 
					Double_t slope ) const = 0;
            UInt_t   GetNparam() const { return fNparam; }
    virtual Double_t GetParameter( UInt_t ) const { return kBig; }
    virtual Int_t    SetParameters( const vector<double>& ) { return 0; }


    TimeToDistConv( UInt_t npar = 0 ) : fNparam(npar) {}
    TimeToDistConv( const TimeToDistConv& rhs ) : fNparam(rhs.fNparam) {}
    TimeToDistConv& operator=( const TimeToDistConv& rhs )
      if( this != &rhs ) {
	fNparam = rhs.fNparam;
      return *this;

    UInt_t  fNparam;    // Number of parameters

    ClassDef(TimeToDistConv,0)     // Drift time to diatance converter ABC

  // LinearTTD
  // Simple linear conversion of drift time (s) and drift distance (m).
  class LinearTTD : public TimeToDistConv {

    virtual ~LinearTTD() {}

    virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist( Double_t time, Double_t slope ) const;
    virtual Int_t    SetParameters( const vector<double>& param );

            Double_t GetDriftVel() const { return fDriftVel; }
    virtual Double_t GetParameter( UInt_t i ) const;


    Double_t fDriftVel;   // Drift velocity (m/s)

    ClassDef(LinearTTD,0)  // Linear drift time-to-distance converter

  // TanhFitTTD
  // Conversion of drift time (s) to distance using fit to tanh function
  class TanhFitTTD : public TimeToDistConv {

    virtual ~TanhFitTTD() {}

    virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist( Double_t time, Double_t slope ) const;
    virtual Double_t GetParameter( UInt_t i ) const;
    virtual Int_t    SetParameters( const vector<double>& param );


    Double_t fDriftVel;   // Drift velocity (m/s)
    Double_t fC0;         // c0 (m)
    Double_t fC2;         // c2 (m/s^2)
    Double_t fT0;         // t0 (s)
    Double_t fInvC0;      // 1/c0 (1/m) for efficiency

    ClassDef(TanhFitTTD,0)  // TanhFit drift time-to-distance converter

  // Pol2FitTTD
  // Conversion of drift time (s) to distance using fit to Pol2 function
  class Pol2FitTTD : public TimeToDistConv {

    virtual ~Pol2FitTTD() {}

    virtual Double_t ConvertTimeToDist( Double_t time, Double_t slope ) const;
    virtual Double_t GetParameter( UInt_t i ) const;
    virtual Int_t    SetParameters( const vector<double>& param );


    Double_t f1[14];
    ClassDef(Pol2FitTTD,0)  // Pol2Fit drift time-to-distance converter


}  // end namespace TreeSearch


Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:19 2009

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