#ifndef ROOT_TreeSearch_WirePlane
#define ROOT_TreeSearch_WirePlane

//                                                                           //
// TreeSearch::WirePlane                                                     //
//                                                                           //

#include "Types.h"
#include "THaSubDetector.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TVector2.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>

using std::vector;
using std::string;

class TVector2;

namespace TreeSearch {

  class TimeToDistConv;
  class Projection;
  class MWDC;
  class Hit;
  class FitCoord;
  extern const Double_t kBig;

  class WirePlane : public THaSubDetector {

    WirePlane( const char* name, const char* description = "", 
	       THaDetectorBase* parent = 0 );
    WirePlane() : fSpecial(0),fPartner(0), fProjection(0), fMWDC(0), fTTDConv(0),
      fHits(0), fFitCoords(0){} // For ROOT RTTI
    virtual ~WirePlane();

    virtual void    Clear( Option_t* opt="" );
    virtual Int_t   Decode( const THaEvData& );
    virtual EStatus Init( const TDatime& date );
    virtual void    Print( Option_t* opt="" ) const;

//     virtual Int_t   Compare ( const TObject* obj ) const;
//     virtual Bool_t  IsSortable () const { return kTRUE; }

    FitCoord*       AddFitCoord( const FitCoord& coord );
    Bool_t          Contains( Double_t x, Double_t y ) const;
    Bool_t          Contains( const TVector2& point ) const;
    void            EnableCalibration( Bool_t enable = true );
    EProjType       GetType()        const { return fType; }
    Double_t        GetZ()           const { return fOrigin.Z(); }
    Projection*     GetProjection()  const { return fProjection; }
    WirePlane*      GetPartner()     const { return fPartner; }
    void            SetPartner( WirePlane* p );
    MWDC*           GetMWDC()        const { return fMWDC; }
    Double_t        GetResolution()  const { return fResolution; }
    Double_t        GetMaxSlope()    const; 
    Double_t        GetWireStart()   const { return fWireStart+fCoordOffset; }
    Double_t        GetWireSpacing() const { return fWireSpacing; }
    virtual Double_t GetMaxLRdist()  const { return GetWireSpacing(); }

    TimeToDistConv* GetTTDConv()     const { return fTTDConv; }

    TSeqCollection* GetHits()        const { return fHits; }
    Int_t           GetNhits()       const { return fHits->GetLast()+1; }
    TSeqCollection* GetCoords()      const { return fFitCoords; }
    Int_t           GetNcoords()     const { return fFitCoords->GetLast()+1; }
    UInt_t          GetPlaneNum()    const { return fPlaneNum; }
    void            SetSpecial(UInt_t temp);
    UInt_t          IsSpecial()    const { return fSpecial; }
    Bool_t          IsCalibrating()  const { return TestBit(kCalibrating); }
    Bool_t          IsRequired()     const;

    void            SetPlaneNum( UInt_t n ) { fPlaneNum = n; }
    void            SetProjection( Projection* p );
    void            SetRequired( Bool_t enable = true );
    void            CheckCrosstalk();

    // Helper functors for STL algorithms...
    struct ZIsLess
      : public std::binary_function< WirePlane*, WirePlane*, bool >
      bool operator() ( const WirePlane* a, const WirePlane* b ) const
      { assert(a&&b); return ( a->GetZ() < b->GetZ() ); }

    class NameEquals : public std::unary_function< WirePlane*, bool > {
      NameEquals( const char* s ) : name(s?s:"") {}
      bool operator() ( const WirePlane* wp ) const
      { assert(wp); return ( name == wp->GetName() ); }
      string name;


    // Geometry, configuration
    UInt_t      fSpecial;
    UInt_t      fPlaneNum;     // Ordinal of this plane within its projection
    EProjType   fType;         // Plane type (x,y,u,v)
    Double_t    fWireStart;    // Position of 1st wire (along wire coord) (m)
    Double_t    fWireSpacing;  // Wire spacing (assumed constant) (m)
    Double_t    fCoordOffset;  // Wire coord offset wrt MWDC due to fOrigin
    WirePlane*  fPartner;      //! Partner plane (usually with staggered wires)
    Projection* fProjection;   //! The projection that we belong to
    MWDC*       fMWDC;         //! Our parent detector

    // Parameters, calibration, flags

    Double_t    fResolution;   // Drift distance resolution (sigma) (m)
    Double_t    fMinTime;      // Minimum drift time for a hit (s)
    Double_t    fMaxTime;      // Maximum drift time for a hit (s)
    Double_t    ftimeoffset; // time offset (ns)
    UInt_t      fMaxHits;      // Maximum # hits before flagging decode error

    TimeToDistConv* fTTDConv;   // Drift time->distance converter
    vector<float>   fTDCOffset; // [fNelem] TDC offsets for each wire
    vector<float>   fWireOffset; // [fNelem] TDC offsets for each wire

    // Event data, hits etc.

    TClonesArray*   fHits;      // Hit data
    TClonesArray*   fFitCoords; // Hit coordinates used by good fits in roads

    UInt_t          fNmiss;     // Statistics: Decoder channel misses
    UInt_t          fNrej;      // Statistics: Rejected hits
    Int_t           fWasSorted; // Statistics: hits were sorted (0/1)
    UInt_t          fNhitwires; // Statistics: wires with one or more hits
    UInt_t          fNmultihit; // Statistics: wires with multiple hits
    UInt_t          fNmaxmul;   // Statistics: largest num hits on any wire
    UInt_t          fNcl;       // Statistics: number of hit "clusters"
    UInt_t          fNdbl;      // Statistics: num wires with neighboring hits
    UInt_t          fClsiz;     // Statistics: max cluster size

    virtual Int_t ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date );
    virtual Int_t DefineVariables( EMode mode = kDefine );

    // Bits for WirePlanes
    enum {
      kIsRequired  = BIT(14), // Tracks must have a hit in this plane
      kCalibrating = BIT(15)  // Plane in calibration mode (implies !required)

    ClassDef(WirePlane,0)      // One MWDC wire plane

  Bool_t WirePlane::Contains( Double_t x, Double_t y ) const
    // Check if the given point is within the active area of this wire plane.
    // Coordinates are relative to the MWDC origin. Time-critical, may be
    // be called O(1e5) per event

    //TODO: allow for (small) rotation due to misalignment?

    return ( TMath::Abs( x-fOrigin.X() ) < fSize[0] and
	     TMath::Abs( y-fOrigin.Y() ) < fSize[1] );

  Bool_t WirePlane::Contains( const TVector2& point ) const
    // Same as Contains(x,y), but using a TVector2 as input

    return Contains( point.X(), point.Y() );

  void WirePlane::EnableCalibration( Bool_t enable )
    // Enable/disable calibration mode flag

    SetBit( kCalibrating, enable );
  Bool_t WirePlane::IsRequired() const
    return ( not IsCalibrating() and TestBit(kIsRequired) );

  void WirePlane::SetRequired( Bool_t enable )
    // Enable/disable calibration mode flag

    SetBit( kIsRequired, enable );
  void WirePlane::SetSpecial( UInt_t temp )
    // Enable/disable calibration mode flag

    fSpecial = temp;

} // end namespace TreeSearch


Last update: Tue Jul 7 19:26:19 2009

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